There was food. And games. And food. And friends. Did I mention there was food?? Lots of food. Tasty food.
To make things extra fun, the pugtacular had games. Kinda like a the Olympics, but with pugs. There was a contest for best tail, best trick, best lap pug. And best of all - a race. I didn't win any of the contests, but people always say I'm really fast, so everyone totally thought I'd win the race. But I had other ideas.
If you've never seen a pug race, it's supposed to go something like this: pugs line up on one side of a pen and run really fast to their humans on the other side. The first pug to reach their human wins. So Bellatrix's dad held onto me until they said GO!... and then I went... straight out of the pen and over to the food table.

So I didn't win anything. Or get to eat as much as I wanted. But I did get to see a bunch of old friends. I even made some new ones. Noodle (who has the human with the talented knitting thumbs) came up from Monterrey, which was extra amazing because he brought his grandmother and she likes to hand out snacks.
Massimo the sock-eater was there too, dressed in a holiday outfit that made me glad I just have to wear deer ears (he's a pretty chill guy and didn't seem to mind though).
Massimo the sock-eater was there too, dressed in a holiday outfit that made me glad I just have to wear deer ears (he's a pretty chill guy and didn't seem to mind though).
Princess Daisy-on-wheels was too busy cruising around to play with me, and Bellatrix + Spencer were kinda busy with each other, but I got in some serious sumo time with Phantom. He kinda reminds me of Frank, but bigger and with an even cuter face. Yeah, I know. Cuter than Frank.
Hiya Pug,
Pugtacular looked like LOADS of fun, and you better watch out for that Phantom due, he looks like a mega cookie stealer :)
Molly in PA
Hey there Puglet,
Pugtacular looks like something we would luv especially the pug races, mom says we have racing jeans or is it genes, whatever ! Emmitt won a race at the monthly Pug Party 1st place and he got a gift certificate for treats at Petsmart.
You ran out of the ring, were you the only pug that did that??
That Phantom pug, he is spooky looking but a cute kind of spooky.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
SO bummed I missed Pugtacular!!! You have a totally conspiratorial smile on your face before the race - no surprise you headed for the food. To be honest, I would have too.
Love Noodles
Hahahaha Puglet you are so funny. I did the same thing once. We were at a pug event and the rents entered me in a race. As soon as Dad let go of me I ran in the complete opposite direction from Mom towards the pavilion where they were grilling MEAT. That's when I got my nick name Grilma. Your friends are all real cute,I am glad you got an awesome alternative to pug Sunday.
Hee hee - "Grilma"!!
I was the only pug who raced to the food table, but good to know others have had the same brilliant idea.
I mean, I didn't want a ribbon. I wanted food. My idea would have been even more brilliant if my human didn't race over to the food table to find me :(
San Antonio Pugs ~
Maybe if we were racing *for* food, I wouldn't have raced *to* the food. I really am fast (I mean, I can outrun a cow) but kinda specific about where I'm going.
Thanks to my race exit, I don't think I'll be doing agility anytime soon.
It was so much fun and mom and dad put up my ribbons. Mom says if people can put ribbons up for their snotty kids, then she's puttin' them up for me! I had a great time playin' with ya, and orbin' mom for those pumpkin treats. You were totally smart for running to the treat table...multiple times.
Hi Pug,
Lincoln did the same thing in his race. He kind of skipped through it confused :) hehe.
Minnie Moo
I feel your pain, Puglet. I went to a Pug Party a few months ago, and was sooooo close to winning my race. Then all the people at the finish line reached out to grab their pugs, and I FREAKED OUT! Inches from the line I turned tail and ran back to the start line.
And you're wrong about the agility thing. I would do anything for food, but I run in the ring, no problem. Mom just makes sure I know she's the one that doles out the treats.
Gracie the agility pug
Hey Puglet,
Sorry you didn't win anything or get to eat as much as you wanted, but it looks like you had a blast of a time! What fun! I wish I could have been there.
Congratulations on your ribbon Bellatrix - awesome!
Princess Daisy is so cute on her wheels. I have a brother who has wheels, and he's some kinda crazy on those things.
