It's extrasuper important that my human thinks I'm skinny because last night I got an email from Bill (of the awesome Bill + Susan of Operation Daisy) about a ridiculous new eatable he thought I might enjoy.
Two words: Bacon Milkshake.
Uhm. Yeah, I think I might enjoy that! So what if I have no idea what a milkshake is, anything made with bacon is going to be good. Move over Baconator, here comes the Bacon Shake!
The only problem is my human. One, she's not a bacon-eater. Two, she doesn't want me to be a bacon-eater either. I did some recon and found out I can get a Bacon Shake at some place called Jack in the Box, but only for a limited time so we must act fast.
I you were me, how would you convince/trick/guilt your human into getting you a Bacon Shake??
Google says there's a whole world of bacon I knew nothing about. Seriously. Like there's this dude Neal who loves bacon so much he wants to marry it. Seems like kind of a freak, but he knows all about crazy bacon stuff. Hello Bacon of the Month club! And an online Baconery (bacon bakery) that makes bacon muffins and stuff for humans and special pig-shaped bacon cookies for dogs (!).
Bacon Milkshakes are just the beginning.
Use your go-to move: the Jimmy. Seriously, your irresistible!
Pug, if you need a field agent, I'm on it! And I agree, use the Jimmy! What if you faked fainting and made sure you human knew that bacon was the only thing to revive you? Must...have...bacon...
Point out to your mom that you carry your weight on your back, and since I need to bite on your back fat for fun, that you need bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. Maybe I'll get my mom to smuggle you a bacon shake. She's anti-pork too, but she is very pro pug back fat.
Hey Puglet,
Lucky for us our mom thinks pork parts specially bacon should be eaten daily. This from a woman that can't even look at red meat or meat on bones. Yep she's a whack-O.
We saw that freak that wants to marry bacon..seriously, you eat bacon stupid !
Our mom said chocolate covered bacon is *to die for* we wouldn't die for food but the thought of bacon anything has us drooling..DROOLING !
Like Payton Must...have...bacon
We're going to check out that bacon website..as soon as mom lends us some thumbs
3E's Ellie, Emmitt and Eli on the hunt for bacon
Hey Puglet, you should convince your human that she needs some incredible action shots of you eating the bacon shake for 1000 Pugs, or The Daily Puglet! Hope you get the shake! I'm working my human over right now for it!
Hey P, don't forget when you come to Portland there's the bacon maple bar at Voodoo Doughnut. It's a must for the bacon aficionado:-)
Dude I don't know what you are talking about. I have NEVER had bacon or bacon flavoring. I suspect some anti-bacon sentiment on my Mommy's part. So tell me about this J.I.B. place?
Love Noodles
Bacon milkshakes? Well, I could see bacon and ice cream going together so why not? I agree with the other posts, you should try jimmying. And if that doesn't work, Payton has the best idea, try fainting and only move for bacon. Just don't be too good, you don't want your mom bringing you to the vet!
On a side note, Bellatrix sure likes you back fat. I agree, your back fat is sexy.
Sounds delicious!
But maybe you should get it with lactose free milk as some dogs are lactose intolerant and we wouldn't want you hurling up the bacon milkshake...we don't think it will taste as good coming back up!
We are going to show our mom this idea...wonder how you make a bacon shake...
sending loves from Perth Australia!
Take a deep breath, suck in and point out your ribs to her? and always try to be in your most flattering, slimming pose
Operation Bacon can be tricky if your human doesn't particularly partake of it! You can always use the 1000pugs thing!
I keep forgetting to go to Jack in the Box! YES! I would try it!
Oh dear! My human says that a bacon shake and a pug sounds like a hot mess to her. Something about dairy and pug tummies not going together. I *almost* had her talked into bringing you one when we meet you for a 1000 pugs photo shoot, then she apparently came to her silly human senses.
Incidentally, do you know if your human will be taking any pictures outside of SF in the Bay Area? I'm a little scared to come to "The City" and meet Nikon all in the same day. My human says we can get wherever we need to, but it would be silly for us to brave it if Nikon will be over here too.
PS, I just read the information on it and not sure this is good or bad news, this shake contains no actual bacon, it's bacon flavored syrup so maybe your human would go for it. Then again, why bother if it's not real bacon?
Technically since it's a milkshake you don't eat it, you drink it. Since your human doesn't want you eating bacon, the bacon shake is perfect for you since you don't have to eat it!
Desperate times call for desperate measures Puglet, 2 words:
Hunger Strike.
We know, it sounds drastic and very dramatic, but...
a) you have a flare for the dramatic
b) it'll get you less tubey (not that we recommend this as a healthy way to diet ~ again, desperate times)
And by all means Jimmy like your life depends on it!
Kudos to Em & Max on the drinkable not eatable aspect of the bacon milkshake. That is genius reasoning.
Scarlet & Meredith
"Technically since it's a milkshake you don't eat it, you drink it. Since your human doesn't want you eating bacon, the bacon shake is perfect for you since you don't have to eat it!"
"I just read the information on it and not sure this is good or bad news, this shake contains no actual bacon, it's bacon flavored syrup so maybe your human would go for it."
- augustus
Hmmm. That's weird. Who would make a Bacon Shake and not put bacon in it??? Payton sent me REAL bacon bits for Christmas so I guess I could always do a Fake Bacon Shake with Real bacon on top. But I might have to find a new human to make that happen.
Operation Bacon won't be easy.
PS Augustus ~
The other parts of the Bay didn't cooperate so she's just doing SF and some place called SLO and Santa something. I was at one of the SF photoshoots last week and it was in a park that's like the wilderness so not all of the SF shoots are in The City part of The City.
3Es --
I can't believe you have a human who'd eat Chocolate Bacon! That's awesome. I bet she'd let me put bacon sprinkles on my Bacon Shake.
Scoutie --
I've heard my human talking about the Voodoo donut. I am so there!!!!
Oh, bacon is the best! My mom saw something called bacon covered ham yesterday - never saw it before. My mouth waters just thinking of that (she DIDN'T buy any - what is wrong with her!). We don't have those Jack in da boxes...but it sounds very good. Puglet, we like your leaf picture - you have a very far-away look to your eyes...
Thanks Puglet, I will have my human sign me up for the park place or maybe the beach. I've never been to the beach...
My human found a recipe for Easy Cheesy Bacon dog treats that she says we can make (my people are total Bacon eaters, but they don't share with the dogs. Something about pangry-titis?). Maybe I'll sneak some into Mazda for you when I meet Nikon.
Ok Puglet, I have a plan, but you have to do it right because it will only work once! First, your human has been, and will continue to be recklessly cheating on you with other pugs (she sees me in April!) and Nikon is also cheating on you. So...here's the plan. YOU need to cheat on her (like I said, this will only work once) but it MUST be with a Bacon-Eating-Human. Preferably one that cannot resist your Jimmy. Think hard Puglet 007.
BACON SHAKES!!! Wow! I am so gonna try and get me one of those. I have no idea how but I will get one!! Limited time offer, huh? I've got to work fast.....
They don't have bacon milk shakes in New Jersey ..... all we have is blueberries, cranberries, corn and of course those stupid Jersey tomatoes ..... NJ sucks. So, if you're able to get yourself one of those bacon milk shakes, Puglet, drink it, enjoy it, and think of all us pugs and pug fractions that aren't so lucky!
Roxi, Riley & Lea
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