This friend was at the park the other day, minding his own business, when a pile of stray poop called to him from the top of a hill. And the poop said EAT ME! Poop had never spoken to my friend before. And he had never eaten poop. It never even occurred to him that poop was eatable. But when the poop invited him over for a snack, well, let's just say my friend isn't the kind of dog who can say no to a snack.
So he ate the poop. And he liked it.
Once my friend realized poop is totally eatable, it was really hard not to eat it. And once you start sniffing around for poop, the stuff is everywhere! This was like, a huge revelation to him. And a major freak out moment for his human. She totally does not consider poop eatable, so her reaction went something like:
So my friend wants to eat poop. Like, all the time. And his human does NOT want a poop-eating pug. So she tries to stop him. But my friend REALLY wants to eat the poop. It's so tasty and irresistible. He's like, powerless.
And that's the problem.
Because my friend's human says that if he eats one more bite of poop, he'll never see the light of day again. Or at least will be leashed at all times. My friend knows he should listen to his human, but when the poop is talking, he can't really hear her. And everywhere he goes, there's some stray poop saying EAT ME!
So, uhm, does anyone here know how to stop eating poop? Y'know, so I can tell my friend. Google only knows how to stop eating your own poop. I need to know how to not eat stray poop. Or at least how to do it without getting caught.
I have two suggestions to this. First is a bottle of something called Forbid. You can get it online but also at some pet stores. You sprinkle it on poop and it then tastes very nasty to the pug eating it. Of course, that means scouting the area you will be in to sprinkle it on the offending poop. Also, there is an additive called prozyme that can be added to food. Some vets say it is some kind of deficiency that causes this. I have tried both...found the answers online when my pet picked this habit up at the dog park. The Forbid, in addition to using treats when she ignored it, worked well. There are all kinds of theories about nature vs. nurture...that it's in the genes, so to speak. The only other alternative is to leash them in public parks or use a muzzle but that was never a choice for me. Good luck!
Puglet - you . . . Uh, I mean YOUR FRIEND . . . find so many ways to get in trouble. A PUG after my own HEART!
Love Noodles
Oh dude, this is not good. For your friend. I have a friend, not me. But maybe someone close to me, to whom the poop speaks. However, it is only her own poop. This could be a real problem for your friends freedom. If you have any influence with this friend, tell him it is not only gross, but kinda dangerous to eat the poop of those whom you don't know where the poop has been. Of course, my friend thinks she is being green by recycling her poop. She says, it was so good the first time, why not run it through again. Maybe you could have a word with her about this. You know, explain what it really means to be green. You could just call her B, as she is somewhat embarrassed about the habit. Or, you could call her sh*tounglia, that's what she is called when she engages in this hobby.
Anyway, back to your friend. I hope someone has some good advise, it would be a real shame if said friend was not able to walk off leash anymore. In fact, my bro got a leash that Mom is reviewing and she was just thinking how she was going to reference you Puglet, as one of the good dogs that, unlike us, is well behaved off leash. Hmmmm... Maybe positive feedback will help?
Ugh... a poop eating pug. I have one of my very own poop-eating pugs named Gino. However, he likes to indulge in his own poop or his brother's poop (Kermit.) I suspect he would not discriminate on stray poop either, we just don't go to the park often as they don't really like the park (weird, right?) It is a most disgusting habit that I have not been able to break, and sadly, I have no suggestions for your "friend's" stray poop problem. Just my sympathies for his human. I do hope this "friend" of yours is not a big kisser. Nothing grosser than poop kisses!
Hiya Puglet,
My human let out a huge "ewwww" when she read this too, but I can relate to talking poop. I don't like to eat it (yet), but it definitely is tempting.
Google was actually pretty helpful and found this product that is added to "his" food - it's called Solid Gold S.E.P. (Stop.Eating.Poop.). Apparently it makes poop taste more poopier, like poop is supposed to taste I guess?
Good luck to your "friend", Puglet ;)
Molly in PA
Oh Puglet- I had the SAME experience this summer. My mom was all gloaty after reading your blog and how many pugs eat poo because I had NEVER touched the stuff. Then at the park one day I disappeared in some trees for awhile and when Mom found me I was snarfing on pureed poo in a bag! It was aged and decomposed to perfection. Normally I raise my snout in what appears to be disgust and back away from poo, but man, this poo was perfection. Mom hasn't been the same since. If you don't want to get caught (at least not 'til you've had some good feasting) look for a bag of poo that someone threw in the trees instead of the garbage can!
