Normal = no scary Lupus.
Now, the not-so-good news. The magic prednisone didn't make my human's hand any better. Neither did the benedryl that put her into a coma for most of yesterday. Google is convinced it's an infection or something called cellulitis, so my human asked the HV for antibiotics. The HV said no because her white blood cells are happy and said the next step is IV prednisone, not antibiotics.
My human didn't like this plan. Especially since Google's doctors say you can totally have this cellulitis thing and still have happy white blood cells. But she couldn't get an appointment with a different vet until Monday, so last night she pulled a total MacGuyver and took medicine into her own, uh, hands.
She used the blue gloves that were supposed to make prednisone cream work better to make an overnight hand sauna filled with antibiotic goo. She also took some pills left over from my honking cough because Google's doctors says they're the exact same stuff real doctors give people with infected hands.
I'm probably not supposed to be telling you any of this because it totally makes my human sound like a nutjob, but the real life doctors weren't helping and she kinda needs her hand to shoot pugs tomorrow. My friend Tiffy's mom says desperate times call for desperate measures and I'm pretty sure that's why my human is acting like a crazy person.
What's even crazier is my human's hand is more than halfway better now. Seriously. Her Nikon finger still isn't 100% happy, but it's way better than it was and other ones don't look like snausages anymore. She called the HV's office and told them pug drugs totally helped and asked if she could please have some antibiotics now.
They put her on hold for a long time, then gave her a special appointment with a Skin Vet today at 11:00. Will keep you posted....
* * * Skin Vet update * * *

The SV isn't 100% sure what the heck is going on with the hand, but he's mostly sure it's an allergic reaction (technical term: contact dermatitis) with the beginnings of an infection. He said the prednisone my human took wasn't enough to help a pug, so he gave her more of that. The cream the HV gave her was also the wrong kind, so now she has 2 creams.
My human was kinda afraid what the SV would say about her Google diagnosis & taking pug drugs, but he agreed with Google and said antibiotics are a good idea with this kind of thing because it can spread into your blood and really make things bad. He laughed (and kinda winced) about the pug drugs part, so now my human has her own antibiotic pills the size of China.
The SV told my human to rest, ice and glove-sauna her hand for the rest of the day, so she's pulling the plug on my thumb access. But I can still read, even without her stupid thumbs.
your human rocks!!! Pug!!!! Like seriously!!!!!! Her talents are endless and amazing!!! so happy for her and her hands!!!! You show them a thing or two thumbs!!!!! LOL!!!!
My word is: --> scruen
sounds eerily similar to "screw em" don't ya think?!?!?!
Coincidence?!?! I THINK NOT!!!
Oh Puglet!
I'm so happy that you're human is getting back to normal! My mom told me she had the same issue BP (Before pugs). They thought she had Lupus too. I didn't want to say anything because it's not a fun thing to have. Anyway, my mom's doctors did all these tests and nothing either! She was on all these pills and still puffy (she had hers all over not just the thumbs). She'd be puffy for a few days then back to normal.
She thought she'd have to live with it, but she changed jobs (apparently she worked with not so smart people that yelled HBO words at her every day) and the puffy attacks went away!
Turns out that her puffies are "stress related" maybe your humans are the same way. I'm sure shooting 999 pugs that aren't 'Puglet' can be very stressful.
My mommy did say having cuddle sessions with me relieves some of her stress, but you're not coming to NJ until later this Spring/Summer - so I suggest giving your human some cuddles!
Wow, the power of the Juju! Our human says you were lucky to get into a skin vet so fast, it usually takes months! Still sending you gobs of juju and the powers of the pugs.
Puglet, I'm glad that your human's hands are better, but why were there leftover pug-pills?
Not to get on a soapbox, but it's very important that people AND pugs finish their antibiotics. If we don't, we help make the bad bugs worse!
HUGE props to your human!
OOh Puglet, I'm a pharmacist and can't officially agree with your human, but my word is "strust" which I think is a short form for "trust yo'self). Glad she was able to figure out what was wrong and start to get better. And mostly that she was able to get the Hand Vet to take her seriously!
i totally don't think that's crazy. i woke up one day with a really swollen thumb and about a week later i was at the doctor and the swollen area broke and there was puss involved. they swabbed and i had a staph infection. i think i had a spider bite. they put me on antibiotics stat and never once even mentioned white blood cells (happy or not happy)...
What a turn around your human's hand made overnight!!! Way to go. Definitely could be stress related due to all the 1000pug drama.
Love Noodles
Keeping the Juju cap on just in case.
Wow! Call her Dr. Thumb! Happy to hear something is working and her Nikon finger looks so much better. Still sending juju to Casa Puglet for Thumbs!
Pug drugs rock! Hand vets......... Well, I'm glad Dr. Macguyver was able to sort things out. Your human is pretty gusty lady.
I had cellultis on my hand once and it swelled up big and turned red and took several trips to the human vet, some super strong antibiotics and a shot of antibiotics in the backside to make my hand better. I bet the hand vet your human saw is just embarrased that he was outsmarted by GOOGLE.
I'm so happy for you and your person! I have to say, my mommy's mommy (my grandma) would totally do what you did. I'm glad it worked out I hope that further healing is in the near future!
Oh Pug. That HV should have asked Dr. House. Then he would know - "It's never lupus!"
