Friday, November 18, 2011


I don't know how many of you read my friend Tiffy's blog, but I stole today's title from her. Except her post was about not leaving on a jet plane and mine is all about flying away.

Don't get too excited for me though because I'm not the one who got to fly yesterday. Remember little Emi? With the sickness and the icky exploding eye? Well, she ditched the bad eye, is completely better and has a brand new human named Peggy. Who she found right here on the Daily Puglet.

How freaking cool is that?

Emi's been through a lot for such a little pug and I could tell she was kinda worried when we were standing around at the airport yesterday. My human wanted it to be a surprise, so I didn't exactly know what the plan was, but my human promised it would be 100% awesome so I told Emi not to worry.

When Peggy's plane landed and she came out to meet Emi, all the worry went away. Peggy's from New York and lives with two pugs named Benny (you sent him a boatload of juju awhile ago) and Gracie and she is awesome.

Emi's kind of a crack pug (and a puppy) so she was extrasuperexcited to meet Peggy. But then she got all calm like she knew it was ok to relax because everything was going to be good from now on. Total zen moment, I swear.

Emi was ready to climb into her travel bag and take off before it was even time to leave... like she couldn't wait another minute to get to her new home. I'm so glad she found such a good one.

The humans got all leaky when it was time to say goodbye, but my human explained it was a good kind of leaky. The best kind of leaky there is, she said.


Payton said...

Hi Pug! Oh, thanks so much for sharing this great story! I am so happy for Emi! She certainly deserves a great life! Have a wonderful weekend!

Maggie the Pug in Dallas said...

Oh my goodness...what a great story and I feel so good reading it. made my day and I am so happy for Emi and Peggy and everyone involved. This is the best news so touching that I just want to run around and chase my tail!

Bailey and Buddy said...

Happy Homecoming Emi!! What a wonderful story! And, you guys can see each other again at the 1000 pugs photo shoot in NYC!! Cool! I like how Emi always looks like she is winking at you :)


MochiMachoMarshmallow said...

Hi Puglet,
I'm sure Emi was happy to see you again before flying off to New York.

Hey Emi,
We live in Long Island, NY. Hope to meet you at the 1000 pug event.


Sammy and Neko said...

This is so awesome. Perfect way to kick off weekend ! So so so soooo happy Emi found furever home. By the way, Pug, you look kind....of.... huge.... on top of Emi... oh, maybe I should say Emi is really tiny??


moPSY+MISIOber said...

I'm so happy for Peggy and Benny and Gracie AND EMI :) What a story !!! Bailey and Buddy are right, Emi looks like she is winking which is SUPERCUTE :) I don't know if Benny and Gracie has their own blog, but if not, I hope they will give us updates about their new life with Emi here on DP comments, I look forward to hear from you :) I love all today's pictures but on the last one Emi looks bit sad, but I'm sure she's one happy pug by now with her new family :) kisses and wonderful weekend to all of you :) Misiober

Peggy2957 said...

Hiya Pug!!!! This is Peggy writing today and I wanted to say it was nice to meet you, your human and Kate The PRL from Pug Mecca who has been taking care of Emi. We can't thank you enough for bringing us all together. Emi was a real trooper on the plane to Portland, OR and only cried during take off. She was PERFECT on the drive to Corvallis where we will be until after Thanksgiving. She had a GREAT first night and has her head in my lap as I write this. She has LOTS of puppy energy and LOVES to play. She especially likes to play with her long dog, just like the PINK one you now have Pug. Yes everyone I said PINK and that is another story. At any rate I LOVE her and can't wait for Benny and Gracie to meet her when we get home.

Sammy just for the record. Emi IS teeny tiny weighing only 9 pounds at 9 months old. Although the vet said she is 100% pug none of us would be surprised if she was part Chihuahua.

3M's we are definitely going to make it to any 1000 Pug event we can.

Peggy and Emi

Caitlin Williams, MFA, CPC said...

Aw, heck, Puglet, I'm leaky, too! Emi is one adorable, precious, lucky puggy and so are her new people. Great news for a weekend. :-)
Go, Emi!
Happy, happy--
Caitlin & the twin PDX tabbies, Abby & Audrey

Wilma said...

Hey Puglet, now my human is all leaky. What is it with these guys. She said it was a good leaky too though, so I guess it's ok. My eye is a little leaky today, not In a good way. I hope it is from sitting too close to the fire, and it's making extra tears. Mom said we'll watch is closely. If anything is gonna happen, it'll happen on the weekend. That's when I like to malfunction, cuz it costs a little extra to see the vet, and I'm worth it.
So sorry Tiffy's trip got cancelled. Hope you can meet her soon. Hope all your honking issues are resolving too.

Gracie the Agility Pug said...

What a happy ending!!!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

OK, that made us totally leaky too. This is the best kind of leaky there is and we couldn't more thrilled for Emi!

We are very grateful for Peggy, we thinks she rocks 1000%, thank you Peggy for opening your heart and home to Emi!

Meredith & Scarlet

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

For a little girl whose life got off to a rough start, we are dancing with happiness that she got the home and love she deserves! This is such a wonderful story and the Mom's eyes got all leaky too (yeah, we have to admit, our's got a little leaky too, BOL!)

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Anonymous said...