Hi Puglet!
My human says for your human, uh... I mean your friend's human, to feed your friend some pineapple after the poop eating. Pugs don't like pineapple, 'cause it's sour and this should keep you, uh... your friend, from eating poo again.
Hope this helps! I know even though I haven't discovered the gloriousness of poop yet, my human says if I ever do it'll be the end of kisses. And I just can't have THAT! I luuuuurve kisses.
Good luck, amigo!
Brooklyn Pug
Sounds like it's time for the "bee hat" Puglet...just sayin'
Kris in Oklahoma
Stray poop speaks to me all the time, and I think it is delicious! My favorite is poop sprinkled with acorns. Sometimes when I get some my human yells REALLY loud and then I drop it 'cause she's scary - but not if I can swallow it first :)
Anyway, my human thinks it's icky and she won't let me kiss her face anymore :( She's tried everything! She even asked the vet, but the vet says there's really nothing that works unless you eat your own poo.
Tell your human not to worry though - as long as you have your medicines and your yearly vet checkups, it shouldn't hurt you. I mean, lots of people tolerate a little ickiness for love, right?
Awww! Poor Puglet, uhm, I mean "friend," My mom caught me eating poop the other day and she had a big old freak out moment. She said it was even worse because it was soft and fresh. She scooped me up and ran into the house as if that yummy poop was attacking us. Then she told me I was going to catch some horrible, pug-eating disease. I thought it was sooo tasty, and was sure someone left it in the yard for me. I sure paid for that little episode; my mom wouldn't let me kiss her for two days. I love kissing my mom! Now mom watches over my yard play like she's poop sargeant. Not Fair! I say all this to say I feel your pain Puglet, Uhm, I mean "friend of Puglet." Good luck!
Hi Puglet,
Gertie here... I too am powerless against the poop. My mom tried pineapple (the dog lady on TV told her to) but there simply is no way for my human to make poop unappetizing. On the upside, for my mom, I'm also almost completely blind, so I'm not interested in wandering free at the dog park. Good luck to your FRIEND :)
Gertie (and Bogie and Ellie)
My human has tried everything and nothing so far has worked, except watching me like a hawk.
My advise on how to avoid detection: be quick and sneaky. This is a stealth operation.
When you find some poop, snatch it in your mouth without breaking your stride-look like you're just walking and sniffing the ground. Avert your head and chew really, really fast. Do not turn to look at your human until the last gulp. Then give her your best "Who? Me? Don't be ridiculous" expression.
OMG, I EAT POO TOOOOOO! But I have to say, deer poo and goose poo are my favorites. Mommy says I have "exotic" tastes, but she's not happy about it either. I AM on a leash (for other more pressing reasons), but boy I can fool her any day. I just press my nose to the ground like I'm snorfling. I've learned to secretly eat and snorfle at the same time! You've GOT to TRY it!
Frankie (from Michigan)
Oh, Puglet, that's a tough problem your "friend" just developed. Once one has acquired a taste for poop, boy, oh boy, it's hard to stop! My guys are connoisseurs of poop-eating! Fox poop, horse poop, racoon poop, cat poop, delicious deer poop....you name it, my dogs love it! Even on leash they are so fast at snagging it, I can't get there in time. Oh, and I forgot bunny poop! They do a grid pattern on my backyard to make sure they find each and every morsel! Good luck to your "friend" at beating this. The stuff is like doggy-crack!
Holy freaking cowpies! I had NO idea there were so many poop-eaters out there! My human --- uh, I mean my friend's human - made it seem like the world was coming to an end.
I'm pretty sure the pineapple and other additives only work if you're eating your own poop. Yes? No?
And thanks Kris in OK for bringing up the Bee Hat. I don't think anyone here thought of that option.
(for my friend)
Oh yeah, for some reason "exotic" poop (for us it's from cows) is not as horrifying to my friend's human as DOG poop is.
No idea why, but exotic poop-eating never made her threaten to take away the light of day.
As far as the additives, they are for all poop. But I have to stress it isn't a cure, necessarily. Myrna Belle will still try if I miss some poop in the yard. It is like doggy crack!
