I'm also stuck with a human who doesn't believe in cooking. Which means I won't be getting any homemade snacks any time soon, and that makes me sad.

If you're lucky enough to have a human who believes in cooking, you just might get some home made snacks. Like Pug Bars. They're the things on the food table that spoke louder than my human. And they are magic.
I'm not sure what human is responsible for inventing the magic Pug Bar, or who was nice enough to bring them to the Pugtacular. But thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My human stole the secret recipe that was posted on the food table so everyone here can enjoy the magic of Pug Bars. Even if I can't.
Hi Puglet,
Your deer ears are a bit lopsided today, looks like you had a nip of something al-kee-hol-ic !
We feel so sorry for you Puglet, our mom is a cooking & baking freak. Usually around the holidays she makes us doggie biscoti with carob chocolate drizzle. So good. Do you want us to have her make you some for you and Dutch to enjoy? Just let us know. Tis the season for giving...from pugs to pugs.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
SA Pugs ~
Those biscoti sounds TASTY! Maybe I can guilt my human into learning how to use the oven?? Your mom should totally make you the Pug Bars (click the pic to biggfy recipe). They weren't drizzled with anything, but they tasted soooooooooooooo good.
Mom biggfy'd the recipe for us, thanks for the suggestion
If your mom can't figure out the oven maybe she can buy you the Christmas Buddy Biscuits shaped like gingerbread men. They aren't drizzled but they are major good.
The SA Pugs
Wow, Pug Bars look really good. Wonder if non-pugs would like them, too? Hu-mom is going to whip up a batch and share with our non-puggie friends. We'll keep your posted!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
I feel your pain, Pug. I looked at that recipe and I can't eat them either. I'm alergic to "wheat." *sigh*
I loved those bars too Pug! There were yummy, but mom thinks I only ate them because other pugs were around, and I hate when they get something and I don't! If mom does get around to making them, I'll pass some along to you for sure. Mom's not convinced I'll eat them once I'm alone...but then again I'm never alone when I have friends like you and Spencer to help clean up!
Oh do you think Dutch would like them??
Our human has been cooking up a storm, rum cakes, english toffee, cookies...but not a thing for us. Thanks for giving her a "hint"
Pearl and Tessa
Those Pug Bars sound like they might be tasty to humans too!
Sounds great, but at what temperature are they baked???
Oooh...thanks for the pug bar recipe! I'm going to have to try it out for little Lexie!!
Maybe I missed it, but what temperature oven? Thanks!
why doesn't your human cook, Pug? just wonderin...
ps your antlers are askew heehe
Uhhhhh, temperature? What does temperature have to do with Pug Bars. I thought temperature is when the vet sticks the thing up your butt to see if you're hot inside.
I'm glad other pugs (and non-pugs) are being cooked for. I don't know why my human doesn't believe in cooking. Maybe it's too complicated? She make things on top of the stove sometimes, but *never* puts things inside the oven. She mostly eats vegetables - maybe they just don't need to get cooked? I eat my carrots raw.
Noodle ~
My non-cooking human says you can use something that isn't wheaty instead. Like oat or rice or potato flour. How she knows this, I have NO idea.
Do you know what other grains are bad for you?
Christmas Buddy Biscuits? Really? I didn't know there was such a thing! I like the normal man-shaped ones, I bet the Christmas-men are even tastier. Thanks!
I love your blog and the recipe looks good, how does it taste?
The recipe says "Cook one hour" but not how. I just assumed it would be in the oven, but ovens need to be set at a temperature, say 350 degrees. If your butt is that hot, just stick the Pug Bars up there to cook!
Hey Puglet
My mom is a chef, and loves to bake. She makes me yummy treats all year round, in fact. So for the holiday's she decided to get innovative with the treats and has been testing things out on me, including some that should never have been made.
But she wanted me to ask you for your address (you can email me via her at beatrixsmom@me.com). She'd love to share some of her successes with you. I promise to pick out only the good varieties!
Pug kisses and treats
Oh, Beatrix - you can totally give me all the treats that never should have been made. You know what we get for snacks around here? Carrots.
Send me all your rejected treats - I'm sure I'll love them!
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