Uh huh.
And I won't just be posing - I'll be posing with food. And by posing, I mean eating. Because I guess the ad or whatever I'll be starring in is for dog food. How awesome is that!?!
The awesomest thing is I'll be posing with food, for cookies and money, WITHOUT Frank. Turns out they just wanted me. I mean, I love Frank and all but with all this 1000 pugs stuff going on, I kinda just want to be #1 of 1 for a little while. Y'know?
Anyway. We're heading over to the studio now. I'll make sure miss gimpybrain remembers to bring Nikon with us.
Of course they want you. Frank's cute, but you are The Puglet.
Way to go!!!!
Wow! Congratulations Puglet! Can't wait to see it.
It looks like it will be YOUR YEAR, and mom says it will be also your Human year!!!! We're so happy for you! And hope you know that it takes tones of takes to shot a commercial, and it means tons of food and cookies! You are one happy pug Pug!!!! Good luck but you are pro so it will be piece of cake!!! Hugs PT
Congratulations Puglet! I want to hear all about it!
Wow, that is fantastic, Puglet!! A supermodel and food all in one post! Wow! And of course they loved you, because you are the #1 pug out of the 1000 pugs!
Autographs! We want autographs! Maybe Frank can be your agent!
OMG that's so exciting, Puglet!!! Can't wait to see the ad! I know you'll be the best supermodel ever!!
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
Oh - forgot to ask...are you going to share any $$ with your human or blow it all at the bacon store?
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Puglet YOU ROCK!!!!!
Have fun and we can't wait to hear more about it!!!!!
Buford T. Justice and the Pack O' Pugs
PS...Bambi said to tell you she sends smooches.....silly girlie pug...
Holy Cow! I hope it is tasty food. You should totally tell us if it's gonna be on TV, so we can watch.
Katie + Annie in VA
hey pug,
congratulatiooooons!!! you're perfect for that job! you suffered so much lately that you definetely deserve the cookies!
enjoy supermodeling!
we love you and your blog and 1000pugs and your mom and dutch.
A round of bully penises for everyone! We can now say that we knew puglet when he was just a poo eatin' pug, but now he's a star, so the poo will be imported and brought to him on a silver platter.
Contests puglet!
Mom says she will so buy whatever food this is, just to have your picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is more than cool Pug!!!!!!!
And I agree with Buddy and Bailey, A-U-T-O-G-R-A-P-H-S!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps your paw print, with a BLOCK letter "P" in it!!!!!! Or Right and Left paw prints with "PUGLET" scrawled in the middle!!!! :D
Sooo proud of you Puglet! All your practice and hard work has "paid off"...even though you are a natural and make it look so easy:)
Snuffly snorts,
Eddie the Pug
Congratulations!! Wow. My friend, the supermodel. On your way to fame now, Pug!! Promise you won't forget about us little puggies when you become superfamous, okay?!!!
Way to go puglet, you show them all your stuff so they will invite you back to supermodel some more. Puggsie is so jealous.
It's about time that your talent is being discovered. Your mug should have been plastered on all pug eatables long ago.
Congratulations Puglet!! Please don't forget us when you are a big star!!
We can't wait to see the ad!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Psssst. We're at the studio. There area 3 other dogs and they are all whining. A little daschund tried to bite my face off the second I walked in. Amateurs!
Holy smokes and bacon! That is superawesome. Like, you'll be extra famous for this! We are so excited for you. Can't wait to see your ad. Go, supermodel
I just met a lady whose hands smell like hotdogs! This place is magic.
Watch out for those dauschunds...they seem to have a thing about pugs...they are always uppity at the dp. AWESOME news! And to think, we knew you when. Who know's whats next? Sitcom star?
Puglet, what are you going to buy with your money?
Nice harness by the way.
Puglet,could you make my day any better? This is supercool news.
Don't forget the little guys, we've been with you all the way!
Hi Puglet
I am SOOOOOOOO Super HAPPY that all your 2011 BAD juju is turning into 2012 GR8 juju!!!
Looks like the year of the Water Dragon is your year. I cannot wait to see pix of your photo session. And about that doxie. . . haaarrrruuummmmpphhhh!
Love Noodles
2012 is the year of pugs in Chinese (not), hee hee. You are super handsome. Go, Pug, Go !!
Holy cow pies that is awesome! You are finally getting paid with money for what you do best. Work it, work it, own it, own it! You go Puglet! Cant wait to hear all about !
Christa and Cletus
Puglet!!! You're going to be a movie star!!! This is great news. Hopefully we'll get to see your commercial here in Canada, then I could day to my baby sister, "That's my internet friend, Puglet. He's awesome." And then she'll probably barf on my favourite toy, which sounds gross, but is actually not too bad. But then I get yelled at for "being gross", and I'd be like, "WHAT??? She's the one that threw up. I'm helping you clean..."
Um... Anyway, Puglet... Congrats on your newfound fame. And don't get a baby sister.
We already knew what a star you are. This is fantastic! Can't wait for the details.
Chloe & sissies
We can't wait to buy whatever you're selling. You're on your way to megasupermodel status!
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Pug, you are total supermodel all the way
FYI: REAL supermodels get tothe eat hot dogs!
{Stupid Droid can't type}
Oh Puglet, congratulation! We ttotally agree with Gracie. You are PUGLET. Will we get to watch the ad on DP? Not all of us at in US.
Dude!! That is AWESOME! Congratulations!! Can't wait to see the ad!
Puglet, it couldn't happen to anyone more deserving! Between you, Nikon, and your wonderful Human it is about time things go right! But I'm with Noodles, please don't forget your friends as you become a big star! We all love you!
Pug! You are living the dream! Please make sure to give us a full report on all of the tasty morsels that you were able to eat on the job. YUM!! Congratulations!
Oh my goodness Pug!
That dachshund is just imitated by your good looks & your super modeling abilities!
Besides hotdogs, hope you munched on bacon too!
Puglet, Sorry to bother yours and your human's already busy mind, but who won the last SYOP contest. I can't find the results. If anyone else knows, so I don't bother the Puglet team, let me know.
Phoebe's humom in Gladstone, OR
Holy crap Puglet! That is the best news ever! You totally deserve to be the star, and I can't wait to hear about it.
You rock Puglet! Enjoy those hot dogs and we're waiting impatiently to see the results!!
Benny and Emi
Hey Puglet, Wow! This puts you right up there with the likes of Lassie, Rin-tin-Tin and Scoobee-Doo! Hey, maybe your supermodel status will propell you into super stardom and with that maybe will come enough money to buy your own private airplane (stocked with BACON! of course) and you'll be able to make personal appearances at all the 2012 ~ 1000 pug photo shots around the country and eventually go global. The possibilies are endless ..... good luck. May we request an autographed photo now, please? One for each of us, ok.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those JSP's
Hey Puglet,
Max and Lola say they want to share the goodies to help you keep your weight down - they have only your good health in mind.... A care package couriered to Toronto would be lovely!
Pug!! Congrats!!! Reading through the comment section made my mom laugh out loud..."amateurs"
Congrats!! We are sooooo proud of you, but I mean come on with that face it was only a matter of time
Make sure to bring home a hot dog to brother Dutch:)
Pug Love
Work it Puglet! Work it for all Pugs everywhere...
You're not just #1 of 1000, you're 1 in a million-ish!
Meredith & Scarlet
Oooh Puglet--you'll be famous! Don't forget the little people along the way once you're a big star!
CONGRATULATIONS!! You will be totally famous now! Can't wait to see it!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Strike a pose Puglet! ...You are such a pro. You shine so bright we're going to need shades!
Kris in Oklahoma
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