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Whatever. We're home. And a whole bunch of REALLY loud to people partied in the streets last night to celebrate. Think I even heard something about a parade. How cool is that? Seriously. I had no idea San Francisco missed me so much.
Anyway. Even though we're back on the right/left/regular coast, we're still on Eat Coast time and suuuper tired. Thanks to the airplane and noisy party people, we all need a big fat mega-nap. Please wake me up in time for my parade. I think it's on Wednesday.
If you're on the Eat Coast, don't mess with Huge Sandy. If they tell you to leave your house, go! If they tell you to stay inside, stay! Be careful and stay safe. I'll dream lots of good and dry thoughts for you.
PS: someone's dumb thumbs didn't push the publish button so you missed like two whole days of me last week. It's there now if you missed me :)
Thank pugness you got off the east coast in time and lots of prayers those who are still there.
I wonder if all the humidity on the east coast could be blamed for weighing down the scale and giving you a false reading on your weight.
Glad you made it home safely! We hope your grandma is doing okay in all this mess. We are underwater down here in Norfolk, but we'll be okay once all the water leaves.
So glad you are home safe and sound Pug. I am so not surprised they are having a parade to welcome you home. We really loved having you here on the eat coast, so I know they missed you.
I hope your Grandma and Sophie are safe and dry. We are hunkered down here at home. We live inland, but our coastal friends are already taking a beating. Paws crossed everyone stays safe.
Glad you made it home safe! We are still waiting for the full arrival of Sandy. Apparently she's so big it takes a few days for her to get thru here.
As long as you are not as big as Sandy you should be able to have treats.
So glad you are home safe and sound, Puglet, though we miss you here in New Jersey! We are hunkered down trying to stay safe and dry. My son, granddaughter and their two beagles are sticking it out in Ocean City, NJ. Prayers would be appreciated! Hope all is well with your Grandmom and Sophie. I know there has already been a power outage in their area - I hope they were not affected! My best to all!
Puglet and Amanda
So glad you are home and safe and napping!!! You have certainly deserved it. I also hope your east coast family remains safe and unharmed in any way.
Love you, Noodles
Oh, and I am so HOARSE from barking for the SF Giants. Oddly enough, they are ALSO having a parade on Wednesday! Isn't that great timing? We can honor you AND the G-Men all at once!
Love, again, Noodles
My gosh puglet you must have been missed to have a parade planned in your honor and on all hallows eve also...are you gonna wear your costume? We have our paws crossed for your family on the east coast!!
stella rose
Glad you are back from the "eat" coast...maybe thats why you are feeling so tubbie lately.
Love that they had a parade in your honor! Welcome home. We are thinking good thoughts for all our four and two legged friends Sandy is visiting.
Hi Puglet,
We are super worried about our mom's family.. they all live on the Eat Coast except us, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Florida. Thanks for the good dreams to keep people safe.
Can't wait to hear about your parade.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli - hi and dry in San Antonio, TX pug prayer sna paws crossed to keep everyone safe
We are so happy you're home and safe. We pray your grand-human is OK; we know she and Sophie are in a NJ in a spot that looks like it was hit very hard. Our dear friend & her family in Red Bank is fine but without power and surrounded by a lot of damage.
Lots of love to you, Amanda, and you family! ♥♥♥
Meredith & Scarlet
So glad you made it home safe! Uh, that parade for ya on Wed...get out there and enjoy it, but I think a bunch of baseball people will be too! But, we know it's for you! Love ya Pug, and glad you are home!
Please let us know when you have a chance how your family is in NJ. Hoping for their safety. Storm has passed here and other than lost power overnight we are in good shape.
Hi Pug & Amanda - glad you are home safe & on the coast in which Pug will weigh less!!
We r okay. Please let us know how your mom & Sophie are.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Dear Puglet,
We are no longer The Jersey Shore Puggles. Everything is gone. We are so thankful that Mom was able to keep us all together. We are so grateful to NJ-PSE&G and first responders and NJ Fire Fighters. Those guys "ROCK". We are safe and that is all that matters. We pray and hope that your family and our east coast friends on DP are also safe.
