Here's what happened, y'know, the new facts. The big, puffy blanket thing that's usually on the bed was at the cleaners. So my human used a whole bunch of regular blankets to keep us warm. Except one of the blankets wasn't regular - it was a special electric one. When you plug it in, it gets warm. And sleeping on it is like sleeping next to a friend. Even though it's just a blanket.
Well, the electric blanket just happened to land on Dutch's side of the bed. It wasn't very cold out, but my human plugged it in and turned it on. Just because she could. And you know what happened? Dutch didn't move an inch all night. He stayed on the electric blanket, on his side of the bed, the whole entire time.
My human repeated the electric blanket experiment, just in case it was some freak coincidence. And night after night, Dutch slept on the blanket. He didn't smush me like some kinda pug sandwich and my human didn't wake up all sore from being squashed into a pretzel.
Dutch isn't a bed hog after all. He was just... cold. And you can't really get mad at a guy for trying to keep warm, right? Even if they do accuse you of being shaped like a loaf of bread.
So, I apologized. And here I am apologizing again, in public, for the whole internet to read. Mostly because my human said I have to. But also because the electric blanket trick might help some other bed hogs be less... hoggy.

I'm laughing too! Mostly because Dutch has his own "side of the bed". Glad your human doesn't have to be a pretzel anymore!
Aw, Puglet... you're such a big boy to apologize like that! I know how great those electric blankets are... my human has one too and I love it! It helps me stay in one place all night, too. I also love laundry right out of the dryer and burrow my way into it! But I don't like it when it gets too hot outside... go figure!
lol - too cute! i have to tell you, reading your posts puglet - is the highlight of my day! :)
YEAH!!!!! No more squished pug and sore momma!!! It's not nice of Dutch to laugh your humble, sincere apology!!! Bite his tail! =)
Puglet, you are too cute. I, too, look forward each day to your posts. You've become my #1 site!
I quit hogging mom's bed once she slid an electric doggie bed warmer underneath mine... now I just jump in her's for morning cuddles - and mom is much happier, since I was a MAJOR bed hog like Dutch, and a bit bigger than him I think (105 lbs. of furry love)... also, my joints are less achy, especially my sore hip that makes me limp sometimes :-)
Puglet, you are so wonderful for apologizing to Brother Dutch for the whole world to see. Poor Dutch, all this time he was just cold and wanted to snuggle. I can get on board with some snuggling, it's the funnest thing to do. I know you're still in charge Puglet, and it isn't nice of Brother Dutch to laugh at you, but every once in a while, it's nice to win small victories.
You are a gentleman & a scholar. It takes a pug with a big heart to apologize & in public (even if your human told you to do it).
Our human can't wait to try the heated thingy, but is having a hard time finding one. It's the end of the season; whatever that means. We don't think it will change anything-she gives us all kinds of blankets & she sleeps with none.
Zoey & Phoebe
We forgot to mention that in today's picture you totally look like a Jawa; one of those desert creatures that that sold the droids in the 1st Star Wars. (oh, we are such nerds!)
Z & P
Oooohhhhhh, you needs to talk to Punchy and see if she'll make some giant jammies for Dutch!
That tooks a lot for you to say you's sorry, so I say "way to go!"
Yeah, I may be a "shrimp" (something else Dutch accused me of being), but I'm big enough to admit I'm wrong. At least when my human says I have to.
And I really do feel kinda bad for Dutch though. For a dog who sheds like a blizzard, he doesn't seem to have much fur. Not the warm, fuzzy kind anyway. On top of that, he's like 99% fat free, so his body doesn't have as much "insulation" as a pug.
Zoey & Phoebe ~
I guess it's not exactly heated-blanket season, huh? I think we got ours at Target, maybe online they are on clearance!
Ohh - Dutch totally needs pajamas! Please DO NOT tell him I told the whole internet this, but he has a pink (yes, PINK) wool cape/blankety thingy that he wears after swimming. He loves it, so I guess it works, but it makes him look like SUCH a big spotted girly dork.
Awww, that's so cool I'm #1 *and* a highlight! I loooove making humans happy, and what can I say... I have a gift.
Puglet, despite being a loaf of bread, that was very big of you to admit you were wrong... I would like to tell Dutch (I am a rescue Doxie named Bailey) that I also get very cold and my human got me my own blanket and tucks me in every night so that I don't become a Spotted Bed Hog...
You do have a gift, Puglet. You have superpowers. You are humble (you apologize), you are endearing (you love cows), you're supersmart (you model/act) and you're spiritually advanced (you're green!)
In fact, I used your Green Video to teach my human's niece and nephew--my cousins--how to be green. Any pug who can do all that is green in my book! (green=cool)
Hee hee...AWW Puglet!!
'Dats so nice of you to apologize to the cute little spot dot dog!! But Izzy thinks 'dat Dutch should make you count all his spots too...just to make sure and alls 'dats yous really sorrys. (hee hees)
xoxoxoxoxo Josie
the loaf of bread description cracks me up
Puglet and Dutch,
You two get cuter with every picture. I just love checking in on you. I do have one question. Is flatpuglet still on the move? My human keeps checking for updates, but there isn't any. Can we help? I don't know how, but we sure would try.
Speaking of bed hogs, our human says we are bed hogs too. Not just Kizzy, but me too. Can you believe it? She says she can't even turn over with one of us snuggled up to each side of her and pinning her down with the blankets. I always start out on the extra pillow, but move to under the covers and snuggled real close, but she has something she calls "hot flashes" and it chases me out. After that I snuggle close on top of the blankets and so does Kizzy. Our human must not be too uncomfortable, cuz she said we get to stay on the bed. Whew!!!
Phoebe in Oregon
Although my Pugapoo is a bed hog too - I love snuggling with him! But heaven forbid I try to move him from his chosen spot - he growls - so I spend some uncomfortable nights letting him have his way!
I can't believe Dutch is laughing at you! he must be getting a kick out of all this.
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