People always tell me I have a big heart, but I wasn't sure it was big enough to deal with 999 other pugs posing for Nikon and eating my cookies and, according to my girl Bellatrix, biting my backfat. Then I met Emi.
Emi is Bellatrix's new foster-sister. Central Coast Pug Rescue flew her to San Francisco (like, on a plane!) so she could get her bad eye taken out. When I met her on Sunday, Emi was kinda really sick. Like, really sick.

So, on top of worrying about the 999 other pugs who are going to eat my cookies and bite my backfat, I was also really worried about Emi. It was all just too much. I thought maybe all those Occupy People know something I don't about how to change the world, so I did what they did in Oakland went on strike.
I made Demands; my human promised I would be pug #1 and named me the Official Ambassador of 1000 Pugs. So I made bigger Demands, like a front row seat and all access pass to the 1kpugs 2012 Tour. But that didn't really work because the tour is happening on a plane (big thanks for the TOUR BUS TOUR BUS TOUR BUS chanting, Dutch told me).
Even though I mostly got what I wanted, it didn't make me feel better. I still didn't want 999 stranger pugs messing with my stuff and I was still really worried about Emi. Then yesterday my human said we were going on an adventure. And educational adventure, she called it.

So me and Dutch waited for my human and Nikon to come back with some pictures. When we were waiting, one of the nice Bishop Ranch people fed us cookies and told us how lucky Emi is to have Central Coast Pug Rescue looking out for her. That's when the epiphany thing happened.
If you've never had one, Google says an epiphany is:
A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
Epiphany = 1000 Pugs is awesome.
And this is Emi from yesterday:

After my epiphany and seeing Emi's happy picture, I say bring on the pugs! All 999 cookie eating, Nikon stealing, backfat-biting of them. Now I just need to figure out how to score a tour bus!
* * *
TWIN SPECIALNESS!Big fat Happy Whelp Day goes out to my man Eddie in Redwood City, CA and his sister Stella McMuffin in London (like, England). I'll be eating double the cookies to celebrate :)
I'm glad to hear that you're come around! I just found your website and love hearing about your adventures. Your human is a very good photographer. I hope to meet you if you come to the NorthEast!
Aww! Pug, you are awesome! We all knew you would come around because you do indeed have a big heart. After all, you take the time every day to bright all of ours. I can't wait to be one of the 1000 Pugs and help support a great cause! It will be such an honor to have Nikon pointed at me. And I am going to get together a bunch of my pug friends and we'll put our smushed faces together and see if we can't figure out this tour bus dilemma!
Happy, happy day to Eddie and Stella McMuffin (great name!)...I hope it's filled with all your greatest food wishes and dreams!
So glad you are on board with 1k pugs Pug! Helping pugs is the best and my human wishes she had the money and time to help all of the pugs in need. Until then she will do the best she can! She just got her first recycled pug a couple of months ago (Buddy) and says recycled is the only way to go!
Pug hugs,
Glad you saw the light. We've had many fosters, and I have to remind myself that I was one of them once, too. Then sharing the limelight and cookies is a little easier.
As for you not going on the tour - WHAT??!?!? You can fly, you know. I'm coming back to CA next fall, and I'm going to fly.
Hopefully we see your human and you on the tour - Dallas is going all out in getting a tour stop here.
Man!! I knew you would come around Puglet! You aren't stupid, you were just worried and who wouldn't be with hearing 1000 pugs, but now that we all know what the deal is and it's a VERY GOOD THING we can all be happy and do what we do best and that is help other pugs! Got to figure out that tour bus though...really, got to think on this one.
Happy day to Eddie and Stella!
Man!! I knew you would come around Puglet! You aren't stupid, you were just worried and who wouldn't be with hearing 1000 pugs, but now that we all know what the deal is and it's a VERY GOOD THING we can all be happy and do what we do best and that is help other pugs! Got to figure out that tour bus though...really, got to think on this one.
Happy day to Eddie and Stella!
Hi Puglet - Can you SEE it? Can you SEE it? Can you SEE it? IT is the biggest smile I can fashion because your post made me so happy. HAPPY for (1) your epiphany and (2) Emi. I am so excited about 1,000 pugs. I stare all the time at the card Bellatrix's Mommy gave to my Mommy and pray I can BE INVOLVED!!!
Love Noodles
Puglet, you are pugnificient!
Major magic healing ju-ju being sent out to little Emi. We'll keep her in our puggle prayers.