Love you,
Roxi, Riley and Lea
Glad your safe its scary down here but dont come back coause Hurricane sandy is blowing hard and also you Deserverd to not be in this hurricane sandy coause your The great pug Enjoy being there and Bless you And all you pugs out there!
Glad to hear the Jersey Shore pugs are safe and together, but sad to hear of their circumstances. Hope everyone else is ok.
Amanda & Pug,
We are thinking of cousin sophie and her mom. Very worried about them and hope they are ok. Really enjoyed meeting them in NJ last month. Continue to think good thoughts and hope everything is ok.
Buddy and Bailey
so happy to hear you are all home on the regular coast!!! YAY!!!!
I've totally missed you, bunches.
Don't fret about the scale...I weigh almost 40 lbs....but I'm built like that.
Roxi, Riley, and Lea, you absolutely are STILL and ALWAYS the Jersey Shore Puggles. (Sorry, Puglet, to leave a comment for someone else on your blog, but we figured you'd understand).
Love, Champ and Bosco
Max and Lola, the Toronto pugs, are very sad about all their friends, canine and human, on the American east coast. We hope things will get better, but know this will take a while.
ummm, Mr. Puglet, hello .... can you, ummmm, maybe wake up now and tell us what is going on with your grandmom and Miss Sophie in NJ cause we've been awfully worried and not hearing from you and Miss Amanda makes us worry more and when we worry we pant and pace ..... like, alot.
We heard from a reputable source that Miss Amanda's mom and Sophie are ok. It's hard to think about other stuff when your family is hurting but so many of us are worried about those in the northeast. We hope that it's okay to post this. And if not, we are sorry to invade your privacy.
Southern Fried Pugs:
Thank you. I think there are 999 + pugs and humans wondering the same thing. I know I appreciate knowing.
Pugs unite! Redcross.org
Southern Fried Pugs,
I know what we are going through here at the Jersey shore. Just knowing that people care about each other in times like this and want to help get the word out that this one or that one are OK, esp. when maybe those people, themselves, can't b/c they're just too overwhelmed, well it means a lot.
People on this blog are the most caring people in the world. We all wanted to know Amanda's family is OK, so thank you for stepping up to the plate and sharing this GOOD news.
Rose (Roxi, Riley and Lea's Human)
** Jersey Shore Strong **
Max and Lola, the Toronto pugs, say that they are glad some other puggies have expressed the thought that they were too shy to, about Puglet's grandmom and Sophie's safety. They wish they could do something to help anyone on the Jersey Shore and elsewhere on the devastated coast.
Thank you for letting us know. We have been worried...for those in the area, is there a specific charity you would recommend? In the past (hurricane Katrina) our human donated to the North Shore Animal league (she already gives regularly to Red Cross), but hesitates until she knows if there might be someone else?
Jersey Shore Puggles, can we send you anything? Collars, leashes, blankets, sweaters?
Thank you southern fried pugs for the update.
In Delaware we dd ok but the news was not so good about the jersey shore and a lot of the businesses we work with are still closed for no power and damages. Glad miss Amanda's mom and Sophie are ok!
Pearl & Tessa, I was given this website by the pug rescue group I got Molly. Its the NJ SPCA.
Its very kind of you to ask to help. I know there are lots of homes destroyed & people have no place to take their animals. We are very blessed we are okay where we are in Brick, others not so much.
Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo
Also our local shelter:
Thanks :)
Thank you everyone for your prayers and your offers of help. It's hard to believe it has been a week already since Sandy hit and we had to leave our home in Seaside, NJ (or rather our home left us, oh geez). We are safe and staying with my parents in Trenton, NJ. The puggles are settling in just fine and we are blessed to have people who care about us and for us. We're still scared and unsure of things but we’re just taking things one day at a time. We’re going to be OK …. We're Jersey Shore Strong!
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all your thoughts and prayers. ~ Rose
Now Puglet, share with us some of your adventure stores to make us laugh and smile. How was your parade last week???
Rose and those (forever) Jersey Shore Puggles
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