So here are some pictures of me:
This is me and Puglet at the beach having a race. He said if I won I could eat all his cookies for the rest of the day. It was only early in the morning and I like cookies a lot so I ran as fast as I could.

It was a little bit scary, so I ran even faster.

Hi Frank! It's Puglet's bromance dude Stubby here. I know that Puglet gets a little crazy around the camera and the cookies but he means well. He's used to being the cutest dog wherever he goes and he just loves, loves the camera. What can I say? He's a superstar.
Puglet told me that he loves it when you stay at his house. He told me how you guys sumo wrestle, go for walks, and just hang out. I secretly think he doesn't mind sharing everything with you but that he thinks he has to act all crazy so you don't take over his world.
Stubby xoxo
Pee-s: I love how Dutch is nosing his way into your picture!
Oh, it's a little puglet model in training! You're doing very well for your first official photo shoots Frank. And your little black manly harness is so adorable. Here's to little Frankie!
And don't mind Puglet. He likes having you around as the little pug brother he never had--that's why all the roughness. And I think he secretly wanted you to have his cookies--although he would never admit it and have to "attack" you so no one would ever suspect.
OH FRANK! You are cute! :) Your first official internet post is great!!!! I wish you many more cookies today! :)
Wow, Frank you're really learning to stand your ground with Puglet. You're not even broken, maybe that's what's freaking him out a little bit. He's used to a more subtle Frank that would stand back during picture time. Plus Pug's been under a lot of stress with all these secrets & he can't really share them with Dutch because Dutch is a worrier. So please forgive the Pug, be supportive & understanding because we know he loves you very much. The next time he get's a little out of line tell him that there's a PINK collar with his new nickname waiting for him: DIVA!
You did a great job with all the cuteness. Hope to see you soon.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Puglet, I feel your pain!
Love, Wuna Bear
Frank, we think you make a great pug model. Don't worry about Puglet, we know he loves you. He always talks about how happy he is when you come to visit.
Great pics!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi Frank!
It's so nice to "meet" you. We've heard a lot about you! Have fun with Puglet (even though he can get a little jealous.) Just be careful. We wouldn't want you to be broken again!
Yeah, uh, I am with you Frank on the not really playing thing. I can see it in his eyes! He was planning a nasty knock-down. That Pug wanted to take you down Son. Good job on playing the poor me momma's boy card. The guy loves you regardless, so just sock it to him and show him you can play rough too.
Kitty and Coco
Hi internet!
You are all so nice to stick up for Puglet. And you are right, he is a good friend and he has been sharing his entire universe with me for almost a whole week now. He even lets me sleep on his human's head (when she's not looking).
Zoey + Phoebe are probably the rightest. Pug is used to "Subtle Frank" and has been surprised to find out I have a not-subtle side too. The first time I stayed here, I got humped a whole lot. But now? I'm the one doing the humping.
PS: the humping is why there hasn't been a video of us playing. Pug's mom says she doesn't want to make "that kind of video".
Hi Frank,
You look like your running really fast. Leaving Pug in your dust. My ears do crazy things too when I run.
How is phase two going? Any real answers to Seattle? Has the sleep deprivation technique worked for the interrogation?
Frank and Pug, I'd totally watch "that" kind of movie. Hey...I'm a teenager...raging hormones. We're all fixed right? It's all fun and games, until someone gets humped.
Hi Frank...I totally think you're doggone hadnsome. You must get all the ladies. I'm glad to hear that you guys had such a great week- Pug's always so excited when you come over for a visit, but sometimes there's too much stimulation- the 13 year old girl in our house has that problem in a major way.
Til next time,
Lafayette Lola
Puglet-I am on your side, how dare this interloper,Frank,"hog" your owner, camera and treats! Hold your ground Puglet! Frank is cute, but he is not the mighty Puglet! And I bet he is the sneaky one that is starting these bro-ha-has!
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