"Today is all about what's under the tree", she said.
Oh. Right. It'd been awhile since the last Christmas and I kinda forgot that's how it works. I was also so worried about the missing bacon that I totally didn't notice all the stuff underneath the tree just waiting to be ripped open.

I had two #1 favorite eatables: REAL bacon chips from Payton and Bacon Popcorn from Boka + Miley. Yes. Bacon Popcorn. My human promised to make us REAL bacon chip cookies and I have big plans for the Bacon Pop. If I can wait until 2012 to eat it.
I hope everyone's holiday was just as awesome as mine. Sorry I haven't been commenting back lately - my human hijacked the thumbs so I've only been able to comment in my head. Right now she's making a stupid video for some 1000 Pugs Kickstarter thing and is totally freaking out about being on the wrong side of Nikon. No idea. But it should all be over soon and then I'll be back 100%.
Maybe I should have asked Santa to bring me thumbs for Christmas instead of a new nose fold?
Puglet, that is totally awesome!
Puglet, with your Mom's Nikon loving you the way it does, leave well enough alone. You need neither thumbs or a nose fold! Your Mom is taking VERY good care of you! Really!
Even though you arent commenting back, the awesome photos and funny blog are enough :)
~ Frankie from Seattle
Doing the Snoopy dance that you had a very good Christmasl full of bacony food.
You don't need a nose fold...it would ruin your good looks. Thumbs may or not be a good idea.
Pug, thumbs can be overrated... If you had thumbs, you may be extepcted to clean up after yourself or help out with stuff. More trouble than they're worth, really.
Belated Merry Christmas to you and yours, pug! Yay! Bacon! We had a nice Christmas, but I'm glad the excitement has died down. It really put a damper on my napping!
Tell your humom that there are bacon things in the wireless catalog. They have lights, a scarf and a t-shirt that says "Bacon is like meat candy"
Puglet, sounds and looks like you had a great Christmas! It's all good that you haven't been commenting back...I think we all understand how busy it's been at the Casa...so, be cool, we know you are there and we can wait for any comments, no worries! And please tell Dutch I said hello!
Puglet your perfect with or without nose folds and thumbs!
BACON makes everything perfect.
hows about sharing some of that bacon Pug? I've never had any...mom says she doesn't eat pig and she doesn't cook, which is a crappy combo! Not even my orbs get her...how do you get your mom to do it??
Bacon in cookies...zip a dee doo dah! Our mom makes our cookies and she promised the next batch will have bacon instead of banana...
We can hardly wait !!
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
Oooh bacon cookies! Wow you could add sausage, mushrooms and toms and it would be like a full English Brekkie Cookie! Ronnie and Ivy are drawling at the thought!
Aunti christina got me bacon popcorn too! :) i know it said 1/3 of package for each 10 lbs, but i think 1 pkg =obi sized! Enjoy puglet!
A sparkling bacon ornament!? Pawesome! Mom got something similar, a sparkling pickle ornament! We must speak to her about getting us a bacon ornament. Or maybe even a PIZZA ornament! Omd!
Happy Howl-idays Pug!
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
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