Whatever. Check it out:
Hello and Congratulations!
This is your official notification that you have been nominated for a "Beast of the Bay Award" by Bay Woof's loyal readers. It's no small feat that you made the cut - over 1350 nomination ballots were received, and you were named as one of the top four in your category.
The final ballot is available online until midnight, February 10th. If you like, you can alert your customers that you've been nominated by Bay Woof readers and encourage them to vote for you.
The final ballot can be found here:
The winners will be announced in the March edition of Bay Woof. We distribute over 35,000 free papers at over 400 locations in the greater SF Bay Area.
Kinda cool, right?
And since Daily Puglet is a 'we' thing, this means WE have been nominated to be The Best. Yup. Every pug and puggle and spaniel and beagle and kitty on here is in the running to be The Best.
Of course we know we're The Best, but I still think we should all vote for ourselves to make it official. It doesn't take long to vote and it's totally anonymous, but you do have to click about 9 times to get to #44: Best Dog Blog. You might want to vote for things along the way if you live in SF. But if you don't, just keep clicking until you hit page 9/10.
If you don't feel like voting, that's cool. We'll always be #1 no matter what.
Hey Puglet! We are new readers of your blog (well, our mom has to do the actual reading cuz you know, we're pugs and we don't read so well). Anyhoo....we LOVE your blog so we will totally be voting for you!
Your friends,
Hal and Opal
Pug, That's awesome you were nominated! You truly are the best thing I get to read everyday.
I voted!! Good luck, you are already a winner to your readers!!
Paula from DE
Yeah!! We love this blog! Voted right away!! The Daily Puglet rules! Yeah for your humans thumbs!! Mom reads it to us daily while we are taking our power naps! Your buds Grumpy, Chunky, Barnie and Bella. Glad to hear your feeling better today, you are our leader!!!!
We voted!!!
As we said before, The Power of the Pug will not be denied!!!
Scarlet & Meredith
(ok, that was a lot of excitement & exclamation points ~ we need a nap)
So awesome Pug! I voted for ya, and some other things as well....like Pt Isabel and such. Hope you win! Maybe you can get some celebratory bacon if you do...hell you should have some just for the nomination right?
Totally just voted! And I live in another state!
This is a bi-coastal blog and it is LOVED everywhere, so I voted all the way from NJ!! You are the BEST Puglet!
Puglet, we got you covered. Just voted!
You got our votes too !!
Love you ~
Sammy and Neko
Our vote is on it's way from the New Jersey Shore. It brought us a bit of a warm + fuzzy feeling on this cold, snowy winter day.
Lea, Riley & Roxi
Those JSP's
Hey Puglet,
You got nominated and we voted done done and done. Now just waiting for the results because we know The Daily Puglet blog will win, we just know it. We know from our pushed in faces to our curly tails that your blog will win.
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli
PS, we met a guy on Sunday from San Diego, his name was Dave. He told us his girl pug Ruby was killed on Friday by coyotes. He just wanted to pet us for Pug Love cause he was far away from home and couldn't pet his boy pug Bernie. We were happy to oblige with lots of Pug Love for our new friend Dave.
We voted for you, Puglet! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty
I just voted for The Daily Puglet! You are going to win, I'm sure!
Vote early and vote often!!! For Puglet of course!!!
whoa!!! Congrats are due, definitely!!!!! Amazing!!
I'll be share this everywhere I am on social media!! YAY!!!!
We voted!! Since the first question was mandatory we answered the one about the shelter re-opening. I mean we are not from San Fran, but re-opening a shelter sounds like it could be the best thing that happened in San Fran.
Good Luck!!!
Voted for ya dude!
Hiya Puglet,
I voted for you! I wanted to vote for your human, too, since she is the most super awesome pet photographer ever. We need to let the world know that!
We did it Puglet! We got all the way to #44 and we didn't even know anything about #1-43 because we live all the way on the East Coast!! Besides the prestige, will there be an bacon-ish prizes??
Best Wishes to you and your Human, you guys totally rock and are a bright spot in our day!
Love, Sammy, Mimi, Rocco and Bagel in Upstate,New York
I'm voting...uh, and will have others vote too cuz I love winning no matter who or what it's for so can't wait for YOU to win Puglet!
Hi Pug,
Mom & I both voted. But we think your Human should be nominated for best photographer too.
Just voted. I'll spread the word - you HAVE to win. You're the best!
Oops - disregard our human's last comment, apparently she can't read instructions...
Happy to vote for my pal Puglet! Hope you win big time...
Eddie the Pug
Rock on Puglet! We voted too and your Mom should def be in the best photographer category!
Say Puglet, who is this Jimmy fellow? It all involves chicken in our house, and layin down.. and lookin cute. Really? We have to WORK on that?? Mom says that Puglet is the JIMMY MASTER... so that means Jimmy is a chicken? WE don't quite get it yet, but we will do anything for chicken!
Love from Chloe and Caylee
we voted Pug!! Go you! you are the best!!!
I voted for you!
Voted for you Pug! However, your thumbs got robbed in the photography category. Although, on second thought, perhaps that was your doing so you wouldn't have to share her any more than you already do?
Our friends at Pride and Pedigree made the list too. Yay!
voted! we know you are going to win!
Congratulations! Nice nomination, you really deserve it. We love reading you every day! I don't know why, but we missed our email notice that you posted yesterday (and we hate to miss your daily picture)! I don't know if it's an issue anyone else is having, but just thought we'd let you know. We'll go vote now!
I asked my human to use her thumbs to vote for you. I know that you will win, Puglet. You are the best!
Your friend, Gidget
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