So you're probably wondering what happened to me and the sun yesterday. Well, we found it and it was completely awesome. And I was superexcited to tell you just how awesome it was - but on the way home we had a new delay when my human's neck stopped working.
Yeah. I guess my human's gimpy brain is attached to a gimpy neck and sometimes the neck part gets stuck and hurts really really really bad. That's what happened yesterday, so when we got home my human had to lie on her back and stare at the ceiling to make the neck happy. No idea. But I do know Neck Delays are completely not fun for anyone.
Luckily I had huge fun at the beach before the Neck Delay. We went to our #1 favorite beach that's so secret even the fog can't find it. I ate stinky crabs and played with kelp and chased birds. I tried to roll in a dead seal but my human FREAKED so I just peed on it. No idea why peeing is OK but rolling isn't. Humans are so clueless about marking stuff.
Dutch is like my human and loves the sun, so he played a little then napped. He'll probably say our day at the beach was hell (like camping) because he had to sleep on the sand like an animal. For the record, there was a blanket. I just kinda got sand all over it when I was digging. No matter what he says, Dutch seemed totally fine sleeping in sand.
I wish I had more pictures to show you (especially of ME) but Nikon didn't get to come and Droid's battery died on us. It was a superawesome day and I'm really glad we found sun because when we got back to the city it looked like this:
* * *
MUCHO SPECIALNESS!Big Fat Happy to my girl Bambi in Petaluma, CA. Uhm, I mean she's not
my girl - she's my friend Buford's sister and you don't mess with a dude's sister. But, uh. Yeah. Happy Day Bambi!!
You should have stayed at the beach ... it looked much nicer there! I hope your human feels better soon!
Hiya Puglet,
I totally understand the rolling in stuff thing. Last week I rolled in horse poop.
Mom was distracted and I took advantage, my face, my back, under my poop.. One word it was 'Heavenly'.
Then I heard it, mom screaching my name and be being hauled to a hose for a cold bath.
If I get the chance, I'll do it again.
Eli - 1 of the 3E;s from San Antonio
Happy Day Bambi !
We have no beaches here that allow sun anyhow...but that's ok, because we like snow, and pretty soon it will be all snowy here. But the kelp sounds good, and the dead seal. Chelu wouldn't like the beach because that sand would do awful things to her poodle fur, kinda like the green seed pods mom spends hours picking off. Glad you and Dutch and your human had a good day (except for the neck thing)...
Puglet, you are so freakin crazy! That picture of you diggin in the sand is hilarious!
Wish I was Dutch lying in that warm sand. I can almost feel the heat--warm sand is the best! (as we are in fall where I am) :(
ps. kinked necks suck! will send some neck juju
Hi Pug! How much fun! Let's see, you romped in the sand and even got served a crab dinner? Sign me up! My mom is a little freaked that you probably ate those raw, but I think it sounds yummy! I hope your human's neck feels better soon (so she can take you back to the crab beach)!
Happy Birthday to Bambi!
Gimpy Neck Pain = NO GOOD AT ALL.
Get well soon Puglet and Dutch's HuMOM.
Love Noodles
Sounds like sooooo much fun (right up till the neck thing, our human has that problem, and her back also)! You looked like you had a blast. Hope your human is feeling better. Looks like typical Penninsula weather.
Thanks Ellen! Gimpy neck is a little less bad today. My human still moves like a tree though. Kinda funny.
Ooooooo. A hose bath? Yikes! I've never had one and don't ever want to.
Horse poo doesn't really do it for me. Dutch loves to eat it, but I'm just not a fan. Gimme cow pies!
Hi Guy Noir,
Where are you that snow is coming soon?? We are just having summer (sort of).
Thanks for the neck juju, Anonymous! I think my human is tired of ice and laying flat and taking Alleve.
Hiya Payton,
Not just raw, but raw and sunbaked. You should have smelled the stink! Yummmmm.
You are very good at math Noodles ;)
I. LOVE. TO. DIG!!!!! You look like you're having such a good time! It's getting a little cool here, but maybe the humans will take me to a beach for one last dig before the snow comes. You can dig snow, but it makes you cold and wet and freezes you feet, so it's not the best. I just like to eat it.
Last week on a walk I found a dead bird and tried to roll on it. I got yelled at and wasn't allowed. :'( Somtimes the people are mean.
I'm glad you guys found the sun. It looks like a lovely day of fun and naps. Sending juju to your human's neck!!!!
Hi Pearl & Tessa ~
Uhm, does your human ever hang herself from crazy contraptions to make the neck happy? Mine did that last night and it really freaked me out!!
Boy, that sure looked like fun. Dutch looks like he'd want to stay there forever!!
Wowza, that looks like a blast! Pfft to mom for not letting you waller in that dead seal. I hope she's feeling better xoox
Dutch looks very comfy, sleeping in the sand. I've never got a chance to dig in the sand, but I love digging in the blankets. I bet sand is way more fun.
Sorry to hear about the clouds & rain when you got home.
Sending neck juju to your human so she'll stop walking like a tree.
