Life is good.
Before I do or say anything else this week, my human says I have to announce some 1000 Pugs stuff so you get the inside scoop.
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It's SYOP time again and this month's theme is "Warm + Fuzzy". You know, hats, mittens, scarves... pugs!
There are rules, please follow them:
1. a winter hat, scarf, glove or mitten MUST appear in the photo.
2. pugs are not required to wear the winter wearables. They can chew on, play with, pee on them - whatever. But a hat, scarf, glove or mitten must be in your picture.
3. one photo per pug (if you have 3 pugs, you can have 3 photos)
Please don't make me delete anyone for not playing by the rules!
Enter your photos from Dec 21 - 31 on the 1000 Pugs facebook thing. Don't worry - when Dec 21st comes, I'm sure my human will make me tell you about it again. Winner will get a bag of PUG GUMMIES and a $25 gift certificate for some very cool eatables from Polka Dog Bakery.
Rules are the same for non-pugs, except you'll send your pictures to me. Dutch will pick the winner and a prize.
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OK, I know it's my job as ambassador/supermodel to do things I don't want to do. But I totally don't think it's fair that other pugs don't have to WEAR the winter wearables. I mean... hat AND gloves?
I also have some dates for the 1000 Pugs tour. Details about registration and stuff will be posted on the 1000 Pugs website + facebook this week, so if you think you have questions, please wait for these updates. My human promises to answer all of your questions but this is MY FREAKING BLOG and there's only so much 1000 Pugs I can take, y'know?
I guess the East Coast + Canada is still in, uh, flux. But here's a sneak peek are the rest. Rumor has it I get to go, on a plane (!), to a few of the places. But I'll believe that when I'm flying!
Dallas > Mar 9 - 12
Atlanta > Apr 13 - 16
Miami > Apr 20 - 23
Milwaukee > May 18 - 21
Minneapolis > May 11 - 14
Portland > June 8 - 12
Seattle > June 15 - 18
San Francisco/Bay Area > ongoing, starting in January
Trying to add one day in Chicago (May 16th) but not 100% on that yet. NY, NJ, Boston + Toronto will be in the fall (September/October).
Love the picture, Pug!! Boy, have we got the winter wearables covered!! Truth is, Mochi and I are both decked out in sweaters right now!! All we have to do is add our scarves. Just a normal day for us cold puggies in an office trailer. *sigh*
LOVE YOUR PICTURE, PUGLET!!!! You always look so good.
So, I was wondering if I could make a ju ju request. This weekend mommy caught Daisy's tail in the door AND CUT THE END OFF!!!!!!! It was super scary and she had to go to the hospital and have surgery where they amputated four inches off the end, and stay over night. It was so awful, and the worst part is that now she has a tail cast and has to wear THE CONE. :(
Thanks Puglet!
At least your sweaters + scarves are COOL. I mean, the stupid hat has PINK on it. And ears. Why would a hat need ears??
Awwwww. Pepper, that is scary! My human caught Dutch's tail in the door once and he made the scariest noise I've ever heard. And his tail didn't even bleed.
MAJOR JUJU to Daisy! And her tail. AND your mom because I bet the whole thing really freaked her out.
We LOVE today's picture Pug!!!!!!!!!!!!! what we don't like is "one photo per pug (if you have 3 pugs, you can have 3 photos" rule :( It means horror x 3, but our mom is HAPPY :) kisses Polish Trio :)
P.S. We are also happy that your Human bug is gone :)
Can we come meet Puglet even if we don't have a pug of our own (yet)? That is if he makes it to our location. That is also likely only my humans, I'm to much of a scardy to go to Pug Fest.
Can we just say we're waving our hand/paw that you make a personal appearance to the Boston shindig? PLEEEEEEEEEZZZZZE???
Glad to hear your human is better, flu bugs are no good. And we're sending a ton of ~~~juju~~~ to poor Daisy and her family.
Meredith & Scarlet
Love your winter photo Pug! This is going to be a fun contest...up until it is time to pose. I hate that stuff so I'm hoping my mom will just let me chew on her gloves. We'll see.
Major juju to Daisy and her mom!
PS. CHICAGO, CHICAGO, CHICAGO!!! Pug, you just have to come because I have a feeling that my docs are going to nix my RV road trip to the west coast!
you look freaking adorable in today's picture! Not that you don't normally...but today looked like extra cuteness!
Woo-hoo!!! SYOP and 1k news! YAY!!! So exciting.
Pug on a plane.
Better than snakes on a plane!! LOL!
Oh, I must get a camera!!!!! My three pugs would LOVE IT!!!! The piture today is TOOOOO CUTE!!!! :o)
holy cow your coming to toronto!!!
