Before my human's brain liquified we went for a hike with the cows. It's been awhile and all the baby moos are either grown or gone, so all the cow pies are big and old (still eatable, but not nearly as tasty). Old pies aren't really worth hunting for, so I decided to look around for other stuff to eat.
Well. I didn't find any eatables. But I did find a ginormous footprint in the mud. It had three toes and was about the size of my head. A few minutes later, I found another ginormous thing. It had stripes like a zebra I saw on Animal Planet once. And it smelled WEIRD. Scary weird.

Pug, my mom and I are kinda freaking out over here. If you haven't watched Jurassic Park - DON'T! I have no idea what bird that would be, but I sure hope that someone else does so we can dispel the pterodactyl theory. Cause if they are in CA today, they could be in IL tomorrow! YIKES!
PS. Glad you got to hike though!
What??? Birds that eat small dogs? Keep them in Cali!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Uhhhh. If it IS a ptero-whatever, I don't want it in Cali either!
Gee puglet, I think that might be a turkey feather ya got there. I know the word 'turkey' because mom feeds us fresh roasted turkey once a week --- deeeeeee-lish!
I've never heard of a big striped bird like that! There were big birds that my mom called hawks when we went to visit her sister flying above me. Mommy freaked out and took me inside (and away from the goose and deer poop buffet)
Maybe it's one of those Angry Birds that I keep hearing about. Just make sure you, Dutch and your human are careful!
PS - my human says that Sophie lives too far away and that I'm not that good at swimming anyway (Also I don't want to be embarrassed when she makes me wear that stupid life jacket)
Scary! I had a chat with your friend Google and found this picture:
I think your bird in question is an Osprey. With the look of those huge claws, I'm sure they could carry off a small dog with no trouble.
Be ever vigilant!
Holy cow pies Puglet, when we were small puggles - smaller than our current smallness, Hu-Mom would always go outside with us so the big ugle turkey volchers wouldn't pluck us up and out of our yard. Now that we've grown up, we thought we were through with all that worry. Whatever that thing is, we sure hope it doesn't come to the Jersey shore! IF IT DOES, our Man will shot it out of the sky and probably put it on the wall with the ducks and the weird fish. We'll keep you posted if we see anything suspecious here in NJ.
Lea, Roxi & Riley
(The Jersey Shore Puggles)
PS - The Man took us to the field last week to run and play and now Riley has ringworm on his face! Hu-Mom said it was b/c he was digging in dirty dirt and she is NOT happy.
Scary stuff Puglet. . . I have no answer for you but I do offer to share my fear. I think a round of barking is in order. It won't scare the pterodactyl but it may irritate it enough to live elsewhere.
Love Noodles
Wow....that would make one GINORMOUS Golden Chicken.....
Ooooooooh! imagine if it was a Golden Chicken??? YUMMO.
Hey, a bird carrying away a small dog...might just be a reason to put on the pounds, just out of personal safety...maybe new weight limits, just in case, might need to be established. Just thinking of your personal safety!
Pearl and Tessa
Whoa, Puglet. That is a real worry for me and Chelu. See, we do bird patrol in our backyard; we have to keep all those little brown birds out of our water dishes. But what if...what if one of those pteradoctyls swooped down and sat on our water dish? What would we do? I mean, Chelu is already a wreck because of the big booms every night. Please keep whatever that is in the cow field. Please.
That's scary Puglet...we don't have those in Texas...I don't think anyway. I mean everything is big in TX but haven't seen those big birds and if I do, well, not sure what I will do but I'll let ya know if they invade my state. Maybe I can patrol the top half and the 3Es can patrol the bottom half. Scary time on that hike for sure and didn't even get good pies out of it...bummer!
I was watching Aerial America and they were profiling Cali (so beautiful btw!) and they were talking about condors making a comeback, although sightings are rare. I don't know what one looks like, but could it be??
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Hi Puglet,
What if the bird thought you were a golden snack... just kidding!
Can you imagine the size egg that bird would lay, probably the size of a pug or maybe two pugs.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli the 3E's
It looks like a wild turkey feather, so I don't think you need to worry about being plucked up and away. Be careful just the same.
Get Google to help you look at the Feather Atlas by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service. It has a feather identification section. I would be very curious to know if it was a pug-eating bird. My sister and I once had an owl watch us closely from a nearby tree when we were pups. Scared my mom nearly had a cow.
Chloe & sissies
Uh, didn't get you did it???
Pearl and Tessa
No post on Friday? Are you being held hostage by some giant lizard bird? Send us a sign, so we can organize a search and rescue.
Where are you, Puglet??
Sammy..... didn't decide to go "poodle" on the mysterious creature to protect your human, did you? Are you okay? Missing you and worried :(
No word yet from DP or bro Dutch ???
Do you think he went back to the House of Meats, and he's having so much fun that he forgot about us?
Roxi ~ Riley ~ Lea
The Jersey Shore Puggles
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