I don't think I should have to suffer because Dutch ate dead bacon, so I suggested we do some online shopping. I mean, if my human's going to stare at HAL4, she might as well buy me eatables while she's doing it. And my girl Bellatrix gets stuff from the UPS dude all the time, so why shouldn't I?
Believe it or not, my human actually thought this was a good idea. I didn't even have to ask twice or look pathetic to get her to say yes. SCORE!
My human isn't a huge online shopper, so I asked Google where we should spend my money. Google suggested a place called MrChewy.com and said we could even have free shipping if I spent half my money. I'm only allowed to spend half of it anyway (something about saving) and don't want to waste a cent on the UPS man, so Mr Chewy & his free shipping sounded good to me.
If you've never been on a shopping spree, all I can say is shopping sprees are FUN! Well, sorta fun. It really won't be fun until the eatables get here, but looking at them and thinking about them was pretty cool. Mr Chewy even had some things I've never eaten, which my human didn't think was possible.
I won't ruin the UPS surprise by telling you everything I bought, but I will say I bought one or two extra things so we can Randomize when the box comes. Sharing is caring, right?
Puglet, you and your mom are most wonderful. I can't even imagine going a day without a visit to The Daily Puglet!
Mom takes on her shopping sprees on the Boardwalk at the Jersey shore. We love it because people we don't even know give us cookies.
We can't wait to know what will come in your package. Hope it's over night shipping!! We are so excited. Good work, Puglet!
Hope you got something (pink)for poor Dutch. Altho after all he went through recently, he probably doesn't want to see anything pink or smell anything close to bacon ever again!
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Oh the joys of shopping for me! Mom gates to shop for herself, but is forever buying me stuff...which I don't mind at all! She even shops for my friends, and since you're one of my friends (and so is Dutch) I don't mind that either. Now she bought me a new surprise, but it's not edible, so I'm not so sure about it.
Now for the best part....when the brown box of yumminess shows up, sniff it. Pure ecstasy. I actually bite the brown box! You are going to be so excited! Mom says she now feels the need to buy me some stuff, so thanks Pug!
My mom said that this reminded her to check out the DogBar's website (it's a Miami thing that you should totally visit when you're here in April). So thank you, because I'm craving their yummy treats.
Mom hasn't baked dog cookies in a while (actually, not since she sent you that batch last year). Maybe this will impel her to create new recipes that don't ever get moldy in transport (she's still insanely embarrassed by that).
Looking forward to seeing what you got!
Beatrix Pugger
Puglet, we sincerely hope you or your human thoroughly checked out the ingredients in your eatables. Hopefully they are all from the good ole USA...NO ingredients from China. They have done much harm to USA doggies, and we would be hearbroken if you got and ate some bad stuff that did horrible things to you.
Puglet, do you need to pay something called "TAX"??? Make sure you have enough left after your shopping to pay this wonderful "TAX" thing.... by the way, "TAX" is not eatable, I think....?? or is it?
Sammy : )
man, i need to get a job. i would love some new treats. I got a stuffed hoof, and some chicken jerky, and some lean pupperonis...but I would like some more.
Oh, and can you send a bucket of rancid bacon grease to a cat? Jersey cat to be specific.
Your friend Guy Noir who is tired of Jersey rubbing on him and stealing his treats.
Good new is that Dutch feels better. From time to time we also do some pukes at night. Pug size pukes of course :)and just like your Human our mom is not happy at all. Even when she sleeps, she hear that puke is coming because we do the "pump" and then we puke. She wants to make sure that we puke anywhere but not in the bed :) she also buys us stuff from the net, and we think she will need to buy some more soon, because she tries to teach us Jimmy, and to teach 3 of us will cost her lots of treats :) hugs Pug and kisses to Dutch
SOOOOO Glad that Dutch feels better!!!!!
Can't wait to hear about your shopping spree....
Buford T. Justice, Bambi and Miss Lacy (Peg and Pearl have crossed the bridge)
Our human went on a pug shopping spree but none of it contained eatables. You are so lucky you can dictate what you want to spend money on;a perk of having your own money. Our human says it's not always about eatables & it is good to share with friends which she says we will get to do really soon.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Can't wait...just can't wait for UPS man to come so we see what ya got! Love shopping...I get to go sometimes and pick out stuff at the pet store..never done online before and it sounds like something I NEED to do! So happy you got to spend some of your modeling money...and sharing is caring and we appreciate you always thinking of us Puglet!
Speaking of 1000 Pugs...been meaning to tell you that I missed out on getting to be one when it is here in Dallas! I am so sad but my human is way more sad. She lived for the day when registration opened..I mean lived for it and when it did...she was at Jury Duty, whatever that is and didn't get to sign up! Needless to say we are bummed out in Dallas over this. Oh well, she said she may get over it but so far I don't think she is cuz she seems to tell everyone how she is missing out...SHE is missing out?? What about me?
Hey Puglet,
SA, TX is not dog friendly so the only places we can visit is PetSmart (boorreeiinngg), PetCo...mega boreing & Pet Supplies Plus..at least the checkout people there give us treats i.e. healthy treats.
