For a trip to the vet, going to Bishop Ranch wasn't too bad. I had to go in through some special back door and totally missed out on cookies and love from the front desk, but the vet lady was supernice. She's done so much work much with pug rescues, she's become a total pug guru. If you're a pug and live in the Bay Area, remember the name Dr. Ikezawa.

Except for the scale (26.08 lbs) and the part when they stuck that thing up my butt, the exam wasn't bad. Dr. Ikezawa said it's not crazy-weird for pugs to hack up water or frothy foam when they're honking, so the puking thing probably isn't because of anything stuck in my belly.
Dr. Ikezawa also said pugs are 'specially built', so The Cough can lead to things like pneumonia. I think this was a nice way of saying we have no necks or snouts and that can screw stuff up. She gave me extra-strong drugs to make sure that doesn't happen.

Even though she didn't recognize me, it was really cool to be pugspotted by the pug guru. She totally loves 1000 pugs and since I'm #1/1000, that means she loves me too.
Thanks again for sending the juju my way. I hope we don't need to do that again for awhile. For me, or anybody else.
Oh Pug I love this super nice Pug Guru Lady, she looks like she LOVES pugs :) and it must be funny when she told you and your Human about 1000 Pugs haha :)
oh and when you are little sick you look sooo ROMANTIC, don't want you to be sick but you look very special, so be fine soon, and I will look at these romanic Pug pictures from time to time:) love Misiober
YAY!!!!!!!!!! You'll feel better soon.....Sometimes my human scares me with her silly Pug knowledge...
Of course you are #1!!!! Cool that she gave you a card. Maybe she just didn't recognize you with all the honking....
Your Bud,
Buford T. Justice
Pug, I'm relieved it's nothing serious and you have been put in such good hands with Dr. Ikezawa! I'm also thankful your mom got some sleep so she can be even more focused on taking good care of you. Hugs all day long to you, Pug!
Hi Puglet,
SO glad you are feeling better and a lot less HONKified. You Doctor sounds really nice. I may have to check her out. My OLD vet gave my Mommy a very insecure feeling because she didn't seem to know too much about pugs and only about add-on services meant to make money for the vet. Long story.
Anyhow - I am so captivated by the groundswell of interest in your Human's 1000Pugs campaign. It is so awesome. Proud to say I know the 3 of you.
Love Noodles
Hi Pug! Oh, I'm so excited that you feel better and everyone got some good sleep! I don't know what I'd do without my 12 hours a night. I love the picture of you and Dr. Ikezawa! And it's so funny that you got 1000 Puged! I can't wait to get the cards and pass them out! Rest up and make sure your human gives you lots of treats until you're completely better.
Congrats on feeling better and 1k Pugs gaining so much momentum!
What you need now is quality cuddle time and cookies, of course.
puglet we are so glad to hear you are feeling better. Sending our love and snuggles you way.
Puggsie and his mom
Heehee.... Honky!... heehee....
Glad you're on the mend, Pug. Can't be havin' "#1" under the weather!! You've got a lot of work to do!!!
I think Bishop Ranch was where I went when I was first rescued. My humans said they went there to pick up another pug once (Mushu?) and they said the people there were all really supernice!
awesomeness that nothing is stuck in your belly, and everyone got some sleep.
Too funny about Dr. Pug Guru. But cool too, because she is totally helping out. YAY!!
*still chuckling about it*
Love the sexy pose on super white sheets~ Glad you are feeling better and glad the Dr is nice to you, kinda funny story, lol
So glad you averted disaster! If you feel well enough, eat a cookie for Megan, it's her 'gotcha day'...4 years of Love!
Puglet, rest up and get well and maybe your human will get you a baconator just cause you deserve it after sleepless nights of never ending honking. Do you sound like those Canadian Geese when you honk? Riley sure did when he had KC. Well, glad you're on the road to recovery. Paws up to Bishop Ranch for pug spotting you!
Happy Gotcha Day, Megan. Cookies all around in your honor.
