Make that REALLY freaking me out:

Uhm, yeah. That's Aiko - the same exact black pug you see me standing next to behind the gate at Pug Mecca. And check out this picture of Gracie, doing a ridiculously cute modified/vertical Jimmy:

When we were there I thought I heard our human saying "Jimmy", over and over again. But I was locked inside behind the gate and she was outside (with Aiko!) so she obviously wasn't talking to me. Frank is the only other Jimmying pug I know, and he wasn't there. Of course Dutch said I was just being paranoid, but now I know the truth.
Thing is, I'm not 100% sure I can handle the truth. Aiko and Gracie are my friends, but Jimmy is my move. If the whole world starts Jimmy'ing, maybe it won't be so special anymore. Maybe I won't be so special.
My human says I will always be special. But she's my human, of course she's going to say that. I might feel a little better if someone else told me how special I am. Y'know, someone who isn't my human.
Uhm, anyone?
Oh, Puglet, you know you are special! C'mon on, you get to be #1 of 1000. If it makes you feel better, after many days of trying, I haven't been able to get Rupert to jimmy. No matter how many pugs learn the jimmy, you will always be the best jimmier in my book.
Thanks Tamara :)
Uhm, maybe you could tell me what you're doing with Rupert so I can figure out a way to sabotage all other teachings?
Puglet you are special! I've been trying to teach my pug how jimmy all week, she isn't having it. Maybe I should show her your video with Frank??? You jimmied first, so your jimmy will always be the most special!
Pug you are INVENTOR of Jimmying ! It makas you as special as A.G.Bell or Steve Jobs. Then you are special to all your followers (more then 600) and to your fans all over the world (more then million or more then 5 millions) so do we need to say more?? :)You are specifically special !!! have a great weekend you and poor Dutch ;) kisses PT
Puglet, you are so special because you make every reader of your blog smile, laugh and cry everyday.... whether you jimmy or not, that's pretty awesome!!
Anyway, you are the most handsome when you smile!!!
Pug, if your human is going to teach every other pug out there how to Jimmy then we have to get our heads together and come up with a new signature move for you...and call it the Puglet! Hmm, you could do a downward dog with your butt still in the air and a head tilt. Or how about sitting on your butt with both paws over your face...no that one is no good because you need to keep those gorgeous eyes of yours in full view. What about a super pug position where all 4 legs are stretch out. You could do this on your tummy or on your back. I'm sure others will have some good ideas.
Oh Puglet!!!! You will ALWAYS be the Zen Mater of the Jimmy!!!!
You know, Puglet.... sometimes dance moves are named after the person who created it. Perhaps the Jimmy needs a new name - The Puglet. That way everyone will know they are doing the move in honour of you.
Licks, Sabrina
Puglet, Misiober has it right, you are the inventor of the Jimmy and therefore sit (pardon me, JIMMY) at the pinnacle of the mountain. Look at it this way, immitation is the purest form of flattery!!!
You are and will be always special. But I recommend you getting a patent.
I am going gaga over Aiko!!
HI Puglet. You'll get no competition from me. I can keep my head down, but the "eyes up" completely eludes me...
I live with Aiko and while she learned to Jimmy, no pug holds a candle to you Pug. You can Jimmy around the clock, on a book, wherever. Little Aiko can only Jimmy on the front step. For some reason she believes treats and Jimmy only happen there. Don't worry Pug, we all know you have MANY supermodel moves and you work it like nobody's business.
First off, of course you ARE SPECIAL. Without you there would not be a DP, 1000pugs or any of the other things that has happened since you invaded & conquered your humans heart.
Second, we hate to break it to you but your move came from a book, remember. But you are first pug to takes work of fiction & make it a reality.
Third, we think YOU taught your human the Jimmy technique, then she was able to pass on your knowledge. As we see it, it makes us pugs seem that much smarter & more awesome. It is an ambassador move. Thanks for making being a pug even better.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Sorry, human goofed last comment.
You'll always be the main man when it comes to the Jimmy.
I was going to try to learn before my photo shoot in April, but if you don't want me to, just say so. (I'll act stupid during my lessons for the cookies!)
Let me know! Slobbers and snores!
Hey Puglet ~ we bet, the others don't earn the big $$$ bucks for their "jimmying" like you do. And, no other pug has the following that you have so if you want the opinions of mere puggles, we think you put the super in modeling the the simmy in the jimmy. There's not another pug like you and that makes you special every . single . day, in every . single . way! Jimmy on RAD dude .....
Lea and Roxi and Riley
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Hey Puglet,
You are special in our books.
That Jimmy thing, Eli does it too he won a *Cute Trick Contest* doing it but its not called Jimmy our mom says "GET IT" and he flattens out like a black pancake and he freezes. Hmm just wondering if there was a way he could earn cookie money doing it?
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli the 3E's from SA
Puglet, you will always be special to me! After all, you invented the Jimmy!