Can't wait to hear what you got shopping on line.
Mom is shopping for a new food bowl for Ellie..she dropped hers and broke it..if anyone can find a PetRageous 6inch yellow dog bone bowl let us know.
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli
Hey Lucy the CAT here, what moron would want to give randic bacon grease to a cat...if I had claws...well nuff said !!!!!!!!
Hey Maggie ~
No way! You can totally still get in though. The calendar did something bad and there are still a few spots left. Have your human email my human >
info -at- 1000pugs.com
Heya JSPs,
Uhm, it's Ground shipping. Does Ground ever mean overnight??
You are so nice... I did get something for Dutch and it is pink. It's not a wearable though, so I'm OK with it. Eatables can be any color!
OH. And my human wants me to ask if dogs can go on the boardwalk all the time or just sometimes. And is it true that Atlantic City never lets dogs on their walk, ever?
I hope you know what she's talking about - it's all very confusing. Here in SF we can walk wherever and whenever we want.
Heya Beatrix,
Thanks for the DogBar 411. I'll have to remind my human that she's abandoning me to go to Miami so she'll feel bad and bring back lots of cookies. From the DogBar!
Muy true, Sue + Romeo. My human is really careful about that. I really don't care if my bully penis is Chinese but she always reads the labels (or buys Red Barn) just to make sure my eatables aren't from China.
Sammy + Neko,
SSSSSSSHHHHH! The IRS might hear you and take away some of my money!
Hmmm. Even annoying cats don't deserve RBG incidents. It was NASTY.
Can't you just bark or something?
Puglet, that shopping spree sounded like alot of fun - even if you couldn't spend it on bacon! We can't wait to see what yummy foodables you bought :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Hey 3E's,
How about this:
Hi! Scruffers here in Atlanta. I'm so happy you got to order some yummy eatables. I have to go to the vet again later tonight because I have an infected toe, whatever that means, and it's not getting better and my human is worried it will be ugly for my 1000 pug photo. My vet is nice, but he still scares me a little...well, ok, not really, but I act like it so I get more treats! Try it sometime. The most effective is the chin tremble. If you can Jimmy, you can totally do that! I've gotta run to the mirror to practice the tremble again! See you in April. Slobber slobber smooch smooch!
Hey Puglet, we noticed your human met her Kickstarter goal! You should post about it! We're superexcited for your tour!
Not only do we hope you bought yummy stuff, but we hope you bought LOTS of stuff to make up for your moms neglect!!
Shopping is awesome but getting to enjoy the spoils is even better. Can't wait to see what you got, and hope I win the randomizer!
Woot! Check it out:
Hi Puglet,
Just a quick note to let you know that your order has shipped!
Here's a summary of your order and tracking number:
{blah blah}
Thanks again for shopping with us - we appreciate it. If you need anything, feel free to call us.
Delivering Pet Happiness
1-800-MR-CHEWY (672-4399)
hehehe! Love your *proof* of the online order.
Off topic -
I inadvertently got to help a pug find his forever home...anyways, that got me thinking...about the ones you take pics of...
Lebowski, Panda, and Roxie have ALL BEEN ADOPTED!!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!
Maggie in Dallas - there's still openings! You can still get in.
I'm glad your mom didn't come down to hard on you over the whole bacon grease incident. I mean, it was clearly Dutch's fault - and you totally rocked that photo shoot for the dog food.
I can't wait to hear what you got! I've never heard of Mr. Chewy's - I'll have to get my 'rents to get their computers to go there so we can order some tasty stuff, too!
Hope you all get some rest over there today and catch up from the lost sleep due to Dutch being a doofus!
Hey Puglet, tell your Mom that we go on the boardwalk at Seaside, NJ in the fall and spring but not so much in the summer because it's just too darn crowded and Mom is afraid we'll get crushed but all the nut heads from New York(och!). We're allowed out on the beach @ Seaside October to May. They are very dog friendly in Seaside but then again, for a place that lets Snoki and The Situation hang out, why wouldn't they be?
Atlantic City, NJ boardwalk is only for grown up humans with service animals. Mom says it's a dirty place and we'd all have to wear paw socks to walk around there. No thank you!!!
Ocean City, NJ has a nice dog friendly boardwalk and Cape May has a beach that is just for dogs!!
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those JSP's
RAD Dude!!!! Totally RAD!!! (that means "Really Awesome Deal" you know)
Love Noodles
Poor Dutch & Pug, I missed yesterday's posting. So sorry your tummies aren't feeling so great. Molly wasn't feeling great the past few days either...maybe it was sympathy sickness!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
I love shopping online Puglet, we are waiting on two deliveries right now and they can't get here soon enough for me. I sure hope the UPS man can't smell my foodables and eats them before he brings them to me. I just can't trust a guy that wears black ankle socks and black service shoes with bermuda shorts, especially while working....
Mr Chewy should send you extra chewies for blogging about the site. You're a professional supermodel and celebrities always get free stuff.
Can't wait to find out what you bought, especially since there was stuff that even a chew expert like you hasn't tried.
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