Lea, Roxi & Riley
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Your bed looks so comfy Puglet! Glad the nice doc gave you the meds to get rid of the KC...I don't understand the "pug spotting" thing?! Does it have anything to do with Dutch's spots? Are they contagious? Are you going to look like him?
Just wondering,
Well, we forgive Dr.Ikezawa for not realizing that you are a celebrity/super model because she made you feel better and lots of other pugs too. We're glad you're on the mend #1 Pug!
Meredith & Scarlet
Whew! Glad you are getting better! I was going to lose sleep if you didn't have a good post about YOU today! Glad we can all sleep better now. Uh, I laughed when you spoke of that thing up your butt...man, we hate that, and your weight..oh my, can't believe you told it again...but glad you did cuz you weigh more than me and hate to say it but that makes me happy cuz I thought I was fat, guess I'm not even though I've been told I am!
Maurice the pug also wanted me to say that he is glad you are feeling better Puglet. Also to add that he had to wait in the car at the vet, because there is no back door, and be carried into an exam room in a rush when one opened up. Which meant no treats, or attention, or sniffing around...which made him very sad because he really really loves going to the vet.
Also he says hang in there while you recover, because apparently the stupid cough is contagious for at least two weeks. He has been forgoing doggy daycare AND the dog park for over two weeks now, which makes for one wound up, crazy pug.
Glad you are feeling better Puglet! I love that even when you are sick you still supermodeling your butt off!
Heya Cousin Puglet,
We are so glad that you are feeling better. Honking isn't good for pugs, brother dogs or humans.
And it is great that you have such a nice (and pretty) vet. Mine is nice but not pretty. She loves pugs and understands us.
Before we had one who insulted me! She told my mum that I was too fat (how come?) and that my blinking white teeths were "typical pug", but worse she never ever smiled. We never went back to this lady. Her loss!
We are so happy that your awsome 1000 Pugs project is gaining ground. What a pity we cannot participate. For sure, Berlin is not on the agenda???
Love from Berlin and more juju for you,
Carlos Santana
I'm glad you are feeling better Pug. And even more happy you didn't swallow a fork. I feel you on the honking part. Us pugs gotta stick together. Feel better bud! Juju high five!
Lots of licks,
OOOh, I look romantic? I'll have to honk when, uhm, I mean *if* I meet Jenny the pug.
Buford, you're probably right. Of course she wouldn't recognize me through all the honking.
We missed your earlier post and didn't know you were honking...and we were busy sending juju Payton's way we sure would have sent some your way! Minnie has gotten that honking think a couple of times. Just really annoying!
You look so sweet in the white sheets! Keep getting better.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Nope, nothing serious. The drugs should kill the honking before anything really bad can happen :)
Dr. Ike definitely knows her pugs. The front desk people told my human she sees at least one (usually more) every day. The Ranch is in San Ramon so it's not a million years away from you either.
HI Payton!
I'm so excited you're excited because it means you're feeling good. Even with the stupid cone on.
Hiya Ollie,
You know the best thing about The Cough? The pills for it are HUGE and my human has to cover them in globs of PB+B (peanut butter and bacon) to get me to eat them. Yummmmm!
Totally worth the honking.
Hiya Noodle ~
You must have been to The Ranch because all the PROS pugs do. We've been there 3 times now (once for The Epiphany, once to pick up Emi and now for the honking) and everyone is always supernice. It's kind of a drive for us, but we don't 100% love (or even 50% love) our normal vet office so unless I"m dying or something I think Dr Ike will be my new vet.
I'm too sexy for my sheets :)
That is sooo cool that she knew about 1000 pugs!!!! You are a celeb!!! So glad you are okay and on the road to recovery for your honking!
we are so happy your Honk is better.
Remember to keep getting rest so it's 100% good.