Max and Bailey
Oh Man!! You are the best at "Jimmying" Puglet! Not even sure people knew what it was until you showed them! I can jimmy but no where near as good as you. Uh, let's not forget who got paid recently for being a better super model than some other dog at the modeling shoot...you are the best Puglet!
Oh Puglet you are SO SPECIAL to so many of us pugs and the humans that love them! Just think of it as an opportunity to learn a NEW special move!!!
Now Puglet, pugs the world over are learning to jimmy just trying to be half as cool as you. In fact, I caught Scarlet trying her best to jimmy while muttering to herself about how she hoped that she could be more like you.
When other pugs jimmy, they're bowing to your greatness ~ that's right, your greatness!
In fact, I'm human jimmying as I type this...
We love you Puglet! ♥♥♥
Scarlet & Meredith
Wow. I feel so much better now! And mucho, MUCHO special.
I guess being the Original Jimmy makes me special no matter how many other pugs learn the move.
Even if pugs were doing the move before me (like Eli's Black Frozen Pancake), being the first pug to ever Jimmy counts for something. Right?
Hey Neko,
My human is all gaga over Aiko too. What's up with that??
Heya Scruffers,
I just heard my human say something about a Jimmy section in the gallery/book, so you might as well Jimmy away and score some cookies.
Thanks for pretending to be dumb though :)
Really Scoutie?
Huh. I thought we saw you Jimmy in a video once. Maybe? No?
Now that everypug's doing the Jimmy, I can show you how it's done when we're in Portland.
I think you all know that me (+ probably Dutch) are going to Portland and Seattle, right??
Puglet, while many may do The Jimmy, myself included, we all know who the true Jimmy Master is and we bow at your feet!. You will always be special.
You are special Puglet. We just love your blog and all the things you are doing for Pugness around the world
Hi Puglet. I may have been able to do both head down/eyes up at the same time before, but it seems to have fallen out of my head. I'm sure I'll be able to do it when you COME TO PORTLAND! just so I can impress you :)
See you June 10th!
mimicry is the most sincerest form of flattery.
Pug, every other pug does this "signature move" BECAUSE OF YOU!
No one can ever steal that AWAY from you.
Me and mom
The ability to "jimmy" is highly overrated, and I only saw that because I CANT FREAKING JIMMY!!!!! Sure I've tried, but I just can't get it right. So not every pug can do it. Besides the most special thing about you is your tremendous amount of back fat that I enjoy noshing on.
I do want to point out one thing I that picture....my Dutch is looking so fine. A real standout amongst all that pug flesh.
Puglet, you are the #1 pug on the internet! How's that for special?
Um, what's Pug Mecca?
Puglet, don't worry much. Your Jimmys are very unique, bcos you gave a pair of beautiful eyes.
MeiMei and ChoCho
Puglet, dude, you are the Jimmy master. If it wasn't for you, those pugs wouldn't even know what a Jimmy was, much less how to do it. If it wasn't for you, there wouldn't be 1000 pugs. The world would be a smaller and sadder place...and Dutch would be very lonely. Not to mention your human.
Your admiring pal, Guy Noir
The Jimmy is your move, but it's not the only thing that makes you special, Pug. You have all that supermodelling talent and you've made eco-conscience videos. You're an awesome blogger and you help homeless pugs. There's just so much that makes you special!! Creating the "Jimmy" craze just means you're a trend-setter--another thing that makes you special!!
Btw, my grandmaw taught me to Jimmy a while back, but we think my sister Mochi is hopeless... :)
NO way...you AND Dutch are going to Seattle? Oh man, wish you could come to Dallas! Didn't know that...those humans and pugs and anyone else are so lucky to get to see you two...I mean you for one thing..but that handsome Dutch too! WOW!
Hiya Davion ~
Oh, how to explain. OK... Pug Mecca is a place where a lot of rescues and fosters find their way to. A supernice Pug Rescue Lady lives there (we call her PRL for short, just in case you see that anywhere) and makes sure pugs in need are loved and taken care of.
Even my spotted brother was totally welcomed and he's 4x the size of most pugs.
Pug Mecca = awesome.
Noodle -
Dude! I didn't know you can Jimmy. You better hope Mochi never learns because she is so insanely cute just walking around *breathing*. If she Jimmies, it's all over.
Ok, maybe some other pugs can copy your Jimmy move, but can any other pug supermodel like you? Hardly! You are a pro!
You should a post on Pug Mecca and the PRLady! Love to know more!
Puglet, you make my day! LittleDog, Maxi and Sam send sniffs. You'll always be special to us.
Another amendment to your contract, Payment of Royalties everytime the Jimmy is used in print.
Just an idea.
Paula from DE
No matter how many dogs can do the "Jimmy", we will always love you the most!
Puglet, there is only one of you in the world and we need you to keep us happy, entertained and in awe of your moves. You are a supermodel and just because some dogs copy you move, they can't do it as long as you can, they can't do it as well as you can and they will NEVER be you!!! We love you forever!
Puglet, YOU ARE THE JIMMY! Everyday my human and I look forward to reading about your adventures!
Your Pal Joey!
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