I also know my human didn't go to sleep last night (again). I heard her tell Bellatrix's mom she's too old for this kinda thing. But I also heard her say she's too old to sell eggs so I'm kinda starting to wonder if she's losing it.
Anyway. We did get to go to the park today for about 3 minutes - long enough to find a stash of poo, and that was cool. My human even brought Nikon along but totally forgot to bring any snacks. Uhm, hello! No way can I supermodel without snacks. I mean, I guess I can. But why would I want to?
My human says she's planning a big surprise to make up for the recent missingness. All I know is it's happening on Thursday and involves food and anything that involves food is good. Unless it's a trip to the vet. Or a yogurt container full of rancid bacon grease that you accidentally eat (if your name is Dutch) and then puke up all over the kitchen floor.
OH yeah, and guess who's going to Portland in June to eat donuts? And not just any donuts... voodoo donuts with BAAAACON on top. Mmmmmmeeeeeee. Will anyone here be there too??
Mmmmeeeeee! I'm super duper excited to meet my big time crush! I've got my photo shoot booked and I can't wait:-)
Dude...your mom is like super human! My mom gets totally bitcherific when she doesn't get sleep, and your mom still did your DP for you.
So what's the surprise?? I can't wait and I hope it involves food. Maybe food I can share with you? Bacon food?? I've never had bacon, so I thinks it's only fair that you share yours with me. You are my bestie and all. shesh
Puglet, All of your appointment times in Portland are taken already, but if we know what times you'll be at the shoots we can go and watch or just hang out and hope to catch a glimps of the supermodels. Glad you've got your thumbs back, sortof. I live in Portland I've never even heard of VooDoo Donuts with bacon. I need to get my head out of other pugs butts and start to pay attention.
Phoebe in Gladstone.
I just checked Portland dates and there are still plenty available on days other than Friday. When you get to the page that has a calendar, make sure you click on the dates. It defaults to Friday but if you click on the other dates you may find a time that works for you.
Hi Pug!
So glad you have your Human back! Hope you all can get some Zzzzz.
My human obtained a Voodoo photo shoot and has been bragging. To everyone. She's been telling all her coworkers, people she rides MAX with, even neighbors! I can't wait to pose and meet the most famous Pug of all!
Hiya Pug!!!!! VOODOO DONUTS!!!!!!! You are one SUPER lucky Pug. SERIOUSLY. Sailor's human took my human to VooDoo Donuts a couple of summers ago. The line wrapped around the corner. They stood in line for a long time and NEVER even moved. Needless to say they got out of line and never did get a VooDoo Donut. My human was going to bring Emi to Portland when you are there but Sailor's mom is going to be back east for a wedding. She is disappointed but I'm not. Don't tell anyone but I LOVE little Emi and I would REALLY miss her if they took her out west for a week. My human won't even consider taking me on the plane. Something about being too hefty. Whatever. BUT she did say she would take me to one of the photo shoots on the east coast in the fall. At least I'll get to meet your human and thank her personally for bringing Emi into our life.
Eddie here...I am on the schedule for the Jan 28 SF photo shoot in the Castro!
Hooray Hugs :)
Glad to see you holding hands with your human...
Hi Pug!
Um, rancid bacon grease sounds gross, like seriously gross. That wasn't very smart of Dutchy to eat it ~ but it just goes to show how awesome bacon is.
Meredith & Scarlet
Interesting, our word verification word is: logic. They must know that Pugs rock logic.
I'm not sure that Dutch accidently ate the bacon grease so much as accidently puked it up.
Hey Puglet - I want to sign up for the photoshoot in the San Francisco area but can't find the link. Eddie is signed up for the Castro... any idea how to get a slot? Have fun on Thursday... whatever you do - and eat!!
Hey Spencer!!
I've been FREAKing out too!! I just rechecked the website and under "How to Participate/Be 1 in 1000" there's a special email newsletter just for us California pugs!! Phew! I'm on the regular newsletter list, but I think we need to get on this special one just for Cali pugs!!!
Say hi to your mom and grandpawents!! Noodle & Mochi
Hey Puglet, it's been a while. My humans have been crazy busy until recently. My mom was so happy to check out your site, she actually read everything up to the last time she read about you and Dutch.
I'm totally psyched to meet you in Miami in April. We'll bring the Miami equivalent of Voodoo donuts - they don't involve bacon, but they do involve cheese. Pastelitos are yummy!
As for Dutch... ::sigh:: That is all.
Be well, I've missed you!
Beatrix Pugger
Thank you Noodle! You saved my gmaw from goin' crazy! We signed up and hope to see you soon!
We can't wait to meet you! Reggie the Pug is super excited for his VooDoo donut photo shoot!
Yahoo...we got a spot at Buena Vista Park...and we hope that is also Pug Sunday?
Pearl and Tessa
Just watched the Kickstart video from the 1000 pugs website... awesome! Loved the ending with you doin' the jimmy!
Pugsley will be flying to seattle from Los Angeles. He doesn't even know what an airplane is yet--i'm trying to explain it to him gently (he's 9 but kind of, ok, on crack). any suggestions???
That's such a sweet photo. I'm glad you are going to get some special time with your momma soon. Sounds like she's been crazy busy coordinating the 1000 pugs project. I can't wait for when she comes out to NY in the fall. I've been practicing my Jimmies constantly.
Hi Pug! I'm so excited to see you in Milwaukee! My mom is all jealous of the donuts, but I think I got the best food spot with hot dogs and brats...yummy! Make sure your human gets lots of rest now that things are on a roll with her awesome pug project. Can't wait to hear about your fun on Thursday!
Poo stashes make the best finds! Can't wait to see what the surprise it.
Are you finally going to meet Jenny? The world might explode from all the cuteness!
Voodoo donuts with bacon got a thumbs up from Anthony Bourdain - plus, bacon makes everything better, so you will LOVE them! I live in Portland so I might have to come down to the photo shoot to observe your supermodeling skills... :)
love, Mabel, a Portland Poxie (Pug/Doxie)
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