I'm new to this poem-writing stuff, so I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say or how I'm supposed to say it. Do you think these are any good??
Poem #1
Dear Jenny,
I saw your video
and now I know
you are the only pug for me.
I like going to the beach
and playing in sand
and taking walks around town
And so do you.
See what I mean?
Love, Puglet
Poem #2
Dear Jenny,
I've watched your videos
a hundred and two times
And I'll keep watching them until we meet
because we were meant to be.
Even if you do live in Oregon.
Your #1 fan,
Poem #3
Dear Jenny,
I've never written a poem before
but when I saw your video
I felt all funny inside
and now I'm pretty sure I might love you.
I would like to get to know you better.
Unless you have a boyfriend,
are a St Bernard named George,
or a cross-dressing Rottweiler.
Thanks for helping me! I really want Jenny to like me and not think I'm a creepy stalker.
Poem #3!
Oh, and send Jenny today's picture with your poem; you look very sweet and not at all tubular.
Yes Poem #3 is the best!
Dear Puglet;
You do look very handsome in today's photo. Of course, I think poem #3 is the funniest, but maybe poem #1 is probably a little more romantic.
Ok....still laughing over #3......
If this doesn't work, we are willing to nominate yuo for the website www.greatboyfriends.com. I am sure they;d be proud to have a pug!
Good Luck!
Gen & Foo
I vote for poem #3. It covers all the bases: you love her, you hope she's single and you are not looking for a dude or a dude in a dress.
Maybe send something else instead of flowers, they don't taste very good. How about a fresh baby cowpie wrapped up in a pretty box?
Hi Puglet! I kind of like poem #2, but I think you have to send poem #3 because it addresses all your concerns.
I agree with Ollie - no flowers. Pugs don't appreciate them and let's face it - we only want stuff we can eat. If I were you, I would send her some Popeyes and of course get some for myself. I'm just sayin'.
Stubby xoxo
Oooh, good point about the flowers guys. I should definitely send something edible.
Not sure about babycow pies - Jenny's human might not let her eat them. Do you think a freeze-dried bull penis says I love you??
Dear Puglet, You're breaking my heart. I thought you were the pug for me. I was going to share my chair and my Cheerios with you. Pugs Sniffles, Las Vegas Lola
What gives, my heart is breaking for your unrequited love and I'm thinking of writing you a poem to woo you away from Jenny and my human is laughing her head off and nearly falling out of her chair. I'm sure this is not the response you intended. I vote for poem #3, because it is funny and my human says you can get through anything if you have a sense of humor. Good luck and keep me in your little black book in case it doesn't work out.
PS I live in Oregon too.
Oh LV Lola & Phoebe, I had no idea you felt this way!
A pug who shares Cheerios? Maybe I should rethink Jenny....
Puglet, your poetry has touched my heart...
Definitely Poem 3!!!!!!! I agree with everypug else, it covers all the bases.
And yes, I do think a Bull Penis would be the better choice as a gift. I have to agree, the way to a girlie pugs heart is through her stomach.
Buford T. Justice and the Pack O' Pugs
Uh, Jenny? Is that really you??
Uhm, Hi. I love your pink umbrella thingy. And I hope you only read poem #3 because everyone says that's the best one.
OK. Bye!
<3 (that is a heart)
Heya Buford T -
I was totally about to order some of your tasty bully things for Jenny but then a dog at the park said I should get to know her better before sending anything with the word 'penis' in it.
No idea.
This love stuff is soooo confusing.
Hi Puglet,
Yeah, now that u mention it that makes sense. Hold off on the 'penis' treats......
Rooting for you dude,
Buford T. Justice
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