I had no idea this was an option. Why didn't she tell me this sooner? I mean, walks pretty much suck now because of the poo anyway. And I'd much rather be on here with you than on the end of a stupid leash.
So I'm back. For 25 minutes, anyway. I'm pretty sure they don't have to be the same minutes though. Like, in a row. But I should probably ask. And do some sort of rain dance so the thumbs-minutes keep coming. Just in case.
Hi Pug! If you want rain, I'm on it. I'm pretty good at rain dances, just ask Suki.
Heya Payton!
Please don't do any dancing in Texas. My human is getting an ulcer just thinking about it.
I'm sorry about the rain. It rained a lot in NJ yesterday too. My mom and I couldn't go to the park because of it. We just had to walk around the block a few times - on a leash. We live in a town with a lot of bad drivers that go really fast - so mom won't let me off leash.
Anyway, while I was doing my business (aka Puglet buffet) one of those fast cars drove by me and splashed me! And it was a big splash too - I dripped the entire way back home. I don't know about you, but I don't like rain and even hate COLD rain more.
If you do get everyone to do a rain dance though - can you make sure it rains A LOT in Hoboken, NJ? My mom and dad were saying something about a bar crawl and drunk idiots. Last time my town had one, my mom almost punched a drunk girl because she tried to grab at me and fell on me.
Puglet I hear ya loud and clear re the RAIN! Ugh!!!
I was so wet the other night after doing my bidness that I had to endure a thorough toweling AND was confined to my crate by the heater despite FOOD being prepped nearby!
The inHUMANity!
Love Noodles
Be happy you have rain and not snow. Our Georgie won't go for walks in snow. He gos out on his lead for 2min comes back scratching at the door and waits to be warmed with his clean up towel. Most mornings we are rewarded with a log on our indoor mat, he's learned to piddle in the catbox, (Not nice when he raised his leg on the covered box) laundry room box is the dogbox now. George would be upset about rain too but spring is comming soon sweet pups. Flowers will bloom, smells will be at their strongest. Just a few more Weeks! Then no more dogbox or surprise front mat logs!
LOL at you Pug with saying walks suck now cuz of the poo! Yep, if ya can't sniff out new poo to eat why bother walking? I'm with ya there! Send the rain here...it's already heating up in the Big D...going to be 80 today.
Oh no, I don't want rain in Texas either! Well, at least while you are there!
It's raining here too, we only had an 10 minute walk this morning strictly for necessary business. Miss Scarlet does not like to get wet ~ fortunately she doesn't get stinky when it rains either.
Sadly Pug, with all of this poo talk, we still think of you when we see it. Sigh.
Scarlet & Meredith
So funny to see you and Dutch behind a pain of glass for some reason. Haha, I just realized my typo "pain" of glass
Rain.... yes, we got some and now it's ice. Mama could not open her car door yesterday, lol. It sure looks pretty, but pain in a b*tt when we have to do our business. Your favorite poo gets frozen right away.. ice cream poo?
I like the rain, it creates big mud puddles that are fun to run around in. Don't worry the rain will go away in time for pug Sunday. I haven't seen you in a few weeks, and I'm hungry for your meaty side dishes (aka back fat).
Don't worry about Texas, I hear it's always hot there! and they have some yummy BBQ for you to try.
Hmm. We got about 11inches of snow so far. Maybe ten. But a lot. And it's still snowing. My mommy puts me out in the back yard to potty and I LOVE the snow! It's so high now I can't walk, I hope like a bunny.
I hope it stops raining Puglet, but any time with you is a good time!
It's raining here in Australia too, we got to go out and splash in the puddles tonight!
It's just like being at the beach, but without the sand getting in your eyes.
Swish- I don't like walking in the rain either cuz it takes me forever to find somewhere to do my business cuz the rain washes away all the smells.
Oak- I don't like the rain cuz I get cold and wet.
Agreed. Rain sucks.
But at least you got thumbs for 25 minutes.
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
Bet your human doesn't make you wear a stupid Morton salt girl yellow rain coat when it's raining! I look like a furry sunflower, it's so embarrassing!! I'm a Dude and won't shrink if I get wet. Molly has a cute little pink one, Dutch would probably like it :)
Whoa Mookie. I thought cold and wet was bad. At least we don't have drunk girls falling on us!
Heya George ~
I've only been in the snow once and it was kinda like rain -cold, wet- but a lot more fun to play with :)
Hiya Maggie!
80? Like, degrees? I'm pretty sure people here in SF start to melt at 73. Not sure what happens when you get all the way to 80!?!
Oh Frodo, you have no idea. There's a picture of me in the Morton coat on here somewhere... luckily I outgrew that thing.
Hi Pug,
If you want more rain, Payton is your gal. She sure knows how to shake her booty! She has been doing a rain dance for the drought here in Austin, guess what?! It's been raining!
P.S. I just checked the forecast for next Frday & Saturday, the hight temp will be 70 & 71 degrees.
Our HuMom forbids us to use her thumbs to complain about our NJ weather. She said something bout it being a mild winter here and we ought to be grateful ..... no idea what she's talking bout - it seemed cold to us.
We will do our special puggle warm rainy weather dance for you.
Lea and Roxi and Riley
Don't worry about rain in Texas, Puglet. I've got a good feeling about the weekend. The forecast has already been revised to the better.
Things I've learned about Texas weather since moving here:
Wait 10 minutes, and it will change (said about a lot of places, but MORE than true here)
The weather report changes up to the day before
"Rain" doesn't last all day (usually)
Have a safe, awesome trip to Texas this weekend, Puglet.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Hi Puglet
Its hot in San Antonio, the weather person said something about being close to 85 today. We were laying in the sun working on our farmer tans.
Sorry we can't go to Ft. Worth when you are in Texas, mom said the 5+ hour ride was a bit much.
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli
Better than the foot of snow I got yesterday &I I have 4 more inches to come :(
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