Ok. So, the first surprise came when I walked in and other dogs were there. With Frank out of the picture, I kinda thought it was going to be all about me. But none of them were pug-cute and most were barky and whining, so it wasn't a huge deal. Total amateurs.
The photoshoot people could obviously tell I'm a professional because they called my name like 2 minutes after we got there. The pictures will be for a new Nutro dog food, so my job was to eat food out of a dog bowl (it was a fake dog bowl, but I'll get to that in a minute). I thought, seriously? You need a supermodel for that?
And then they asked me to share a pile of hotdog bits with a strange Boston Terrier. And not a big pile either. Yeah. We hadn't even sniffed butt and we were expected to share hotdogs??
My human explained that I'd never shared a bowl of food before, but I would try. So I tried. But Mr. Boston wasn't really into sharing and gave me a death stare that said BACK OFF, PUG! So I backed off and didn't get to eat a single hotdog. That really sucked, but he was scary!

Loved the food wranglers!
So I ate hotdogs. Hotdogs at 2 o'clock. Hotdogs at 9 o'clock. Hotdogs at 11 o'clock. The whole thing didn't exactly make sense, but I didn't care. I was eating hotdogs! It was so exciting I lost my focus and got a little cracked out. OK, a lot cracked out. But, I mean, HOTDOGS!!

Ha! I Jimmied at 9 o'clock. 11 o'clock. 3 o'clock... I Jimmied around the whole freaking clock. I could tell the Nutro people were totally impressed. I bet they fired every one of the other dogs after they saw what I could do.
And then it was over. Everyone clapped and pet me and told me how I cute I am. I got a check for $100 and my human promised I can spend it on whatever I want (except more hotdogs).
Supermodeling is AWESOME.
Jimmying gets them EVERY. TIME. Way to go Puglet! Soon you'll be an international superstar!!
Bet that Boston is sorry now!!
Leave it to an experienced super model like you Puglet to jimmy it up and get the job done and one the first take too! Impressive. $100 Wow! Now that'll buy a LOT of BACON!! Love the modeling pics.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those JSP's
$100 worth of BACON and GOLDEN CHICKENS!! Don't forget to share with Dutch, though.
Puglet, you're such a pro! Congrats!!
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
Holy Hot Dogs! Congrats Puglet :)
Shopping List:
golden chickens
more golden chickens
Eddie the Pug
Puglet the Supermodel! Can't wait to see it! Congratulations... you are on you way to stardom!
Woohooo - it looks like you rocked it! Of course you were the best. You were born to do this. I can't wait to see the final product.
My big brother Levi was a supermodel in his day, and his "jimmy" (his command is "pitiful", though) got him the gig.
What will you spend your loot on?
My Mommys was looking at dog foods last weekend and some of the packages had dogs on them. Some even had pugs. Mommy #2 actually said if any of them had Puglet on it we'd totally buy it. I am sure this is just the beginning of your career. Watch the hot dogs, though. They can make you FAT and NO ONE hires a FAT MODEL not even if he is an adorable and talented PUGLET.
Love Noodles
You jimmied around the clock!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!! Awesomeness!!!!!
I'm surprised your human took you home after consuming hot dog bits!!!
And Pug, did I read correctly...YOU got CRACKED OUT?!?!?!?!?! I am in utter shock!!!!!
"can you get him to do that again?" I am surprised your human didn't just fall on the floor laughing!!! Pshah! Do it again?!?! Look who the amatuers are now. LOL!!! Silly humans.
How cool is that! I bet those hot dogs were delicious! Maybe next time you can get them to wrap the hot dogs in bacon.
$100 will buy alot of stuff!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Wow Puglet! You're so lucky! My cat brother and I eat food from Nutro! I totally have to convince my mom to buy a bag when it comes out...I mean, you're like famous! If she can eat cereal with some tiger on it I can eat food with you on it!
You have to keep us updated!
Wow! It's no surprise to us that you totally impressed them!! Way to go, Pug! Please keep us posted when your ad comes out!!
Holy Pug Pug, Nutro is gonna fly off the shelves with you working your jimmy magic! I smell more hot dogs in your future...
