I don't know what happened at the HV, exactly, but I do know it wasn't good. My human said the dude looked at her hand, said like 10 words and spent the rest of the time typing on the computer.
My human was *convinced* the HV was asking Google questions about her hand, so she asked if there's some sort of special Google for doctors. The HV said he wasn't asking Google questions, he was ordering tests. Lots and lots of tests. And xrays. And special doctors. He didn't really explain why, just said that what's going on with my human's hand isn't a bite, infection or allergy. But it is "very unusual" so they need more information.
Of course my human didn't like this answer and said she wanted more information. But the HV didn't really give her any. He said we won't know anything until the tests come back. She told him she wants drugs while they're waiting for the tests, so he gave her some of that magic/scary prednisone stuff.
And that's all I know. They sucked a gallon of blood out of my humans arm, made her pee in a cup (?!) and now we wait. My human is trying not to use her hand & one-handed typing sucks, so I won't be commenting all that much. But we will be reading.
If you have any juju left, please send it to my human's hand. I really think it could use it.
Rupert sends some serious juju!
We are sending all the juju we have! Get Well!!!
Hi Puglet, Tell your human, a.k.a. Amanda, that we're sending all the juju from the Midwest her way. It might be a good idea if you and Dutch are on your very best behavior for the next couple of days.
Pug, I'm on it! We can't have your thumbs (well one of them) out of commission! Serious puggie prayers being sent now! I hope the prednisone works and makes it feel better and your human doesn't have to pee all the time and eat all the time...unless she always shares the food with you, then that's not so bad.
PS. Maybe it really is a case of the "man hands"! Seinfeld also has this comic bit about doctors always have to look stuff up..."What the heck was that?" "I have no idea what that was!" So I bet there is a secret medical google!
Sorry to tell you, but that prednisone makes its users grouchy.
Pollie is right. You and Dutch need to be really good for your human for a few days. Stress always makes health things worse.
I really hope the HV figures out what is wrong very soon - and I will send all the juju I can muster for it to be nothing serious.
The 3 of us are focusing our powers and concentrating really hard to send major magic juju and puggle prayers your way, Ms. Amanda Daily Puglet. Please take care of yourself and get well really soon.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Tons of hand juju coming your way from us! My human has had plenty of experience lately with going to human vets and tests and needle pokes...sometimes things just get better with some positive thoughts and good juju. And that's our wish for you, Amanda.
Thanks for the update Puglet...been very anxious to hear some news on the hand. Didn't get any really and that is not good so I hope all those tests will tell us something more! BIG TEXAS juju on the way...
Well Puglet, that sucks when the medical world does not have instant answers and solutions! I was so hoping that THE HAND would be cured by now. Scary stuff. I think it is time I whip out my special JUJU hat.
Get ready for some serious A-C-T-I-O-N. . .
Love Noodles
Hey Puglet,
Most definitely *juju* coming from the 3'S house, Lucy the cat offered up one of her nine lives for even bigger *juju*.
Our mom takes prednisone for some sort of funky arth-r-itis she has. But it effects her different, she doesn't eat but guzzles water and tea.
Your note made us leak, no we didn't pee we shed a few pug tears.
Keep us posted if and when you can, even if your next post is just a Hi, we are doing Ok. We all understand.
Our mom (G) will light a candle for your human (A), something she does when someone needs help.
3E's and Lucy the house cat with only 5 lives left.
I don't like the sound of this at all. All of us are sending major JuJu to your humans thumb!! Hope the meds will help. I hope she feels better soon. Grumpy and the rest of the pugs!!
Sending lots of juju to your human Puglet!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
I'm a research immunologist by day...prednisone should help to lower whatever immune response you're mom's got going on, if it's inflammation or anything immune system related. The up side is she will have lot's of extra energy to play with you! The down side she will probably be hungrier than normal(so hide your bacon!) :( Oh and Puglet and Dutch...your mom may be cranky on this medicine!!! If her primary doc can't figure out what is going on then she should go to an immunologist. You can find them by looking for the Rheumatoid Arthritis specialists. LOTS of good juju going to your momma! Buddy, Lucey and I are wishing her a very speedy recovery!!!
Take prednisone in the morning, it will keep you up at night. Take with food. Great drug, lousey side effects but not on low doses so much. You are in our thoughts and prayers that the swelling is one of overuse.
Your NP elissa and furkids
oh wow, sending good juju your way!
Oh Puglet, this is not funny anymore. Will send hand juju in hopes that all is well.
My human said to vision health and wellness and *know* that the outcome will be okay!
Oh dear - hand problems for someone who is constantly on the 'puter AND a photographer! Hope you are feeling right very soon. Sending MOJO, JUJU, and maybe even a little Voodoo magic your way.
My human said maybe the hand is trying to talk to the human, and say it is doing too much right now??
Lots of JUJU and positive thoughts coming your way from Jack the Pug and his mom the therapist lady...
We wish we had an awesome JUJU hat like Noodles, cause its, well, awesome. But since we don't, we'll close our eyes, light some sandalwood incense, and do our special ~~~juju~~~ dance!!!
Scarlet & Meredith
Oh Puglet, your poor human. Daisy, baby sister and I are all sending your human lots of juju. Hopefully the vet can figure it out for her.
Sending JUJU and positive thoughts. Maybe pug kisses will help.
:( we are keep sending good (and Polish) juju your Human way :( our mom says she doesn't want to argue with HV, but in your previous post's comment, Bo from Sacramento mention somthing about "carpal tunnel syndrome". It can happen to people, that spend long time with computer, just like your Human recently. Mom hope he knew this syndrome, and ruled it out. Feel better soon Amanad !!! kisses and hugs PT and Gosia
You can not be serious !!!! Get well very very soon, human !! Sending more juju to SF~
Sammy and Neko
Puglet, I've been following you for a while, but just got a profile. I hope your human's hand feels better! Sending lots of juju from Maine!
