Well, yesterday the universe gave me sign. And the sign said Love Specialist. The sign is right by our house, across from the store that sells flowers. I've seen that sign about a gazillion times, but never really saw it until yesterday. If you know what I mean.
Now that I need help sending my love to Jenny, the universe has given me Hanna the Psychic/Love Specialist!

Hanna the Psychic didn't go near my butt though. She just looked at my paw and stared at me for a really long time without saying a word. Then she nodded and said, "Yes". Nothing else, just yes.
Yes? Yes what? Yes, Jenny loves me? Yes, Jenny already has a boyfriend? Yes, Jenny is a dude in a dress?? I kinda started to panic. But then Hanna started talking.
She told me things about a past life I don't remember. She also told me stuff about the future, but it didn't have anything to do with love. Or Jenny. When we finally got to the part about love, Hanna said something like: if you don't find love, love will find you.
Huh? What the heck is that supposed to mean? I wanted to ask Hanna to explain, but I got the feeling that's all she had to say.
I left Hanna the Psychic feeling even more confused than ever. I think I'll just stick with the plan and send Jenny a poem. And maybe something to eat. If she doesn't love me after that, there's probably nothing else I can do.
It's the weirdest thing... today I suddenly had a feeling that I was being drawn to you by poetry... truly psychic.
I think things are looking up for you, Puglet!!!
gen & the Foo
Puglet... sounds like that Psychic thing is working out for you! I went to a Psychic once and she said I was a very special boy... duh! I already knew that! It was fun and she told my human other things about me. I believe in that kinda stuff... now send Jenny that poem!
I'm feeling kind of psychic myself, today... Ollie the Oracle says, "I see a sassy little pug with a pink parasol called Jenny in your future. And a whole bunch of other gals who will step forward to claim your heart."
OMGoodness, Puglet! Did you see the message Jenny sent you?,It's LOVE!! Poem #3 and a bull penis- she wont be able to resist!
Lafayette Lola
I know! Maybe the psychic was right about the 'love will find you' part. Jenny found me! I wonder if this means she loves me??
She calls her babies 'the puglets'-you don't need a psychic to tell you THAT'S a sign!
Lafayette Lola
I don't want to throw a monkey wrench in your love life, but are you sure the Jenny who sent you the message is the same Jenny from Oregon that is in the video. Maybe it's another pug named Jenny. Think about it.
PS I'm not psychic. Just sayin'.....
Of course it's THE Jenny. See the pink umbrella thingy in the picture? That just has to be Jenny, right??
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