My human finally broke up with our regular vet so we tried the new SPCA hospital. It's very nice, not far from our house and my human really liked them. Our Dr. lady even remembered meeting me on the cow hike a few years ago. She really liked me and I really liked her back.

The best part about our new vet is that it's quite close to our grocery store. Thanks to a comment from Sabrina she read while waiting to pay, my human decided it would be nice to stop at the strore and get me (and Pug) a Golden Chicken (I believe we were also out of dog food).
Golden Chickens are a very big deal at our house because for some reason my human finds pulling meat off bones "repulsive". Fortunately the store has an entire Golden Chicken department, so she looked for something a little less "gross". She found a fascinating boneless option called Boneless Chicken Wings, but couldn't figure out how they weren't just Nuggets and opted for a Golden Turkey Breast instead.

Hi Dutch! I hate the whole thermometer routine too. I usually uncurl my tail to so they can't get to it, but that hasn't seemed to work yet. Tell Pug I liked his new dog tag!
Hi there Dutch! I hope you are feeling better soon--I'm sure the Golden Chicken will help. Being sick is a super drag, but I know your human will do all she can for you until you get better...
Robinette and Weezer the Pug
Dutch, you are very lucky to have a human who will buy you golden turkey when you are sick. I'm sure you will both be well in no time!
Hi Dutch! Oh, I bet that Golden Turkey was extra good! I hope you get to feeling better very soon. We can't have the 1000 Pugs Ambassador honking!
Oh, I almost forgot...
ATTN DP Friends and Followers: My thumbs was late making a comment yesterday, so for those of you that didn't see the good news, check out my comment from yesterday's DP post!!
Dutch you are such a good brother allowing Pug to give you his honking. It's fun when siblings share AND you got turkey out of the deal!
Scarlet is a big chicken fan so we may have to see of she likes turkey too. Her number one fave is paws down hotdog.
We're sending you lots of love and healing vibes!
Meredith & Scarlet
oh dutch, your such a laid back well mannered guy. You make me smile. :}
I'm happy to hear, things were painless for you at the new Dr. place. Happy to hear your human likes it too, always a plus when the human is happy.
Hi Dutch,
We are so glad you found a nice vet and things are looking up!
Golden Turkey is a good remedy for honking and feeling down in general. I love all kind of chicken or turkey parts, liver and stomach are my favorites and my Mum gets kind of funny as well at pug meal times. Tztztzt ..
Pug greetings from Berlin
Carlos Santana
LOL! Not the butt thing again. We hate that Dutch, even tho you seemed to not mind we totally hate that! But WOW, Golden Turkey, how can ya go wrong there! Hope you both are feeling better real soon.
Hi Dutch - OMG! Nothing speeds up a recovery or lifts a low mood better than golden poultry. Glad you all enjoyed it and hope you'll be back to 100% good health in time for the holidays.
Payton, we're thrilled to hear your GOOD news and just in time for the holiday season .... maybe a little early holiday juju magic.
Has Emi arrived at her new home yet,Benny? You and your family are 100% GREAT to give her a forever home and again, just in time of the holidays.
OK, focus sending all our juju to Gracie now ....
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Dutch, our mom is a vegetarian but she lives with us carnivores (pets AND people) so we make her cook us a chicken every week and then she has to cut up the giblets and give them to Ike. She wears rubber gloves and mutters under her breath...
Your Friend Guy Noir
Hi Dutch,
You are so nice and calm...
We don't mind the vet, well maybe except for Ellie. Our guy says pound for pound she is the snarkiest dog he has to deal with..and she is proud of that fact.
Golden Chicken in its own little box OMG we can only wish.
Have you ever tried baby food? Mom got lazy last week instead of making us chicken for class she got chicken baby food...heaven in a jar! Downside it gave us bad breath and the farts! Upside..lip smackin good.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
Emi found a home...Zip A Dee Doo Dah
I am officially declaring myself a Dutch slut and love it when you take over for Pug. Don't get me wrong, I love Pug and all his back fat glory, but there's something about you Dutch, maybe it's because you're more girlie than I am!
I'm sorry they invaded your "O" zone, and took some of your life energy from you, but hopefully you'll be better soon. I totally miss hanging out with you!!
I'm glad you got some turkey, too bad you had to share it though. Next time you might want to share it with your #1 fan??
Hey Dutch,
I hope the Golden Chicken did the trick and you and Puglet are on your way to being healthy and allowed to go adventuring again.
lots of happy news here on DP :) Payton is c- word free and Emi will be in forever home soon and what a brother she'll have!!! That's just GREAT!
I hope you feel better today Dutchie, and drug+turkey therapy works!!! I think I need one too:)
Kisses my European boy :) Misiober
I love golden turkey, too. My human doesn't like the "look" of meat. Chicken usually shows up boneless and skinless. The goldness gone...can you believe it? And a steak has never entered our kitchen. It's a travesty! But until I do the shopping, what can I do?
Eat well, so you can get better fast!
Payton, I'm so glad you got the b-word. Great news!
Benny, Emi is coming to live with you? You lucky boy!
So much happy news from the blogosphere...really makes me feel like dancing in circles with a little tail-chasing (as if I could reach it anyway) thrown in for good measure!!
Smiley tooth grins,
Eddie the Pug
What's with the humans and putting stuff in our butts! I hate it when I have to get my glands done, boy talk about getting a little too up close & personal! Glad everyone is on the mend.
Dear Dutch,
It seems no one likes the butt thing. I know I don't! Glad I'm not alone. Also super SUPER glad you got a golden turkey! We hope everyone feels better soon. We can't wait to read about the real turkey day. Our human couldn't said she couldn't wait for it, so she made a pumpkin pie last week to tide herself over. She's been sharing with us and know Chili wants pumpkin pie for every meal!
Coco (and Chili)
The photography is cute, and very well done. I really like it!!
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