My dog gregory isnt a pug (hes a bulldog) but maybe we can still meet you
Oh! And we are sending fat polish juju Daisy way!! And some licks for Daisy Human, our mom said that thing like this would break her heart:( feel bettrer soon Daisy and Daisy mom! :( Pucia would also need some juju, but Daisy need it more! Hugs from Polish Trio
Poor Daisy. Hopefully her tail heals quickly. I have to feel bad for her momma too, I would feel horrible if I did that to one of my pugs. Sending Daisy some juju.
Wow Puglet,
I sure do hope that you end up flying over here :)
Horror x3 :)
Even though I had to wear a hat (TWICE!) nobody else *has* to. My human says this isn't supposed to be a Torture Your Own Pug contest, so the wearing part is optional.
Uh. Think I need to speak with a lawyer. Even supermodel ambassadors have rights, right??
Hey George Brown ~
I understand. Dutch is a scaredy too. I still don't 100% believe I'm going on a plane. But if I do get to fly, I'm 99% it will be to Pug Fest, the East Coast and Portland/Seattle.
My human is going to be working most of the time, but Nikon is taking the day off on Pug Fest Day.
This is supet nice of you Pug! But don't worry we got used to it:) It happens every single day with or without contest BUT it makes our mom super happy, so we are happy to (kinda) :)
Heya M+S!
Shhhhh. Please don't say the word Boston. I kinda think it's why the East Coast (+ Canada) is in flux.
If I really do get to go on a plane to the East Coast, I know I'm staying with my cousin Sophie in NJ. But that's all I know. My human will be really busy shooting OTHER pugs with MY Nikon, so there won't be much shin-digging for her.... and we all know what will happen if I go to work with her.
YES - everybody get your cameras! And don't forget cookies. LOTS and LOTS of cookies. I say 2x the cookies if any sort of headwear is involved.
Hiya Payton
Glove-chewing is totally allowed. According to the SYOP rules, anyway. Don't get too excited though, gloves are NOT tasty.
All I know for sure about Chicago is my human will be in Milwaukee and Milwaukee isn't too too far from Chicago. Wisconsin RV trip??
Hi Gregory!
I don't know if I will get to see Canada, but I did meet the crazy-nice dude who's planning things there. We ran into him on our street a few months ago and he totally knew me and Dutch (hi Larry!). How awesomely random is that??
Anyway. Even if I don't get to go, my human is SUPERexcited about Toronto.
We will be seeing you in ATL even though it's Friday the 13th for the first date there. Can't wait to get some pictures of our pug Frank and budgeting to get pics done of a couple of rescues! I'm hoping I can put "Pug Wrangler" on my resume after that weekend!
Awww, Stacey - that's awesome. I think my human has a thing for pugs named Frank :0
Can't wait to see you in Texas Puglet! you'll love the weather (hopefully)... have fun flying...
Hey Puglet
First JUJU to Daisy for the lopping off of her tail yikes..can't even imagine.
There was so much info your note our mom got overload but not to worry we'll get our pug pictures with our houtcouture (sp) to you as soon as she finds the camera.
As for plane rides.. Emmitt had a terrible experience last year, he didn't like being stuffed into a crate and then shoved under a seat. Mom said he panted so hard he smelled, the entire experience put mom over the edge, and her edge is short.
Pics coming soon just wish you could visit San Antonio.
Ellie, Emmit and Eli aka 3E'S
Hey Pug! Sorry I've been MIA, but the 'rents went on vacation without me and I was staying with Grandma-she's not so good on the computer. Anyways....tough break on the hat. I have a bad feeling mom is going to stuff me in something for you SYOP thing...I might chew it up so that she won't be successful. If I were you I'd totally run for the hills my man.
CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO! we would be so honored to have you in our city! please come!!
Mocha, Latte, and Katie
Hey Puglet! You are one cute dude with that hat on...don't care what ya say about it. And, all I can think about right now is when 1000 Pugs is coming to the Big D! Uh, sounds like you won't be coming tho and that bums me out but still excited about the whole thing!
Juju out to Daisy...that is awful about her tail!
Hi Pug,
I'm so excited, road trip to Dallas! Plus Arnie & Gracie said my Mom & I can stay with them. My bags are already packed.
If you need any flying advice, I'm your gal. I'm flying again at Christmas. It's a piece of cake.
Poor Daisy, hope your tail is feeling better!
Our mom had that stomach bug too, it's hitting the east & west coasts! But we enjoyed having her home & sitting on her lap helping her to get better. Nuttin better then good old pug lovin!! Glad you are feeling better too.
Frodo, Molly & Cleo
OMG! Puglet, I just love love love that hat! Mom made me wear one with antlers on today. Dad thinks I was tortured...he's afraid to come home. Who knows what Mom will make him wear!
Jackson in PA
Please please please Chicago! Is there anything we can do to help you out with this? We attend a lot of Chicago pug events :)
Super Christmas magic juju being sent to Daisy for a speedy recovery to this awful tail, errr ..... tale.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Some tail healing juju to Daisy from me! Hope your mom is feeling better, too.
AW, thanks JSPs + Ollie :)
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