When Mom read your post today, first her eyes leaked (like alot) and then she laughed and then when you said you need to score a tour bus, we were was all like OMG, call Dad up and ask him to bring home one of the buses he drives every day for New Jersey Transit. Mom doesn't think he can but if the 3 of us pester him enough, maybe he'll give in. He's pretty tough tho. We'll keep you posted.
Happy Day to Eddie and Stella McMuffin. We'll eat cookies in your honor.
Riley, Roxi and Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
We knew you'd get it Puglet! At one time you needed help finding you human and Dutch, just like Scarlet needed help finding us ~ now you're a leader in The Pug Revolution baby!
Scarlet & I are waving our hands/paws in the air!!!!
We ♥♥♥ You
Meredith & Scarlet
Sending good JuJu to Emi Pug :)
Hi Penelope,
Yeah. I guess I was being kinda dumb in the beginning. But now I totally get the whole 1kPugs thing.
Proud to be Pug #1!
Hiya Payton ~
That sounds *awesome*. I'd love to meet everyone too. And it wouldn't even need to be a whole bus. Maybe like a Tour Prius and a tent. I mean, my human likes camping, right?
PS: sorry about #34. If you knew how gimpy my human's brain can be, you'd totally understand.
Hey B+B,
I totally understand. Me + my human have been trying to figure out a way to help pugs for like ever. First we tried to use my cuteness to win a million dollars.
Then we made flat versions of myself to send around the world. Everyone totally got into it and my flat selves got to go some very cool places. But then they started to mysteriously disappear. All 200+ of them. My human thinks they were just too cute for people to part with. I think the universe was just holding out for 1kPugs :)
Heya Gracie ~
I dunno what the deal is with the plane but my human says no planes for me. Maybe she doesn't want Dutch to feel even more left out.
He was cool with 1kPugs when I hated it, but now that I like it I'm not so sure.
Maybe if we all chant TOUR PRIUS really loud my human will change her mind about the airplane.
Yup, Maggie - 1kPugs is a totally GOOD THING!
Hi Noodles,
Awww. I bet you look even more ridiculously cute with a big fat smile. You don't have to pray, but keep staring at the card so your smile doesn't stop.
Hey JSPs!
Ooooh, a whole entire NJT bus. I was on one of those (SF version) when we did the Green Pug video. That thing was bigger than our apartment!
Forget 2012 Tour, we could just move into a giant bus and drive around forever.
Hey Meredith + Scarlet ~
Ohhhh. I like the sound of a Pug Revolution. Would that make me a... dictator??
"Scarlet & I are waving our hands/paws in the air!!!!"
This made my human smile big :)
The story of Emi made my mom leaky... she is too cute to be treated like that !! How can you do that to cute little puppy? Makes me so mad.....
HBD, Eddie, Stella McMuffin~
Donation to tour bus purchase?
Hmmm yellow short bus comes in mind....
Bummer about the plane. I can't wait to fly. I hear they have FOOD on board.
The first time my brother Levi flew, mom took him out from under the seat, as they were getting ready to leave the plane. Her seatmate said, "there's a DOG in there? I wondered why you kept stuffing bits of your meal into your duffel bag."
We're keeping Emi in our thoughts. I'm so glad she's back on crack.
Your epiphany and Emi on her way to finding her happy ending (health & a forever home) is giving me a serious case of thumping happy tail.
I think a tour bus would be fantastic and your face could be plastered all over it like a real rock star!
Happy Day Eddie and Stella!
I am so glad you had your epiphany Puglet! I think you are very smart. So happy you, Dutch + your human are helping fellow pugs. My mommy was so inspired she decided to contact our local pug rescue, even though she doesn't have a lot of time, or money, to see if there was maybe some way she could help. And guess what, there is!! :)
Much juju to poor Emi- she's just too cute for words. My mommys leaking all over the place, which has me doing some major head tilting.
Happy days to everyone!!
So glad you see the light of day Puglet! Epiphany yes! You've brought some amazing changes into your human's life, and dare I say it-MAGIC!
Our human's eyes leaked when they read about Emi. She wants to fly to their house and punch them in the face. No pug ( or any animal) should be treated like that!
We are so glad you had your epiphany. Your human is doing great things!
bouncer & chaos
Plantation pugs!
Emi is the sweetest baby EVER and I'm sending healthy thoughts her way xoxo
I knew it I knew it I knew it:) you are rascal with a huge heart!!! I'm so happy with you Pug, no one Pug !!! and you are super famous right, have lots of fans and friend, maybe there is a chance to get like sponsor for this tour bus??? With huge pic of you on it, that would be just awesom!