Since your human took Pug drugs, is she going to start liking bacon?
Scarlet & Meredith
P.S. we're keeping up the good ~~~juju~~~ dance for good measure :) plus, it's fun.
Hand is looking better, way to go for being creative!!
Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo
Puglet!! Man, your human is so smart...don't think mine would've thought to do any of that stuff. So glad it worked and she seems to be better! Don't ya just love how the doctors don't know anything? It is so sad...glad we have Google!!!
I heard humans giving dogs human meds, but never a human taking pug meds.... your humans is either crazy or genius!! Can't tell which one as of yet... hope her man hand gets back to woman hand soon.
Sending more juju for the weekend.
What a story! Dr. MacGuyver is right! Hope the appointment today goes really well and someone figures this out (besides Google) to put an end to the red, puffiness once and for all! Do keep us posted. And like Noodles said, we'll keep the prayers coming just in case, and I'll also slip in one about bacon. For your sake Pug, I hope Scarlet's theory is right! Hehee!
Sooo many vets!
Hope things return to normal at Casa de Puglet soon!
Thank God it isn't lupus! That's what I was afraid of when I told you to see an immunologist doc yesterday!!!! So I'm glad the juju and the home treatments worked! I am usually a wait and see type of gal on the antibiotics, but when a hand is THAT swollen with no apparent reason, and the auto-immune tests come back normal...it might be time to see if a course of them can clear that up regardless of what the blood cell tests look like!!! just sayin'.... You really have to be your own advocate with docs sometimes, so never feel ashamed to question them! That is why it is called the PRACTICE of medicine!
Hilarious. I seriously love your human. So glad her macgyver invention worked. and maybe you WILL be lucky enough for her to start liking bacon after the pug drugs. I totall wish I had been in the room when she called the hv and told thm pug drugs helped. hahahahah!
fraun and tater and luh and Chichi
Hi Pug,
So glad the SV was more helpful. Hope the juju & meds make the China hand return to normal size.
Super glad the hand is almost back to normal!! Good thing you have a super friend like Google to help your human out in this kind of thing.
Power to the paw for all the juju that the pugs sent!!
I'm sure Noodles hat was the super juju that released all the power!!
Paula from DE
So glad your thumbs took things into their own hands. My mom is a firm believer in the concept that you know best what your body is doing. Kudos to the SV! Best wishes from me, Maxi, Sam and my mom.
Smooches, LittleDog
Seriously awesome news!!! What a relief that its an infection and not something long term!! I hope that your human actually referred to what she took at pug drugs at the skin vet:)
Lots and lots of pug love!!
Good thing, to rest the thumbs and hand. On another note, Puglet, have you heard about this dog Uggie? Apparently he's an actor and getting accolades for his performance. He's even nominated for two Golden Collar awards. And he won the Palm Dog award in Cannes Film Festival. Just wondering if that will ever be you! Here's to dogs everywhere!
YAY!! Very good news, thanks for the update! Pug, tell your human to rest up and do something fun with you and Dutch. She needs to de-stress and stay away from whatever the allergic thing is. Hope it's not food!
PS. My word was "subdoc"...funny...
Is there nothing Pug Pills won't cure? Your momma is very smart. What makes me think Kaiser was involved? Showed that doctor, who obviously needs some patient lessons!
Glad it's working and I hope Nikon finger is back soon!
Sooo glad to hear the good news! See you both tomorrow morning for the photo shoot:)
Gettin' ready for my close up,
Eddie the Pug
my mom has to use clobetisol on her head cuz she's got something called psoriasis. its strong steroid stuff so hopefully puffy hand continues to depuff with the glove technique. prednisone is good if its an all over issue but i'm glad this new SV decided a cream would help more. its a more direct approach if it is contact dermatitis.
SOOOO Glad your human is on the mend!!!!! (our human has taken Pug drugs before and yes, they did help....)
Good for the SV to listen and give her the right meds needed to help...
Have a GREAT DAY tomorrow!!!!!
Buford T. Justice and the Pack O' Pugs and a Boston.....
Your mom is very smart- to try pug medicine- why not!
I want to hear that she keeps getting better!
Great news Pug!!! Hope that with China size pills your Human will get her regular hand soon. Our moms also loves Dr Google and try to be Dr. macguyver (it was our Grannie favorite series haha) sometimes:) but she asks Dr Google first, then go to "real" Dr. Tell him what is the problem and what kind of medicine she needs. Her Dr isn't super happy with her and always gives her THAT look:) anyway it's great your Human feels better, and we wish you all super nice weekend!! Hugs PT
If they're good enough for Pugs, they must be good enough for humans!
Thanks for update! Very happy to hear things are improving and will keep sending juju and checking your blog for updates. You and Dutch keep up with the lovin' and snuggles- almost as good as juju, steroids and pug drugs!!
So glad to hear it is better! Now we are all just going to pray she doesn't start the pug screaming or begging for belly rubs....
You've got one smart human there. Glad everything is going in the right direction...some extra hand juju going out to help her get to 100% that much faster.
Be careful with the stress load. It can do some really nasty things to you (as my human knows all too well)!
WOW! So the "power of the pug" extends to their drugs as well. Geeesh .... what a wild, weird experience. Well we're still sending magic juju and puggle prayers to keep things moving in a positive direction for your Mom. Take care of her, dude.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those JSP's
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