Meredith & Scarlet
That first shot makes you look like a total supermodel, with all hands/focus on you! Can't wait to see the Nutro ad.
With all of this publicity you may one day get your very own trailer where you can have your human, Dutch, and an entourage of pugs.....ahhhh the life of a supermodel
Pug Love!
We are so proud of you for not going poodle on that Boston. He probably deserved it but I don't think the photo shoot people would have been impressed! That just shows what a true professional you are! I'm sure that won't be your last pro modeling job.
You are so freakin' cute! I admire you from afar...
I don't know which made me laugh harder...you doing the Jimmy around the clock or the shopping lists from the DP fans. You really had me in stitches today guys.
I don't know what to say, I'm totally in awe!!!
Wow, great job!! I hope I get to see the commercial!!
Whoa. Super rich super model! 100 smackeroos. Great job. You gonna share with Dutch? Maybe buy him a pink toy or something? Then off to the butcher shop...
an insanely jealous Guy Noir
Okay, silly question here, but Sadie and I want to know what jimmy-ing is. :) Thanks!
Sadie and Mary
Puglet what were those other dogs thinking by even showing up? They had to know you were going to be the best one there and make them all look bad!
A natural born talent! You rock Puglet Pugster. That BT will think twice!I was on TV for Pugaween as a Cowboy the starlight can get in your eyes careful!
You are officially a professional, paid supermodel! Don't get too many eatables with your salary, we heard that models really have to watch their figure, well physique since you're a boy. Congratulations! Zoey thinks it would be a nice gesture to get Dutch a little something special especially since he has been so patient with 1000 pugs.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Oooh, how exciting! I'm friends with a famous pug! xoox
"Can he do that again?" Ha, ha!
Do pugs like hotdogs?
Those head-tilt pugs ain't got nothing on your Jimmie.
Can't wait to see the final product.
Pug, live it up! Love that smile of yours in the first picture. It's obvious you were in your element. Enjoy all the attention and food, you totally deserve it! Thanks for the detailed food descriptions. It sounded like heaven eating all those hotdogs! But if you can find out how to get me a food wrangler, I would be ever so appreciative.
Agent 99, you are so right. I totally would have shared bacon with him if he was NICE about it. Like I said, amateurs!
Ooooooh. Do you think $100 would buy more SPAM than bacon? I think I remember my human saying it's made up of all the nasty bits no one else likes.
Eddie, dude! Get those carrots off my shopping list. I'm not spending my modeling dollars on carrots....unless they're just camouflage to hide all the bacon!
Thanks for the FAT tip, Noodles. My human thought she might have seen a rib on me this morning... said something about a weigh-in.
I just hope it's *before* my bacon spree!
Hi Mookie~
We eat Nutro too. Dutch's stomach is "sensitive" (of course) so we eat the kind for that (seafoam green bag). Yesterday they had some small dog kind that was even tastier (pink bag). I'm pretty sure that's what I'm supposed to be eating in the ad.
"I smell more hot dogs in your future..."
I hope you smell right, M+S :)
Hey Guy Noir,
Get this - my human is teaching Dutch how to Jimmy now. Yeah. Something about making a stupid DVD (no idea).
Dutch isn't exactly a genius so I didn't think he'd ever learn to Jimmy - but he's like 80% there. People go nuts over Dutch, with his skinny neck and the whole Disney/firedog thing. He doesn't need these kind of skills!
Not a dumb question Sadie! It's when you do this:
Humans eat it up!
Yeah, I guess you're right P+Z. I probably should get something for Dutch. But I'm not giving him any of my bacon!
Pug, it's your professional big break! Dude, that's just awesome. Especially the hotdog part....
Jackson(THE PUG)
OMG! I am so excited that you got to go to REAL super modeling stuff! Man...I bet it was great..uh, the hotdog part I know was but just doing all that cool stuff had to be fun! Now, go spend that $100 on lots of spam and bacon!
How cool! Hotdogs and money for more hotdogs. Dang Pug, you are talented. Don't let Mr. Boston give you a bad impression. I only SOMETIMES give my pug sister death stares and bitey face when she bum-rushes my treats. We share food bowls successfully. Can't wait to see the bag in real-furs.
