A little SNAFU called Rancid Bacon Grease.
Uhm, yeah. If you've never heard of Rancid Bacon Grease, I guess it's bacon's evil twin or something. And I mean EVIL.
We found a great big yogurt container full of it on our neighbor's porch. Actually Dutch did, which is why he got the most sick, but I did get to try some. It wasn't as good as regular bacon, but it was pretty tasty. Dutch went nuts over it though. Ate the whole entire tub before my human came outside and caught him with his snout covered in the stuff.
At first I was super mad about not having a snout that can reach the bottom of a yogurt tub... but then Dutch started shaking real bad and whining and acting all funny. And I don't mean ha-ha funny.
My human *definitely* wasn't ha-ha'ing. It was 2am and she needed to be sleeping, not going to the ER because Dutch stuffed his snout with a tub of rancid bacon. So she decided to make him, uhm, give the bacon grease back. Y'know, like all over the kitchen floor.
Talk about nasty!! Made me REALLY glad I only got a taste of bacon's evil twin.
I wanted to take pictures so you all could see the SNAFU that robbed me of my bacon, but my human said no freaking way was she taking pictures of puke. I do know it took 2 entire rolls of paper towels to clean it up though. At 3am.
All is better now, except everyone at Casa de Puglet is really tired. My human is grumpy and fighting with some 1000 Pugs calendar SNAFU - I'm napping with Dutch on the couch, trying to figure out what I'm going to spend my money on now that bacon is a bad word here at the Casa.
Poor Dutch! If he needs some extra TLC, say from his pug sorta female girlfriend...say the word and I'm on my way!
Can I just say Pug, your back fat looks especially yummy in that picture. Remind me to bite it next time we meet.
Until then, give Dutch a kiss from me, a big sloppy hermaphroditic kiss.
Poor Dutch. I'm sending major Juju to him. There is nothing worse than spoiled food. Pug you'll figure out what to spend your money on, just don't rush! Give Dutch some TLC from me.
Your bu Grumpy
Awww. I think you need a flock of golden chickens. They make everything better!
Oh Dutch!!! Get better. I'm glad to see you are taking care of him Puglet!!!!Now give your human some snuggles so she can be not grumpy!!!
Oh my! Poor Dutch... sounds like a horrible night - that is, after eating the stuff! Lucky you, Puglet, for the pug snout! Get some sleep!
Oh boy, poor Dutch. We asked our mom what *rancid* means she said it means sick bad sick. JUJU coming your way Dutch, drink water lots of water.
Puglet, nice of you to snuggle with Dutch... see you really do love him.
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli.
PS..when you spend your loot keep away from pork products..just in case !
Okay, I will ask the question that is really on everyone's mind - why was there a tub on rancid bacon grease on your neighbor's porch? Isn't that was the trash bin is for? I mean. . . it is almost as if he was BAITING you or something.
Poor Dutchie and poor Puglet. And Poor human. I hope you all feel better tomorrow.
Love Noodles
Wow, Dutch sure is lucky your human knows how to make him uh, give stuff back. A 2am trip to the emergency vet wouldn't be very much fun for anyone. And it may cause your human to start talking about selling a kidney again.
Good tummy JuJu coming Dutch's way.
What on earth was rancid bacon grease doing on your neighbor's porch??? That's what I want to know...weird
Geeez Pug!!! POOR, POOR Dutch!!!! POOR, POOR Human!!!!! I don't know what would be worse. Puking or having to clean it up. All I can say is NASTY!!!!! We're sending some JUJU to ALL of you!!! We hope Dutch is feeling better and we hope you ALL get some REALLY, REALLY good rest today!!!
Benny and Emi
P.S. LOVE the snuggle shot of you and Dutch ;)
What?!? I thought bacon was our friend! This is such a betrayal! Well, I'm glad that Dutch is on the mend, but we'll send up some prayers for him just in case. Keep up the snuggling, Pug.
Noodles (& everyone else who's wondering) ~
My human wondered the same thing. She didn't even know what was in the tub, except that it smelled so bad she couldn't sit in the same room with Dutch after he ate it without feeling pukey. I think her exact words were:
"GROSS! That smells like {HBO word} death!"
Anyway. She almost called our neighbor at 2am to find out what was in the tub, but once Dutch yakked all over the kitchen he was fine so they talked today. It went like this >
HUMAN: uhm, the dogs got into a yogurt tub in the backyard last night. It smelled like death, any idea what was in it?
NEIGHBOR: oooh! Nasty rancid bacon grease! It was so gross, we put it... out... side. Oh no. They ate it??
It's half my human's fault because she didn't bring the garbage cans in from the curb until late in the day. My neighbor couldn't throw the RBG away, so they just left it on the porch.
That was THURSDAY and the RBG was already rancid or whatever. My human is surprised Dutch lived.
Oh noes! Poor Dutchie! Mommy said that her before dog, Claire, once ate rancid sushi. It was too delicious not to go into the garbage for apparently. That was when she learnt that dogs CAN get food poisoned. I guess it was awful. New carpet + diarrhea = bad news. Mommy feels bad for all you guys. Having a sick puppy sucks. I've never been poisoned, but one time I ate a chocolate cake out of the garbage and mommy threw a fit. I had to go to the hospital, and they made me throw it all up. It wasn't fun.