Oooo. So humans can add stuff to existing poop? I thought the additives had to go into the poop before it was made, y'know, like in the dog's food.
Oh Puglet! My herd of 3 are temporarily unemployed from their self appointed job of poop detecting. The grandkids are potty trained now so there will be no more nervous parades led by a smelly toddler with the accompaniment of snuffling, snorting, and lip licking, with the occasional attempt at removal of the "vault of goodies" by an eager poop eater. Gross yes - enough to take away the light of day??? No way. Tell your "friend" good luck.
Megan - Emmett Rosie and Madgie
Oh man Pug I feel so bad for your friend and his human. That's a really gross problem to have. Maybe it's because your friend is too skinny? You know more food = less room in the belly for poo? My mom says she's really happy I don't do that because I like to make out with people, and if I ate poop they would be no more kissing.
Maybe the vitamin idea? Or more food idea? Hey, this friend, does he like hermaphroditic pugs too? Does he want to play with me at the beach? Oh Pug! I'll still totally hang out with your friend (*wink*wink*)
Half of my four pugs are poop eaters - they don't eat their own but prefer the poop of others. I have had no positive results with any of the food addiitives. Putting hot sauce on the poop works but at that point, why just not pick up the poop? When I was feeding the pugs a high protein diet there was a decrease in poop comsumption - I think the grain in dog food makes poop more tasty (if there can be such a thing).
Silly pugs are known for being poop eaters... All of those methods of sprinkling stuff on food will not help your puggy from eating other dogs poop. That is a tough one! Our Lola will totally eat poop any chance she gets and it's disgusting!
Good luck!
~The Mama Monster
Dear Puglet, sorry my english (Fred Pug from Brazil), but maybe your "friend" changed food, had some virousis or tham he had some problem on pancreas? Maybe if he dont eat so much fibres for a time, so, he dont will want more poop...(because the taste is like as...)understand? Its only a observation. I imagine that his human wants his kisses without poop and your "friend" need to leave this habit. I imagine that is really a dilemma for him(rsrs) Relax, this have some solution.
Hey Pug! Tell your friend's human to chill out. There's no need to refrain from getting pug kisses...isn't that what pug toothbrushes are for?
Your buddy,
P.S. My mom wants me to tell you that it is a bad habit, though. Particularly because I ate poop a few times as a little guy...and I got worms. WORMS!
Fred Pug,
You are right. My friend's human definitely wants kisses without poop!
But I like to think there could be a medical reason to blame. Then maybe his human would feel sorry for him in stead of getting mad and grossed out. Maybe Bellatrix's idea of vitamins will help...
Ha ha. Vitamins. That is a good one. Mom tried all of that stuff on me and I laughed in her face with my brown frown. I loooooovve poo. The only problem is that mom is a super poo-smelling detective, so if I eat it I get a MAJOR teeth brushing. I'm talking a five minute session with a wipe-down bath afterward. My sis Kitty wouldn't touch it with a ten foot bully stick. I came to mom at 11 weeks old, so it had to have been in those 11 weeks that something triggered it.
Good luck "friend". Your mom is onto you now.
Puglet...I think the problem here is not necessarily you (oops, friend)..of course some dogs like poop (neither one of us does) but where you are going...why isn't that poop being picked up by the humans. I mean really, its in their job description. If the humans were on top of it, there wouldn't even be an option...slackers
OOPS...have to take part of that back, we both love bunny poop...but they don't have humans to pick up after them.
Pearl and Tessa
My name is Buddy. And I'm a poop eater. It has been.... well, a while since my last poop. I love them all: deer, cat, dog, goose, etc. I was pretty bad about my own poop. The moment it hit the ground, I'd turn around for a nice taste.
My human calls herself a "germaphobe" and says that poop carries diseases (like worms... raccoon worms are deadly stuff). So she sort of is working on "training" me to better deal with it.
For my own poop, I get a treat after I poop, so immediately after I go, I run to her for a snack. Also my human maintains vigilent watch on the ground for any poop that I may eat or she may step on--we live where there are a lot of wildlife. And any time I am about to sniff or eat poop, she uses the "leave it command," and I get a nice snack if I leave it alone. I'm getting better about letting piles of poop be, though it's hard. I sometimes can't help myself for a taste.