Buford T. and the Pack
Amanda, I hope your hand gets diagnosed properly and treated correctly so you can relax and not be worried. Diane and I have you in our prayers. And Puglet and Dutch, stay on your best behavior for your human!!
Good golly, juju coming your way. The thumb is super impawtent! Yeah, the doctor was TOTALLY googling stuff. Whatevs.
It's never a good visit when the vet says "I don't know". I hope the pred helps without making your human too grumpy. My human had a funny thing on her legs before I lived here and it took 4 months to figure it out, she was very unhappy because she had to change a few major things in her life while they treated what they thought it might be. She went to her regular vet a few times, then they sent her to a skin vet and a contagious disease vet (scary, right?). After all the pills and tests and waiting, it took that contagious guy less than 5 minutes to tell her what it was, sometimes you just have to find the right vet I guess.
Here's tons of pug juju from me, plenty of boston terrier juju from my sister and a splash of prayer juju from my human.
Puglet, I'm so sorry to hear about your human's hand. We hope the Dr. is able to find out the cause and cure ASAP! In the meantime, my parentals and I will send you guys all the good JuJu we can!
I am sending all the juju we can get in Miami! Tell your mom that we hope she gets answers and solutions soon!
Good luck!
We are sending wheelbarrels full of juju for your human. Prednisone can do some miracle things...hope you find out the problem soon. It's very stressfull when you don't know what it is. Take good care of your human.
Pearl and Tessa
All good thoughts and a big bucket of juju to Amanda, Puglet.
Petunia and Maggie May send LOTS and LOTS of JUJU!!!!!
Awww Puglet,
I know you and Dutch are worried about your human because you love her so much. We are sending your human and her hand the size of China, major juju. My sisters, brother and foster brothers and foster sister will be jujuing all day and night. I asked my mommies to give up the juju too, and they are happy to do it.
WilliamsPugParcel sends you LOTS of juju...
what a bummer!
Get well soon!
Sending you tons & tons of get well JUJU!!! I know it's hard to type, but keep us posted. We are concerned.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Grrr... I thought I'd already posted, but I guess I messed up... sheesh... anyhoo....
Power to the PUG Juju headin' your way!! (You know that's the GOOD stuff!) Please keep us posted!!
I am sending the power of my paw juju to your human! Hope the hand is better ASAP! My momma had a human Parvovirus last year, also known as "slap cheek" in little children who are the ones who gave it to her...Puffy achy hand and elbow. Got special meds and was on the couch for a week:( I can't wait to see you on Saturday for my photo shoot in SF!
Lovvies from Eddie the Pug
Oh no Puglet! I am so sorry to hear your thumb access has been limited. But I am even sorrier that your human is having this problem. I hope they figure it out and fix her quick, so she can fell good during her 1000 pugs tour. Sending extra juju your way!
Puglet, We are sending lots of Texas juju and lots of prayers to you and your human. Hope you are better soon Amanda!
Hi Pug,
I'm concentrating really hard and sending tons of juju to your Human!
Glad it wasn't from bugs, fire ants or a spider!
Sending gigantic tons of juju!!
Paula from DE
aww puglet- give your human an extra bunch of lovin'from us! This must be so hard for her. We are sending major juju for speedy results and healing. Hoping the prednisone helps- it should def reduce the swelling.we are typing with one paw in sympathy,it is hard to do,while we understand she cannot type alot and often...updates are much appreciated because WE CARE! xoxoxo, Upstate NY pugs: Sammy, Mimi, Rocco and Bagel
Sending a ton of Juju to you and your human!
Eunice, Pearl, and our human, Sherry
We have juju hats & tutus on, dancing the juju dance & whatever else we can think of to get your human feeling better. If you need thumbs you can borrow our human's thumbs. We will be in juju mode until we get word that your human is all better. Take good care of her and give some pug love from us.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Hey Puglet..
We are sending a big group bunch of hand juju for thumbs... this includes our cats too. We like them cuz they push food from the counter to the floor for us.
You and Dutch be very good, and tell thumbs a "one liner" would be fine til she gets better, k?
Love from chloe, Caylee, Mokey Linus, Cato and Mr Bean
Scruffers from Atlanta here. My human isn't so smart, she forgot her password, so we're going "anonemous? whatever that means.
Anyway, I hope the hand vet gave your human lots of cookies, because it sounds like she really deserved them.
Snuggles and slobbers!
That is the best picture ever to go with a post like this (and it's the *right* hand!!), serious juju as ordered...
Juju on its way. We need your humans hand as much as you do. How can she take pictures of you or talk for you without it? Get better soon Mom!!
Hi Pug,
Since your human started prednisone yesterday my human said she should see an improvement soon. She says prednisone is the BEST anti-inflammatory. She ought to know as not only is she a nurse she has been on it MANY times before. She said even though it's good stuff you have to be VERY careful taking it. She does hope the HV told her NOT take it on an empty stomach and to NOT stop it suddenly. She said it has to be "tapered down". NO IDEA!!! She also said if you have any questions about the tests just ask her. If she doesn't know the answer she knows LOTS of doctor's and she can find out for you. Most of all we all hope your human has answers SOON and is better even faster then that. MEGA JUJU still coming her way!!!
Benny and Emi
Your body may be telling you to slow down. You may be trying to do too much and you need to be good to yourself! I look forward to the book but not at the expense of your health. Wishing you the best.
Hi there, my comment did not go through:( I really hope your human's hand feels better and she recovers quickly! We are definitely worried about her. Sending as much pug powered juju as we possibly can!
Lots of Pug Love!!
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