I guess the problem started like a week ago with a little pain and some puffiness. My human thought it was from doing 1000x the amount of typing she usually does and tried to make it go away with ice cubes and Advil. Obviously that didn't work. So she tried some anti-hista-something but that just made her sleepy.
Next came a cream. Then a gel. And then special salt. But none of that stuff worked either. My friend Rupert's mom (and lots of people Google knows) swears that eating 9 gin-raisins will fix puffy, achy hands, but my human says gin-soaked raisins will just just make her yak and made an appointment with the hand vet instead.
Of course *I* know the problem totally isn't from typing because typing happens with TWO hands and only one of her hands is the size of China. But who knows what the heck is going on in there. I mean, what if it's Ebola or something?
My human doens't see the hand vet until tomorrow, so if anyone has an extra juju lying around, please send it to my human's right hand. The one the size of China.
Oh, that looks nasty, hope you are ok, take care of those thumbs! Our human says skip the raisins and drink the gin.
Holy crappers Puglet, your humans hand is huge. Sending juju the size of China to her. Maybe juju that big will cancel out the swelling. Feel better soon.
Christa and Cletus
Sending good juju your mom's way!!!!
Yikes!! Hope all goes well at the hand vet...juju coming your way!
JUJU on it's way.......
Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Tre, Lacy (Miss Peg and Miss Pearl over the rainbow bridge)
Just puffy or is it painful? Ahhh, juju juju, juju !!
When we saw "The Size of China" and you sitting on what looked like a scale ... well, we thought the worst!
Chang from Chicago
Ha, Chang!
Thanks for worrying about my weight :)
Sammy + Neko ~
It's red and puffy and kinda lumpy under the skin. Sometimes her hand gets 2x the size of China and when that happens, it hurts (and/or itches).
Thanks for all the juju everyone! I bet it will be better than whatever the hand vet does.
BIG Texas juju coming now! Man Puglet..it's always something at your casa! Hope your human's hand gets better real soon! Don't like anyone to feel bad at your place...need all of ya'll up and running so to speak....
Holy Crap! Is that your Pug petting hand? Your poor mom! That looks scary. I hope you and Dutch give her lots of love and make sure to make her feel better! Give her hugs and kisses from me too!!
Never mind the petting hand, is that the treat hand???
We're sending a boat lead of good ~~~juju~~~ your human's hand! and lots of love to all of you ♥♥♥
Scarlet & Meredith
Hi Puglet, et al
That us one swollen hand. I would say more the CONTINENT of ASIA than just CHINA!!! Itchy might indicate allergy - or just from the edema (swelling). In any case, I have nothing else to add, no magic potions or tricks. When Mommy #2's had swelled (from hitting it) she iced it a lot. She swears by ice. But if it isn't working then I guess we will just send some mega super-powered JUJU your human's way.
Hope the vet visit goes well.
Love Noodles
OK, we meant boat load, not lead...
Our fingers aren't even swollen.
Oh too bad, and even worse if your Human is right-handed (our mom is left-handed and has really hard time when something is happening with her left hand, she said it might be allergy, maybe your Human use any new cosmetics, soap, lotion??) we are sending our Polish juju your Human way and hope hand vet will help her tomorrow!!! Hugs Puglet's Human
Holy man hands. Um, sorry, but that is so odd! Will send hand juju stat.
Hi Pug,
Sending tons of juju to your mom, that hand DOES look huge! Make sure to ice and elevate it as much as possible until tomorrow.
Oh and be extra sweet to your mom, and get brother Dutch in on it too. When my mom feels bad, she said having me around makes her feel 10x better.
Pug Love!
Extra special JuJu to your human Puglet!! I think it might be an allergic reaction or maybe a bug bite or bee sting? Sure hope it is better soon...
Eddie the Pug :(
Wow, that's crazy swollen. Sometimes my paw get swollen parts. The vet gives me pills to take in cheese, a wash for my paw and stinky spray so I won't lick it.
Please tell your human licking swollen hands is bad.
Sending JuJu the size of Canada.
Licks (um, or not)
I'm sending major juju to Thumbs. Take good care of her!
Poor human - that does not look like fun! Sometimes I get puffy and itchy and red due to allergies. Sounds like she's already tried most of the normal solutions though. I'll send her all my good Juju!
Make sure you take good care of her, Pug!
Major JuJu!Try drinking the gin!!
Your friends from Plantation Margie and her pugs.
Ouch! That hand looks painful, so lots and lots of juju coming from us. I think your human may need to do some allergey testing, so this doesn't happen again.
As for the gin...she could try a gin martini and raisins (with some classic big band music in the background - my human always associates gin martinis with Benny Goodman & Tommy Dorsey). Or how about a gin and tonic with raisins, and some Dinah Washington or Ella Fitzgerald as music for sore fingers? A good cocktail always needs good music.
Hope she feels better soon.
Hi Pug,
Gosh that looks pretty painful, but mom keeps thinking about the episode of Seinfeld with "she has man hands"! I don't get it either, Pug. Sending lots of prayers your human's way, and in the meantime, make sure to give her lots of kisses.
Sending some extra juju your way, Human. Gus one time stepped on a bee and his paw puffed up sorta like your hand. You haven't been trying to steal from the honey hive, have you?
Lol I thought the same thing as Chang!!
Lots of juju for your human's ginormous hand!!