Hopefully you guys are feeling better and get some sleep! Juju from the great white tundra (It's -38. Not sure what that is in American, but it's [HBO word] cold!!!).
Bacon causing tummy troubles, so not good at all! Get some rest & hope you feel better soon Dutch.
You are a good brother, keep a close eye on him.
How sweet you look comforting Brother Dutch with you leg around him. We are sending tummy juju & peaceful energy your way for everyone at Casa de Puglet. Hasn't Dutch ate a rancid something before? Anyway, tomorrow will be a better day. Many hugs & kisses.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Still...that's freaky.
Reason #35 to *not* eat bacon...except for pugs...gross!!
Oh no! That sounds like a true disaster. There is one thing worse than a sick puppy, that is a sick puppy in the middle of the night. At least that's what my mom says. Looks like you are taking good care of Dutch, give home a little love from us.
Make that a 75lb sick puppy. The *entire* kitchen floor was covered in stinky RBG puke.
that's definitely worse than my bits of boiled chicken that I upchucked today!!!!!
So sorry Dutch and Human. What an icky night.
Poor Dutch. I hope his tummy is feeling better. Luv, Meatball
Oh, we hope both you and Dutch feel much better now. Your poor momma.
Ah, pug snout comes in handy! Hope you and Dutch are feeling better and your human isn't so grumpy now. Our mom also gets upset when we eat things we aren't supposed to. Opal likes to eat rocks and poop. I'm pretty good at not eating foreign objects so mostly my mom gets upset with Opal!
Ugh......Not fun at ALL.....ESPECIALLY at 3am....
Hope Dutch feels better soon and soooo glad you didn't get to much of that yucky grease.....
Buford T. Justice, and the Pack O' Pugs
Hey Pug...how did your Momma get Dutch to barf up the RBG? Just wondering bc I had some tummy troubles for the last two days and didn't want to eat. I think if I had barfed, I would have felt better...but we have no grass to eat in our backyard, if you what I mean! After calling the vet, my Momma cooked up some boiled chicken and rice for me to eat. I think I am back to normal, but how awful for sweet Dutch :(
If the answer is too gross, do not tell me,
Eddie the Pug
for Dutch - Juju coming from Maine. for puglet, 4 words....BACON IN A CAN! Yes, you read that right. It's all cooked and stuffed in a can. You just heat it a little in the microwave. No grease to go rancid! You can find it on-line.
Can you make duck confit with bacon grease?? I am just sayin'.....
Still kinda weird about your neighbors leaving that there, knowing about your dogs and all...poor Dutch
I hate to hear any bad news coming from Casa de Puglet but at least the puking is over and everyone is ok.
Though now you have to buy something extra nice for Dutch to make up for being sick. A pink cupcake might cheer him up a bit.
I think you're human might need a little pick me up too but I don't think she's a drinker or a pink cupcake eater. Maybe a pug/dalmation cuddle will work.
Aw, sorry you're stomach isn't happy. That happens to me when I eat too many rocks :(
You don't want your mom to do what mine did to Dutch. Trust me. But for anyone who wants to know...
Hydrogen Peroxide will make dogs puke [technical term: induce vomiting]. It's just the normal 3% stuff in the brown bottle, like you get at Walgreens or wherever. DON'T use any crazy hair peroxide, it's too strong. It doesn't take much, unless you're big like Dutch.
The dose is 5ml/10lbs of dog. 5ml is one teaspoon, but it helps to have one of those syringey things (minus the needle) to measure and squirt with.
My human says you should NOT do the magic puke trick if whatever went down could get stuck on the way back up. Y'know, stuff like socks or sticks. Because that could be bad.
Bacon in a CAN??? Do I need thumbs for that?
OMG...how horrible...poor Dutch. I can't even imagine it and don't think I want to think or say the word bacaon for awhile! I hope all is better today!
Chang from Chicago said...
I once decided that cakes of rat poison were yummy. Fortunately, my human has a bottle of something called Ipecac. A spoonful of that stuff and I was giving back a lot!
We told our human about your story, she thanked us for being good pugs that never get in the garbage. She also pointed out there are a lot of dogs out there that just bacon (even in its pristine form) can make really, really sick, her dog before us had that problem. No problems with anything we have ever eaten!
Hope Dutch is feeling better!
Pug, you're such a good brother to Dutch, cuddling with him like that ~ even if he did turn the kitchen into a barfatorium...
Yeah, rancid bacon grease is not so awesome. Scarlet still thinks fresh bacon is. So does her Daddy.
Scarlet & Meredith
Poor Dutch! For once that short snout we have came in handy and saved you from getting sick Puglet! Sorry Dutch messed up your shopping spree but very glad he is OK. Thank your Mom for me for NOT posting those pics!
oh, i am so sorry dutch got sick.i
i hope someone nicely told the neigbor to hold up on leaving empty bacon grease on har steps. i think i will always remember that now., not that i cook a lot of bacon anywAy. Bellatrix, that is funny he ha
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