Two things Puglet to help your erhm...friend'ums. Number 1: It is reccommended that your friend eat a little bit of pineapple (which is nommy) but it comes out yucky at the other end to the friend...so that he doesn't eat his own poo. Now...there is a super cool toy called Mr. Poops...it is a squeaky and it is a way of chewing on a poop that doesn't make your mama mad...I mean your furiends mama mad.
We have one we would like to send to you...please e-mail us a mindyslimmer (at) gmail (dot) com.
Sound good?!? It is pug/dutch sized toy...so just in case one or both of you change diet plans it will hopefully cure the need to eat poo.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Oh, Puglet, I have been told by the vet that dog food doesn't always digest entirely (think corn) so dogs can still smell the undigested food and they go back for seconds. So it may not be that there is any vitamin deficiency or anything else. Being that it is park poop left behind for the taking, other than watching closely, I don't think there's much that can be done. But remember, stranger danger!! You never know what's in park poop...
They're lucky that their human is only putting them under house arrest. I'm a poop eater, too, and that's how I got into rescue. My old owners didn't want to deal with it, so they gave me away.
But my new mom knows how to deal with the habit. She just follows me out until I poop, then scoops it up. BUT, I only eat my own poop. If I started eating other dogs' poop, mom would be out of luck!
Gracie the agility dog
Oh Puglet, I have to admit, it's so strange that your, um, close friend would like to eat poop?! So strange indeed. Maybe there is something lacking in the diet...hmm..
There's also the newspaper trick. My friend taught her dog *not* to pee on corner beds by swatting it with a rolled up newspaper on the behind, several times, until the dog came to associate bed=pee=swat. It wasn't harmful or mean, just the ole behind swat trick...
But then again, I wonder if you're lacking something you're not getting...hmm...strange indeed
Hi Pug!
Oh no you didn't, I mean your friend. Amazon has For-Bid, it's granules that your human sprinkles on your food before you eat. Hear it makes the poop taste horrible.
Puglet tell your friend to take one of these a day and call me in the morning lol
my shihtzu had the same problem. he only had to take a pill a day for a week then he was cured. we keep them just in case he ever has a relapse though
We have a few dogs at work (dog daycare) that also like to eat poop. It is a really hard habit to break and the only way we can stop it is by keeping a super close eye on things and picking it up ASAP but some of those dogs are fast and will literally hover underneath another dog waiting for it to come. :) How's that for a nice visual. Anyway, if you figure out a solution, let me know!
Pug, I didn't know you knew... I'm so ashamed... I'm working on it....
Did Shihtzu eat stray poo too? It says the pills are for self-poo eaters :(
Noodle - you too? I had no idea, Dude. This poo stuff must be contagious! It's like... a pug plague!
WORMS? Really? WORMS? Maybe that's why my human is so freaked out about it. Or it could be the poop kisses...
Pssst. Dutch here. Puglet does not have a poop-eating friend. He *is* the poop-eating friend.
Hi Puglet!
I dont eat poop, but my sister did. I only eat "kitty crunch", which infuriates my human. The vet told my human to put Lawerys Season Salt in my sisters food and she would no longer eat her own poop. It worked!! As far as Kitty Crunch or Canine Cake from others, I dont have any advice other than to tell you (or your friend) you've got to find a really good hiding place to chow down...Maggie
Yesss..here another taster of the fine stuff outside! My human doesn't mind the herbivore type much, so I'm okay with the bunny and horse bits (squishy cowleftover is another something though) but the carnivore she is definately against... As the others say, hide with your body what you do with your mouth and don't bother chewing :)
Hi Puglet,
I am a pug/beagle mix, but I have been a poop eater since I was a puppy. After two years, the only thing that fixed it was one of those collars that vibrate when I am doing something bad. It is NOT a shock collar, but is the same idea, but it vibrates like a cell phone. It is just enough to scare me into stopping eating bad things. You can find them on ebay for less than $30. Do NOT buy a shocking one, thats just super mean.
Awww, Dutch!
oh dang...yes he was just a self poo eater. No good I am sorry puggy..I mean puggys friend
Also my human maintains vigilent watch on the ground for any poop that I may eat or she may step on--we live where there are a lot of wildlife.It is like doggy crack!
I know just how you feel. My person gets mad because I like to raid the cat litter box. Nom Nom Nom! And I am a pit bull, so it's not just a pug thing.
Oh dear....sounds like we need to start a Chapter of Poop-eaters Anonymous!
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