Paula from DE
Whoa! That hand is huge! Take care of your human and make sure she gets her thumbs back soon!
Itchy and swelling...perhaps an insect bite?? I'm sure the hand vet will make her all better.
Your friends in Seattle,
Hal and Opal
Yikes, that looks painful. Love the reference to the Seinfeld episode w/the 'man hands' comment, thanks for the laugh! We do hope your hand returns to its normal woman size soon.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
PS - voted for #44 hope 'we' win!
Oh no!! We hope the swelling goes down soon!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
You might have a staff infection in your hand. It can get in three the nail or a cut. I had a swollen hand that was sorta red and very poofy like your and had to wear a portable antibiotic drip for a few days until It worked through. Never had issues since. Just a very fluke thing. Feel better soon.
It sounds alot like my carple tunnel. Go to google and look for therapeutic stretches for carple tunnel syndrom. They totally help!!
Pug Rocky's Mom in TX
Puglet we are sending tons of juju your Mom's way for her China hand! My Mom's hand looked that when she had carpal tunnel, hope the hand vet figures it out tomorrow!
Poor Puglet's Mama! I'm sorry for this medical mystery, will be curious what the hand vet says, in the meantime tell Mama to "RICE" it:
C=compress- a snug dressing can help reduce swelling
Much TLC and juju coming to California form us here in Upstate,NY
(We think she might be working too hard and needs some time off, tell Mama rest and don't stress! xoxo
Hi Pug,
Sending tons of juju to your Human. Not sure if San Fran has Fire Ants, but my Mom hand swells & gets a bump like that if she gets bit. Hope it wasn't caused by a spider. That's good she's going to the vet to have it checked.
Hugs and positive juju,
This happened to my moms friend, in college. Always the right hand, always itchy and puffy. For whatever reason, she was allergic to the aluminum can of her soda. Weird I know. But true.
I'm sure that isn't the case with your human. I hope the hand vet can help her.
Lots of juju!!!
Pls send an update bc I am mega worried :)
Mucho hugs,
Eddie the Pug
Hey everybody!
Sorry to worry (or mega-worry) anyone. Miss China Hand has been trying not to type any more than she has to.
Fire ants & spiders and bugs that bite? Whoa. I hope it's none of those things. Whatever it is, it's weird because nothing has helped. Not the ice, advil, itch cream, anti-hista-whatevers or soaking it in nasty salt.
Hopefully the hand vet will know what to do. I heard something about a shot? No clue, but I guess we'll know tomorrow.
Puglet, I guffawed out loud when I did a re-look and saw how you were staring down The Hand in the photo. So sorry for your human's swollen-ness, but as usual, you make me laugh...
Awww, poor Thumbs! My human has had that happen to her a few times. The first time was the worst. Both hands swelled and she got hives in a place that made it uncomfortable to sit down. Her doctor had no idea what it was because she hadn't been exposed to anything new and antihistimines didn't help. He recommended a cortisone cream but that did nothing either. After a few days, the swelling and rash went away. It came back a 8 or 10 times in the 2 years after that and then finally stopped happening. The second time it only hit one hand and wasn't as bad and each time got less awful
She says that when it happened, the things that helped most were: *elevation of the swollen areas
*wiggle the fingers a little bit on a regular basis
*drink lots and lots of water to get rid of the bad fluids in her hands
Ouch that doesn't look good. Hope your humans hand is feeling better soon and is much smaller. Sending juju thoughts her way!
We are sending hand juju. We are glad your human is going to the hand vet. We look forward to hearing good news from the vet. If there is anything that our human can do for yours let us know. We will send her right over.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Sorry, that last comment and delete was me trying to get my profile to work.
Yeowch! My human gets allergies and they do funny things like make her whole face swell up. Can you believe when I first came to stay she thought *I* was making her itchy and puffy? She just figured out last summer that it was the flea stuff she used on me! Frontline Plus, whatever that plus is is not okay for my human.
She had to go to the vet and get prednisone and antihistamines the last time she swelled up, she felt better really fast and wished she had gone in sooner.
I hope your human's China hand is back to normal really soon.
We came in late to the conversation so we're probably bring up the end here but puggle prayers and lots of magic juju being sent from NJ to the China hand .... Roxi, Riley & Lea, Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Bo from Sacramento says:
My mom's hands swell like that from carpal tunnel, especially when she has been working a lot on the computer......
Hoping the human's hand gets better. Maybe it's a reaction to the RBG incident (and cleaning up) last week? BTW, how is Dutch - still doing ok from that?
I will give you lots of juju. Even though her hand is the size of China she managed to get you in the picture too Puglet! I love this picture!
I hope the hand vet can figure out a cure. We need you both healthy!
Hey Puglet,
More BIG TEXAS JUJU coming to your human.
Eeeewwwww sorry to day but that hand is really big, really big!
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli
Oh no!! Big fat juju for your lovely human, Puglet.
Hope she feels tons better!!
Get well Puglet's mom!!!!
maybe you need to use some of the kickstarter funds to look into the software that translates words to text - so you can talk instead of typing everything? not sure how well it actually works or what all it's compatible with. hope the visit with the hand vet goes well - sending juju!
Hiya Puglet,
We are really wondering how your human is doing. We hope everything is okay. Although we've been quiet we've been sending mega juju her way!!!!!
Benny and Emi
oh man Puglet, my human is praying for yours right now. Feel better Thumbs! You guys be good...
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