Holy cats! Phantom is amazing?! I've never seen a pug with features like that.
Hi Pug! It was awesome seeing you at Pugtacular. Isn't my grandmaw awesome?! She gives me treats all the time! I mean I like my humans and all, but when grandmaw's around, I keep my eyes on HER!! I didn't even compete in the races. Everything was so overwhelming! So many smells, sounds, and pugs EVERYWHERE! I don't see how you can be expected to perform under those circumstances! I was so exhausted! I've done nothing but sleep (and eat, of course) the last 2 days! Good fun....
Puglet! Dude! It was so nice seeing you!
Thanks for the cool pic! I had a blast at Pugtacular! Did you see the royal family?!
Hope to see you again soon!
Hey there,Pug!
That looks like so much fun! Phantom is the coolest looking pug ever! He totally caught our eyes at PugSun.
We are going to UCDavis on Thursday to talk about my face lift. Cross your paws for us!
Lafayette Lola
Wow Puglet,
Pugtacular looks so awesome! I go to a lot of pug parties, but we never have races and contests. I'll have to speak to my mum about that. I know I'd win best lap-pug in any contest out there.
I love your picture at the food table. We pugs are never happier than when there's the potential for snacks, especially stolen snacks. Classic!
There's a senior pug that goes to our pug parties, Malo (he's like 10 or 11) and if there's food out, his mum has to keep him on a leash because otherwise he'll jump on the food table. I've never seen a pug jump like that dude, never mind that he ancient.
Looking at Massimo's outfit, you should be grateful your human just makes you wear deer antlers. Sorry Massimo, you do look very handsome in your humiliation outfit, but....
Pug snuggles,
Love this! We have family that lives in SF with a pug named Buddy. I will share your blog with her so they can be sure to get all the latest pug news. What a fun event!
Oh, Puglet, I am SO jealous! Pugtacular looks awesome! My humans took me to small dog play day at Fido's Indoor Dog Park on Sunday (it's pouring buckets here in Portland), but I was the only pug. THAT'S no fun!
p.s. Do your antlers squish your head? Mine do. Now I run when I see 'em coming- but I do like to chew on them!
Hi Pug!
I can just picture you running to the food. I go to pug parties, but we don't have races. Will make this awesome suggestion. Paws down, I would win.
Bella's Dad's jacket is like your sweater.
Phantom is really cool looking.
Thanks for sharing your adventures.
Wow, being surrounded by pugs, that's my kind of heaven. :) Looks like a great time Pug and I think you probably were the smartest one there given what you did during the race. It's always about the food!
Hi Puglet!
I had so much fun meeting you at Pugtacular and finally got around to seeing your blog.(:
Your human took pictures of my puppy, Joon, and I was wondering if there was any way I could see them?
Izzy and Joon.
You mean you are not suppose to run to the food...whats the point! Boy, looks like a lot of fug...pug fun. We will have to go some time.
Pearl and Tessa
Thanks for sharing your adventures.That looks like so much fun.
The ears *totally* squish my head, Scoutie! My human thinks it's funny because I don't normally have frinkles (forehead wrinkles) but the deer ears make me wrinkly. Silly humans.
Hi Lola!
The UCDavis people took away my boy parts after it didn't go so well the first time. They are all supernice and if anyone was going to lift my face, I'd totally want it to be them! Good luck & let us know how it goes?
Phantom is pretty cool. And I gues it's better to be out-cuted by a cool genetic mutation than, say... Frank!
Hi Benny & Joon's human!
My human is going to put Joon's picture on the Daily Frolic next week (she said it's "ridiculously, painfully cute).
jYou can email me and I'll send you the link {}, or just Like her stupid Frolic thing on facebook. She posts the pictures there too!
Food or Ribbon..Food or Ribbon...Every pug in their right mind would choose food! Love a pug with a plan.
Never had a pug bar, but man, that sounds good. Mom made a crap ton of Christmas cookies the other day and I made sure to be the official crumb catcher. Mom's friends even started calling me over to clean up their crumbs. I made her proud.
Kitty and Coco
I just noticed Phantom's face for the first time! How awesome!
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