Pug was up all night having nightmares about 1000 pugs kept eating his treats and biting his back fat. I don't have back fat, but apparently having it bitten is the stuff of nightmares.
Both of them are about to leave for an adventure that I don't get to go on. I heard my human say it will be educational. They'll be back after lunch and I will be taking a nap until then, waiting for things to be normal again.
Oh Dutch! As a pug I am SO EXCITED about 1000 Pugs! I wanna do it so much I am saving my ALLOWANCE AS WE SPEAK so I can afford it.
Love Noodles
Hi Dutch! Sorry things are weird again. Keep us posted...poor Pug. I have to say that I am disappointed too that he can't go on the trips for 1000pugs. But please be sure to tell your human how proud she should be of the website and of course this great cause and idea! She rocks! 1000pugs rocks! I can't wait to be a part of it! I told Suki last night that it was like opening a present so much anticipation!
Hey sexy Dutch man...I'll come over and keep you company. You can nibble on my back fat...I wouldn't mind. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Oh the excitement of it all Dutch! I snuck on the computer and checked out the 1000 Pugs site and can't wait for all the action to get going. Uh, I hate Pug having nightmares and all about it but he will get over it soon I'm sure...thanks for holding down the fort and giving us the updates!
Tell Pug he should do some nice, deep cleansing breaths to calm himself. Maybe you could give him a nice massage?
Thanks for keeping us posted Dutch.
Meredith & Scarlet
1000 Pugs is here! I'm so excited for it. Dutch, please let your human know that we here in Seattle think this is such a great idea! ...it will be so much fun to watch it unfold. I hope Pug knows this whole 1000 pugs things wouldn't even be here without him. His grand inspiration in his human's life is going to help so many other pugs. Pug should really just see himself as the muse of something great that won't bite his backfat.
Take a nap beautiful boy!!! Hope world will be less weird when you'll get up:) I love the WHOLE idea of 1000 Pugs, I'm so sorry we cannot be part of it, but I hope to get the book, when it will be ready, and hope to find lots of DP friends there:) kisses Gosia
Wow what a great idea! 10000 pugs who would of thought it!! I sure hope nikon will come to Plantation Florida. Dutch you better get some rest, I have a feeling when Pug gets home he's going to be wired!!! Love the facebook page!!
THanks for the update. Can't wait to see what Puglet has to say next!
Hey Dutch,
Puglet will come around as soon as he realizes that he & the 1k Pug project have the same goal: helping recycled Pugs.
I also had another great idea for you human: 1000 Beagles or how about 500 Beagles and 500 Dalmations.
could you pretty please with bacon on top convince your mommy to come out to central Texas for 1000 Pugs? My human mom says she wants to showcase my special-ness.
licks and sticks,
OMG, Puglet. Is that your baby picture on the 1000 pugs website (under the 10K tab)?! I've never seen your baby picure. HOW CUTE!!
Hello everyone, I have some news. The weirdness might be over.
Today some men came to put up a new fence at our house. They were very noisy and kept leaving doors open so I got to go with Pug and my human on the educational adventure.
Pug will go poodle on me if I tell you where we went or what we did there, but I can say he had a breakthrough. Pug will be here tomorrow to tell you all about it, and I'll ask my human to add a picture to today's post.
PS: if you simply cannot wait, here's a hint from Ollie the all-knowing Canadian beagle:
Puglet will come around as soon as he realizes that he & the 1k Pug project have the same goal: helping recycled Pugs.
I know this has nothing to do with 1000 pugs, but I (Rene the pug) just read such a sad story, my eyes leaked everywhere. A big boxer named Duncan went rainbow bridge lastnight. He saved his humans life when their house caught on fire, his human grabbed him by the collar and ran out of the house. When he opened the door the fire exploded everywhere, when his hu-dad got out he relized Duncan had pulled out of his collar. The firemen ran in to save him, they found him curled up on his hu-dad's bed. Hu-dad said thsts where he went when he was scared. I was wondering if we could send some juju to his hu-dad (Scott Dunn, in Marietta, Ga)? If my eyes leaked all over I can't imagin being Duncan's, a huge hero in my pug heart, dad. Could we?
NeNe the Pug
Alamogordo, NM
NeNe, Duncan ran the wrong way to be a hero like the NY firefighter pug told us about in September. Lots of juju to Duncans family. Duncan was super brave. So sad.
Paula from DE
Hi Dutch & Pug,
When your human goes on tour - I have an idea how you can go too!
The night before, feed her lots of cereal. When she is sound asleep, sneak in yourselves & hide in her luggage. Then you can go on tour too!
Hi Dutch!
Sorry Puglet is being such a problem! He's just upset.
I was happy to see that your mom is a doggie photographer. Maybe we can convince her to come to Sacramento and take some pictures of Trixie, Minnie and Jeep!
Poor Puglet! so much going on for him! I hope he gets used to the tour, and maybe even get to go a few times! Would love to see that!
NeNe,tons of healing juju to everyone who loved Duncan. He was a very special dog.
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