Your friend,
So glad you are honking less today. Thats awesome yall found a vet that knows how special Pugs are. And it is also awesome that she Pug spotted you. That is a sure sign she LOVES Pugs and thinks what your human is doing is pretty awesome! Cletus and I think it is awesome too! Your pic is too cute today. Keep resting and honking less. Yall have a great day! :)
Christa and Cletus
My mom an' me love Bishop Ranch and Dr. I! She takes care of us :) my mom says that her office is literally next door to to the vet in Bishop Ranch so the next time you go she wants to take you and your mom to lunch. Seriously! So happy that you're feeling better, buddy! --Atticus and my mom, Emily
Holy Spam, Megan! I just noticed the official Special Day calendar is still on OCTOBER.
I totally blame Miss jello brain.
We might have to do a whole entire post to catch up on all the day's we've missed. And eat lots and lots and LOTS of cookies.
Happy G-Day!
Harry the pug from Oz said "whats honky".
Puglet, love your posts, Mum and I view when we get up in the morning. Im your no. 1 Oz fan. Love and Hi Fives, Harry
Hey JSPs ~
I totally sound like on Ollie Goose. HONK JONK HONK. My human says I sound like a cat like with a hairball sometimes too. That's more or a HONK HONK BLCUAH THWACH noise.
Hiya Eddie,
Hmmm. Good question. Maybe it's my human's way of making Dutch feel more like Marcia and less like Jan.
{apologies to anyone who's completely confused right now}
Geez Puglet,
We were on pins + needles waiting to hear from you...Ouch!
Glad to hear you are A-OK and on the road to becoming Honk-Less.
Rest up and if your human lets you have some chicken soup...supposed to cure what ails you.
Your pals
3E's from San Antonio
Heya Maggie,
Yeah, the scale was almost as bad as the butt thing. My treat cut-off is 25lbs. but my human's brain is so jello-y right now, I'm hoping she forgets yesterday's number.
Hi Laura + Maurice,
We did the wait in the car thing too. I'm not loving the no-dogs thing either. My friend Tiffy is supposed to be visiting from Chicago soon and now she might not come. All because of the stupid honking.
Thanks B+B. I went for 'cute but pathetic' on that one.
Wow Pug, hope you are doing much better...just demand homemade chicken soup and bedrest. Our humans thumbs have been way too busy to turn on the computer and send Juju...so here is a blast of it now!
Pearl and Tessa
Romeo and I are so happy you are on the road to feeling better. It's a big worry when puggies don't feel good. I'm still praying to St. Francis for you, and Romeo has his paws crossed.
Puglet, you are such the adorable, cute patient. I have to say, you look extra cute when sick. PS You look like such a good patient! I guess that's why they call them patients!
Glad you're on the mend Pug! Don't need you sounding all Goose-y :) I love that you got 1kPugged! You probably made her day :)
So much JUJU for you!!!!!
We dont came here a long time because the father of my human died.
Enjoy the Guru Lady, special atentions, cookies, care...
you'll fell better soon. Dont worry!
I took the vacune Pneumodog one time a year. Talk with your Lady Guru! because this sick past so fast for other dogs.
cents of Jujus!
Fred and Estelita
Puglet, I'm so glad you're less musical! Its weird that you brought this up since Beulah started honking yesterday (or as you say, more of a HONK HONK BLCUAH THWACH). No juju needed, though cause she got the nasal Bordatella vaccine two days ago so it probably just bugged her nose. She seems to be well enough to do squirrel patrol!
I'm so glad 1000 pugs is gaining steam too! If your human comes to Canada, I hope its Toronto so Beulah and I can drive in to be part of it!
Fred & Estelita,
We're so sorry to read about the loss of your human's father. There's plenty of good juju left over here and we are sending it to you.
It'll be so cool to have a 1k Pug /Daily Puglet meet-up here in Toronto! Beulah will come all the way from Ottawa (and I'm hoping Barney) too. Plus a whole bunch more from around here, I'm sure.
Well Puglet you are awesome, but over here in Oz, with the different vernacular we were mighty disapointed that you didnt respond to our question about "honking", I now gather it is what we call "kennel cough" or is it "vomiting" as well, dont know. I know its all about you but if you could clarify. Thanks, Harry and Mum
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