If you've never met Stubby, there's something about him you should know. He LOVES Popeye's fried chicken. It's kinda his thing. Thanks to him, we visited a Popeyes last year to celebrate the day I came to live with my human. And I've been waiting for another Popeye's-worthy superspeical day to come ever since.
Stubby's 13th birthday sounded totally Popeye's worthy to me, but my human didn't see how feeding me fried chicken would celebrate Stubby's big day.
ME: But it's Popeyes!!
ME: And, uhm, Stubby loves Popeyes so we should honor him by eating it?
MY HUMAN: Nice try.
It didn't look like Popeyes was going to happen, but then we heard our pug friend Anakin had to have emergency surgery - after he went to Popeyes... to get a birthday surprise for Stubby!
Kind of a long story, but Anakin accidentally ate some chicken legs. With the bones and everything. The vet cut open Anakin's belly and took back the bones, so he's doing OK now. But I don't think he really got a chance to enjoy his Popeyes.
When I told my human we now had Anakin's recovery AND Stubby's big day to celebrate, she totally caved. Half hour later, we were at the Popeyes drive-thru thingy placing an order. My human couldn't remember the name of what we got last time, but she knew it was boneless.
Uhm, we want those things that don't have bones? It's for my dogs, she said.
(the Popeye's person had no idea what she was talking about and probably thought she was a whacko)
You mean... Nuggets? he asked.
Minutes later, we drove away with a box of 6 tasty Nuggets. I had to share with Dutch, so they were gone in about 15 seconds. But before I inhaled my Nuggets, I made three wishes: good health for Anakin, a long happy life for Stubby, and another chance to eat at Popeyes.
Those events sound totally Popeye's worthy to me. I don't think we have a Popeye's around our neighborhood, but I could probably talk my human into nuggets from McDs or somewhere else. Kizzy and me, we want to wish Stubby a Happy Birthday and to Anakin we want to say, "Speedy Recovery". That must have been scary. Puglet, you and Dutch are very good friends. We all appreciate you both.
Phoebe in Oregon
Man, Puglet, those are two very worthy reasons to celebrate... and get some Popeye's!
13 years old? No wonder Stubby knows so much! And poor little Anakin! Just trying to enjoy some chicken and ends up on the operating table? That sucks- never had chicken, but I wonder if it's worth it! When I finally convince my mom to take my to Popeye's, we'll have to make sure we ask for Nuggets!
Hey 'deres Puglet!!
I's was asleep and Josie and Izzy were giggling and poking me. 'Day said for me to wakes up 'dats my name is mentioned in your bloggy. I said what's? Me?? I popped my heads up and reads it.
'Dat's so cools of you and your Momma to do a post for Stubby and me's and for your Momma to get you some tasty Nuggets. (BONELESS!!! Smart lady!!!) Oh's and you had to shares with Dutch!! 'Dat was nice too's!
Puglet you're such a good friend and hopefully you'll gets lots more of 'dem nuggets in the futures!!
'Danks for thinking of me's!!!
Your Pal,
Anakin Man
Hi Puglet,
Love and licks to Stubby and Anakin.
May Stubby enjoy many more years of being wise and green and spreading the word about Popeye's (he should get a spokes model fee).
I wish Anakin a speedy recovery and good health and lots of Popeye's nuggets once his tummy is back in order.
And some nuggets for Anakin's brave and quick thinking human for getting him the help he needed so quickly.
I, too, hope your 3 wishes come true!! All the best to you, Stubby, and Anakin!!
-Happy Birthday Stubby, we know the official day was yesterday but, you're 13, so it's a 13 day long celebration, at least. We tried to convince our human to get us Popeye's for the next 13 days but she said 1 is enough.
-Anakin, we hope you get to feeling better real soon. Strong, the force is, with the pug named Anakin. You'll be eating Popeye's in no time.
-Thanks, Puglet, for always giving us good reasons to celebrate. It's been cloudy days at our house; the car got sick, then Zoey, then our human, then the computer(we're still catching up on all your posts). As always, Puglet, you manage to bring sunshine(& Popeye's!) into our lives.
Lots of pug luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Mmm nugets!
You know, I always hear my grampy talking about this Popyes. Somethig about the tackle box. First they have it, then they don't.I may have to accompany him on his next trip.
Puglet, we bet those nuggets were delicious! We are so glad that Anakin is doing better!
Pugs & Kisses
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Puglet! I can't believe you did a post about my birthday! That's so cool of you dude! I don't know if I'm the wisest, greenest, oldest pug on Earth but it sounds good to me!
How did I know your human would totally cave in when she found out about Anakin? The force was with you all the way.
I inhaled my Popeyes yesterday too plus every other foodable that was placed in front of me. My reason? Your only golden once so live it up!
Stubby xoxo
What a great way to celebrate Stubby's birfday, Anakin's recovery and just another day in the life of the greenest little pug on the planet! :D
He hee Wilma ~
Funny you mention the "tackle box". Before the Popeyes dude asked if boneless things = Nuggets, he thought boneless could = tackle box.
Of course this TOTALLY confused my human. Tackle box? Uhh.... is that fish? Shrimp? Whatever it is, the Popeyes in Half Moon Bay, CA has it :)
So cool of everyone to wish goodness for Stubby & Anakin. May you all get to eat Popeyes one day too!!!
I definitely recommend ordering the Nuggets. I've never eaten a chicken bone, so I can't say for sure that they're not tasty - but they can't be worth the potential trouble. Besides, you can just suck Nuggets down without even chewing.
We read what happened to Anakin- how scary. His mom sure is swift on her toes and so smart to get him to the doctor right away. We hope he gets better soon. As far as Stubby- he is such a cool, wise pug and we wish him many more happy special birthdays.
Sooo cute! Hoping all your wishes come true. That must have been a huge scare for poor Anakin and his mommy.
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