I love Emi and I really would like to do something really bad to these kids but most to their parents!!! Awful!!
And we are sending our polish kisses and hugs to Eddie and Stella McMuffin (too funny) Gosia
Hey Puglet, my mom says theres something called an RV(recreational vehicle) its kinda like a bus except it has its own kitchen and bathroom! you can rent one and drive it! its like a house on wheels, and the best part is Dutch could come too! maybe you, Dutch, gimpy brain and the man could take a US tour. I don't know if your human would be ok driving a big house on wheels, which is why i suggested the man comes too. plus, you could camp and meet all your fans! think about it and see if gimpy brain would do it.
Dear Puglet,
We are totally on board with 1000 Pugs now that you are. Chili was recycled through the Colorado Pug Rescue, so we hope they can be involved. Please let us know how we can help, if you need a contact there or whatever! Also, if your tour comes to Colorado, count us in for posing for Nikon. We know we aren't supermodels like you, but we'll try our best in your honor, and to help all the pugs out there that need us!
Big smiles, snorts and face scrunches to sweet Emi for a speedy recovery and finding a new home.
And Happy day full of treats to Eddie and Stella McMuffin!
Coco and Chili
PS - Chili wanted me to let you and your human to know that he really appreciates that the pug silhoeutte for the 1000 Pugs logo is black. He doesn't feel like black pugs get enough love, kinda like we were all discussing a few weeks ago with the t-shirts! I don't really know what he's talking about, but he seems pretty excited!
Hiya Sammy!
Yeah, I know. Emi's story made my human leak too. Big time.
PS: Yellow short bus!
Awww. Thanks Pug-a-Boo. I think Emi needs all the juju we can send her way.
Hiya Gracie,
Thanks for the FYI about the free FOOD they'll be handing out on the plane I won't be going on.
You totally called it Ollie, you wise Canadian beagle :)
You are just one awesome, super, kind-hearted, sweet, lovin' pug. My mom and I are sending Emi major juju, and hoping she is totally better real soon. My foster brother beat the nasty parvo thing and now he's crazy-lovin' his new home and humans.
Love ya'
Hey Lucy ~
Stupid Parvo. That's awesome about your foster brother! It was so cool to hear my human call Emi a crack pug because she was anything BUT cracked out the last time I saw her.
Our human had her own epiphany on her commute home. 1000 pugs is such a cool thing and the fact proceeds are going to rescues got her thinking...
We should contact that Ellen from TV...she's a huge animal lover and supporter of stuff like this. Maybe we can email her and you can be a guest on her show - afterall you are the inspiration behind this! You know she'd probably hook you up too!
what do you think???
Bouncer and Chaos
We are glad that you are not worried about 999 pugs now. We are also glad Emi is getting better. Emi is awfully cute. We hope she gets a wonderful, loving forever home.
Roxy & Lucky
Puglet, I donated to EMI. Love that you help other Pugs' in need cause you have so much!
Puglet, i agree with Bouncer and Chaos. You should definitely get some media coverage.
After all, it's for a good cause!!!
What do you say, should we rally behind you?
I am so glad Pug that you had your epiphany. I will say lots of prayers for dear Emi and of course all the Puggies who need our love and blessings.
Hiya Puglet,
I'm so glad you are behind your human to help homeless and needy pugs (like poor Emi!). Barney (although he's not a pug!) was recycled and now he's a love sponge! Although Emi's story makes me SOOOOO mad, I'd rather channel that into doing more good for pugs and dogs in need.
Yay for epiphanies!
So very very happy for Emi. And you too, Puglet, for figuring things out. That rescue website sure did make us leak though. I wish we could save all the Pugs.
OMG we LOVE THIS POST!!!! Emi is such a TALL girl!!!!
SO SO SO sweet. We're glad to hear that she's not sick anymore and that she helped you have your Epiphany!
Poor little Emi! Total leakage here... And I understand your epiphany Puglet--I've gone through the same thing myself. Fill your heart with love for other pugs, dogs, humans, all of it, and there will be little room left for other unpleasant emotions. Yay 1000k pugs!
Robinette and Weezer the Pug
"Fill your heart with love for other pugs, dogs, humans, all of it, and there will be little room left for other unpleasant emotions."
Well said Weezer!
Love the 1K pug event. Hoping the trip comes out to the Milwaulkee Pugfest in May to visit all of us puglovers. I will be driving 16 + hours from VT with my pug Jolie and most likely my foster pug Alonzo (unless he gets adopted and then I will bring another foster) for a fantastic pug event in Milwaulke.
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