Kitty (the Boston T.) and Coco (Pug)
Yeah!!!!! You are awesome Pug!!!!
Puglet Pal,
The carrots on the shopping list were for you to share with ME!
Eddie the Pug
How totally awesome! You're a PROFESSIONAL supermodel now, you can add that to your growing resume.
Go Puglet! You are getting famous-er by the day!
Puglet, you look so naked without your harness, but you have a really nice coat!
My human says you live the best life ever!
That is so cool !!!!!
Paula from DE
Now, since you are super duper famous... we should get your pawtograph - will auction it and the profit$ will be donated to pug rescue.... how's that??
Mama is picturing Dutch Jimmys, that would be awesome
That's awesome Puglet!
You know, I don't even like to share eatables with my own sister dog, what were they thinking asking two dogs who don't know each other to share hot dogs?
Also, my human wants to know if there is an instructable on how to get me and my boston sister to jimmy. I do it on my own and so does Emily, but as soon as we see eatables we can't sit still. She said she will give us hot dogs if we learn how.
Augustus the Pug
DANG Puglet 100 smackaroos to spend on whatever you want...we would go for the gusto and buy the best goodies a pug would buy. No vegetables no toys no clothes... walrus lip smackin good snacks would fill the shopping cart. Just make sure you get something for Dutch.
Eli is the only one in our house that can Jimmy..me and Emmitt have to learn.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli the 3E's
That's totally freakin' pawesome Pug! We think we might have to learn how to Jimmy if it's gonna get us hotdogs!
I'm totally sorry about the mean BT. Lemme tell u, not all BT's are meanies. I certainly am not. I pawmise.
Lots of licks,
Oakley the nice BT... and Swisher
Hi Pug,
What an awesome day. Those other dogs can't hold a candle to you. You ROCK!
Holy cow! $100 is a lot of pug bucks!
Wow Pug! Before you know it they'll be whisking you off to Hollywood in a long stretch limo full of bacon! Do you think if you send me a pawtograph, someday it will be worth tons of bacon?
Daisy did the jimmy - it was called "lower" I'm trying to learn before MY famous supermodel shoot when your human comes to Atlanta. I hope I'll be able to jimmy with the true pro by then!
Way to go, Puglet! Sounds like you showed THEM how a photo shoot should be run. I'm glad to hear you were rewarded with a constant stream of hot dogs.
Keep us posted as to when your pug mug will be on the packages so we can look for it at the store!
AWESOME! We are so happy for you, can't wait to see the ad for the dog food!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Hey Kitty + Oakley,
I guess it wasn't really the Boston's fault he snarked at me. I mean, whose idea was it to stick two complete strangers in front of a pile of hotdogs?
Honestly? If I'd gotten to them first, I probably would have gone poodle on Boston for trying to weedle in on MY hotdogs.
Haaa Eddie,
OK, I'll leave the carrots on there as long as they're for you :)
Puglet, we are so looking to see you in print ..... just remember all that bacon you can buy...with your $100...have it last you your lifetime! You're so darn cute !!!!
Keep fit, and jimmy it up!
You are absolutely the REAL DEAL!
Tawnie and Winston
Congrats on your first paying gig! It's about time your cuteness and talent reached a wider market. Now you need to get your own bank account and supermarket credit card to buy SPAM and bacon and golden chicken and steak (you're in the big leagues now) and maybe something for Dutch, too.
My sick human is slowly coming back to life - we're sorry to have missed out on so much Daily Puglet. Lots of catching up to do!
Love & Licks,
Puglet, you are a superstar! It's hard to believe you were once a recycle pup! Look at you now!
Oh Puglet,
So incredibly excited and happy for you. Like wow, that's really super awesome. You're famous now Puglet and I can say I know you personally, well kinda. You know, since we're so close through the computer, right? Can't wait to see your commercial. I know you were fantabulous!
OOPS! Puglet, my mom said it was a photo shoot and not a commercial. I tried to explain to her that it should have been a commercial, and it is just a matter of time.
Great job Puglet!
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