My human is down to one thumb and hasn't slept since Sunday, but we made it to the airport. She said all we had to do was make it on the plane and we are almost there. It's kinda cool to watch the planes land but the lady sitting next to us is eating something meaty so it's a little hard to concentrate on the planes....
Nest stop, Dallas!
Friendly skies and safe trip to and from Dallas, Puglet and Miss Amanda!! Hope everything goes as planned and you find some time to enjoy yourself. Are you excited, Puglet? Is the airport really cool? Do you have to travel in a suitcase?
Roxi, Riley & Lea
And I will be here, #148, waiting on ya Puglet. Hope the plane ride was as much fun as I've heard it can be. Did ya have to stay under the seat? Did you keep real quiet? I bet you were the perfect passenger! Hope your first plane ride was great and you both got to Big D safe and sound! Sunday can't come soon enough for me!
Is the San Fran photo gallery up yet??
Hi Pug!
I'm so excited I can't contain myself! See you in a couple of days my friend. Mom and I are concentrating super-duper hard on positive vibes & great positive juju for your Human!
We'll wave as you fly over. We live about 20 minutes from the airport.
See you soon!!!!
Gracie and Arnie
#130 & #131
Safe flight Puglet and Miss Amanda!!! And have great time in Texas, we can't wait to hear from you from there:) lots of hugs from us PT
Oh Pug, hope your humans hand is ok. I'll bet you are the hit of the entire airport.
~~~ JuJu to Amanda's thumb! ~~~
Have fun Pug! We want to see you supermodel a 10 gallon hat...
Meredith & Scarlet
Hey Puglet!
Sending juju for your human's hand! We hope you have some wonderful adventures in Dallas!
From snowy(!) Seattle,
Hal and Opal
Oh Puglet, how exciting! Have you ever had such a big adventure? I can't wait to read ALL about it!
I would never curse you with the hopes for an exciting flight so I hope yours is uneventful.
Sending lots of juju your human's way. Did you hear that Salinger's mum also is having giant hand issues? Scary stuff.
Have a good first flight puglet, can't wait to hear all about it. Represent us SF pugs well!
Have a good flight, Pug! Maybe someone will give you a taste of the meaty smelling stuff.... there's always hope! Have a great time in Dallas!!
Safe travels! Dallas is in for a good time!
That picture is great. Miss Amanda has a great talent for photography. You are very lucky to have her and her talents so she can share you with us!
Have fun traveling, Puglet and meeting new people and pugs!
P.S. In all my excitement,I didn't give my number... #132!! Right behind my guy, Arnie and friend Gracie.
Hey Pug, have fun my friend. Don't make us bay area pugs look like a bunch of poo eaters out here. Make sure you're extra nice the Dallas pugs and can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Don't worry, I'm keeping Dutch warm while you're gone.
Hi Puglet
Have a great time in Texas. You will be the bestest ambassador for Bay Area friendliness, I know. Let me know if flying is fun.
Love #75, Noodles
Wow so excited for your 1000 Pugs adventure! Looking forward to seeing all the pics! Lucky you getting to meet all your puggy friends in person - have a blast (& of course a safe trip)!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Have a nice trip. You have an exquisite profile:)
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
Let us know when you land. We are praying for your human's hand. Hope that it's all better for the 1k shoot. Can't wait to party at the Shack!
Have a safe flight! Sending lots of JuJu to Miss Amanda! P.s. Send Seattle some sun if ya can, woke up to snow this morning - Otis and Black Pearl
I hear there are a LOT of meaty things all over Texas. I hope you get to eat those instead of poo. Also, I hope Amanda's hand gets better!
I'm from Dallas, born and raised, so I consider myself an excellent judge of the city. You have picked out some wonderful locations in the city and DFW Pug rescue is a great organiztion; they got me into the whole rescue thing and made me a ture pug lover!
Have fun in Dallas puglet!
PS Watch out for those cow paddies!
Fly, Pug !! Fly !!!
OMG Puglet! Going on a plane is so exciting/scary, even for humans. I hope you have a great time in Dallas and get to smell lots of fun new things.
Have a great flight and trip Puglet! Dutch, have fun with Bellatrix!
Buddy & Lucey
OMPug!! I can't believe you're going on a PLANE!! How scary... I mean, wow, you're so brave!! Safe travels, my friend! Say hi to the Texas pugs for us! We can't wait to hear all about it!!
-Noodle (&Mochi)
Safe flight Pug!
Have something BIG for us out there!
And have lots of fun!
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
This is so exciting! Did you get air sick? Have your own seat? Enjoy and be good to your human.
When & Where! I am off work on Sunday and Monday and I really want to drive up and see you! I am only 4 hours away!!
Annie & Rocky!
Travel safely!! I hope you get to try some steak in Texas even if your human doesn't eat meat. Texas steaks are the best!!
Paula from DE
Glad to see you will be "smelling fresh and feeling pretty" for your first plane trip! What were the dog snacks and movies?
Just wondering...in case I can travel "in the cabin with my peeps"!
Eddie the Pug
wow, were you able to fly with your human, Puglet? You must weigh less than 20 lbs.
BadAnnie - we're at the Grapevine Botanical Gardens on Sunday, starting at 8am. Monday is Deep Ellum.
Email me at ringwise@sbcglobal.net and we can chat.
We can't quit looking at your distinguished profile Pug! I hope you come to Minnesota so we can face wrestle with you!
Hugs and Kisses,
Buddy and Lucey
PS We hope Amanda's hand is getting better!
OH, there's nothing more handsome than a pug profile! Happy traveling! Can't wait until you make it to the east coast.
Puglet - I'm so glad they let you through security!!
Can't wait to hear the details about your plane ride. Hope it was super. Romeo and my mom Sue.
You'll love Dallas. Maybe your Mom will make a UTube with the Dallas theme in the background. Tell your Mom every night to soak her hand in warm to hot water for 20 minutes. Sends better blood through the affected joint.
Wish you the very best from upstate New York,
your pal Joey
Puglet, how on earth do they let you in airports? I didn't know dogs could travel that way?!
Hiya Puglet!!!! I'm just dying to know how the airplane ride went. Did you fit under the seat? What kind of crate did your human use? I need you to give me ALL the nitty gritty. My humans are taking "little" Emi to the west coast with them in August. I'm told I'm too big to go. I've been on a diet and am down to 22.5 pounds which is well under the 25 pound weight limit. S any advice you can give me would be GREATLY appreciated. Can't wait to hear all about your travels!!!
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