Hi Pug! Hope your Human's neck is doing better !!! I send lots of juju her way!! Here in Poland is almost winter time:( I hate winter but my Fredzik loves it! But he is polar Pug (PP) :) you had great day but I love first pic. I love sea and I would love ocean, unfortunately no ocean here in Poland, but when one day I win some milions on lottery (LOTTO) I wilk buy small house in south of France or at least in Sopot, Polish town by the sea:)
Happy Birthday to Bambi!!!! Cute name:)
Hahhah Pug, you tried to roll in a dead seal?!?!?! Ewwwww!!!!! But the thought of it did almost make me spit out my water! Glad you guys had fun!!! Hope your human's neck feels better soon!!!! I have a gimpy neck sometimes too and know how awful it is!
Oh Puglet! What fun you had yesterday. Well, it looked fun and Dutch sure looked relaxed and happy to be laying out even if he was on sand and no blanket! Too bad about your human's neck...I haven't been able to roll in anything lately so I was excited to hear that you nearly got to!
Happy day to Banbi! Juju coming your way for your human's neck..that sucks!
You guys packed so much fun into one day! Today's post is like a vacation brochure for dogs- I would love to nap in warm sand and pee on a dead seal and eat stinky stuff. I'm sold! Where do I sign up? Because I'm stuck in the last picture, only colder. Yuck.
Lots of beagle juju to your human so she gets better and you get back to the beach.
Happy Day Bambi! I don't know where Petaluma CA is but it sounds warm and sunny.
Hi Puglet,
What a nice day at the beach for all of you - wish I could have been there!
Sorry to hear about your human's neck, we send kind wishes for a speedy recovery and juju all the way.
A dead seal? All I get at the most is a dead bird and I do not like to roll in anything smelly. Always the clean, well behaved pug gentleman *smile*. But I do have to admit that I had another taste of poo, this time it was a real big one! Looked kind of horsey, but the producer was a Great Dane. Mouthwash again .. it was well worth it!
Love from Berlin and Happy Pug Day to Bambi, lots of treats
Carlos Santana
Hi Puglet, Harley here. The beach looks like so much fun. My cocker spaniel sister and I stayed home in the sun and 'helped' our dad do yard work. Mom left us at home and went wine tasting with some nurse friends of hers. When she came home, her cheeks were all red and she was laughing a lot and talking loud. Then she got in bed and slept for a long, long time. I slept with her, but my cocker spaniel sister made her mad by barking. Mom said it was too loud and was making her head gimpy. Silly mom, barks don't make your head gimpy- that wine stuff you drank did!
Hope your human's neck is all better soon! Happy Day to Bambi! Love, Harley
Dutch is so much like my sister, Snap. She lays in the sun all day long - even when it's really hot out. Mom calls it "lack of body fat". I wouldn't know anything about that.
A BIG shout out to Bambi, from one agility chick to another!!!!!
Dude.......Bambi is doing the CRAZY Pug spins cause she heard the human read what you said about her!! Just that fact that you said "My girl" made her go NUTS!!!!! She said that is the BEST Birthday present she could get!!!!!!
Glad you had a great day at the beach, we should plan a Dillon Beach day when you human gets better. Sending Juju her way.
I'm off to try and explain to Bambi that you didn't mean it the way she thinks you meant it but you know girls.....she can be sooooo silly sometimes
Buford T. Justice and Fam.....
Oh, Puglet, that sounds awesome!! I may or may not have dropped something that used to be alive and was pretty unidentifiable on my mom's bed the other morning, so the crab sounds SO good! Just watch out, my mom threatened to hang a "free" sign on my neck and put me out on the curb. She says it's just NOT cool. Lucky for me she can't stay mad because she says I'm so cute. --Atticus
aw, pug. If I lived closer I would have been your human pug play date while your gimpy human relaxed.
Puglet, we love the NJ beach but we can only go down on them after the summer season - no idea why, but Mom lets us run free. We dig and run, and smell stinky things, and run, and sometimes we find good things to eat - like crabs and these things Mom calls blue fish, which aren't really blue - no idea on that one either, and we run some more and sometimes we run too close to the crazy moving water and if we're not paying attention, it sneaks up and knocks us over and Mom has to run into the water and save us.
The best part of being at the beach, besides being in the warm sun, is finding sticks and playing keep away from the others. Mom say's we're nauty because we run with sticks in our mouth. Obvious Mom was never a dog in a past life. She doesn't have a clue as to what is fun and what is not fun.
Finding sticks and playing keep away = FUN!
Taking baths after we've been to the beach = NOT FUN :(
Anyway, glad you and Big D had great fun and relaxing times in the fresh air and warm sunshine. Hope you get to go again soon. In the mean time, we sending major puggle juju to your human for a speedy neck recovery.
Happy birthday Bambi. We're eatting a bisquit with peanut butter on it in your honor.
Lea, Riley & Roxi
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Puglet...our human does not hange herself upside down (that would be quite a site!) but she used to hang her head on a towel from the doornob...we would go over an lick her to help. She is strange. She also says carrying Pearl up and down stairs probably doesn't help her (Pearl will not do stairs).
Pearl and Tessa
Puglet, you live the greatest life...
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