Hiya Puglet,
Gotta hand it to you buddy..for a little guy you got a big heart. We know if not for you Emi would not have found a great new mom and family.

Our mom's eyes leaked so much she had to wipe them in her sleeves.

Best wishes Emi from the San Antonio pugs, you deserve the best home any pug could get !

Ellie, Emmitt, Eli and Lucy the house cat..

Treat Lover said...

Dear Puglet,
Thanks so much for the update! We are so happy for Emi and Peggy and Benny and Gracie! We really love happy endings, especially when they involve people and pugs becoming families.
Congratulations all!

Coco & Chili

Noodles said...

Yay for Emi. I am so happy she is better AND has found her PERFECT forever HOME.
Love Noodles

Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III said...

Puglet, that is such great news!! Thank you for sharing! So wonderful that you were able to help Emi get a forever home!

Tiffy, I am sorry you didn't make it to San Francisco but I am sure you will get to go when everyone is feeling better. You'll have an amazing time...hanging out with Puglet, Dutch and their human will be fun fun fun! And mom and dad tell me SF is awesome!!

Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III

Anonymous said...

Oh Puglet, leave it to you to bring on the holiday magic! What a great ending to this story and a great way to begin the holiday season.

Emi all the best to ya, girl friend. We KNOW you will find lots of love and happiness with your new forever family. We'll look forward to future updates.

Roxi, Lea and Riley
Those Jersey Shore Puggles

Buddy said...

yup, leaky here too!!! so happy for Emi and Peggy gets total awesome juju for taking emi to her forever home. SO RIGHT ON that emi had her zen moment. Puggies are so fricken smart!!!
HUS AND BACON to PEGGY and her fam!!!!

Deb and Daisy said...

Puglet, I have to admit the title today scared me. I am so glad little Emi didn't have to go on the plane all by herself. You have done a great thing for her and for homeless pugs everywhere. You have told a wonderful success story. Yes, I got all leaky too.

Thank you for being you.

Anonymous said...

We are extremely happy Emi is getting a great home!!! Thanks for sharing her..."& they lived happily ever after" story with us. Hooray for Emi!!!

Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo

Anonymous said...

What a great situation for Emi!!! She is just so beautiful even without the eye. Lucky Peggy to get to bring home a wonderful furkid.

Anonymous said...

Hi Puglet,

We are so happy that Emi found her forever home so quickly. Thanks for the good work, and also to your human.

Little Emi has deserved a better life (we were leaking when you published her story) and we wish her well with Peggy.

Love from Berlin
Carlos Santana

Sabrina said...

Happy Gotcha Day Emi!

SpencerBartholomew said...

I needed to hear that news, Puglet. It made me and my family so happy to hear Emi is going to her new home, with a human who will love and cherish her. That is awesome. What makes it even more touching is that your blog brought them together- priceless. The power of the pug community... certainly makes me feel honored to be a part of it.

JFMusgrove said...

I love this and got all happy leaky just reading it!!!! Ronnie the Pug is so happy for Emi!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We're so happy we just had to post twice today .....


Roxi, Riley & Lea
the Jersey Shore puggles

Chfnman said...

Pug, you and your Pugrent did good and I know Emi will be beyond happy when she settles in her new home. Happy endings are the DP's bread and butter and the Pug world is blessed indeed for having you!


Suzy said...

**sniffle** dat's so sweet!!! I'm sooooooo happy for Miss Emi & it sounds like she has a wonderful home! Thanks to all who made her new life possible xoxo

Kitty+Coco said...

Wow, so happy for Emi!!!! We are partial to crackpugs (ahem, COCO).


Suzy said...

LOL, Coco-we have a crack pug too! She is a total spaz but it helps keep our yard free of the pesky birds & squirrels that perpetrate there daily xoxo

Ollie said...

I love ending the week with a story like this: pug superhero (you) helps a deserving young damsel find her way home!
Golden Chicken wishes to Emi, Benny & Gracie and their super awesome human Peggy. May you all enjoy a long happily-ever-after together!
I'm sorry about Tiffy not coming but I'm sure a visit will be rescheduled soon.

Opaka said...

Yay Emi, I'm so glad you found a new forever home. I hope you settle in quickly and have a great couch to sit on there.

Anonymous said...

Such a happy ending!

margie said...

Yeah for Emi!! I love to hear of happy pug endings or new beginings. What a great story I hope her human will share her progress with all of us. Best of luck to Emi and her new home!!You've had quite a busy week enjoy your weekend.

Puggy said...

Dear Puglet,

Keep us posted on Emi's adventures in her new life. She is the cutest pug ever and I'm just soooooo glad for her!

Thank you Peggy and thank you Puglet!


Puggy (Switzerland)

Sue and Annie said...

I hope Emi got to travel in the cabin with Peggy and not the nasty cargo area.

Sue and Annie said...

I keep forgetting to check the email follow up comments.

Tamara Watson said...

Puglet, that made me leaky in a good way. Yay, Emi!

THE PUGLET said...

Hey Everybody!

Isn't it cool Emi's story has such happy ending? I guess it's kind of a a happy beginning too :)

THE PUGLET said...

Heya B+B,

Ooooh, that would be very cool. I think Peggy lives closer to Boston though so maybe we'll see her there (I guess NY is a big state?).

Yep. You heard right -- I said WE. We as in also ME. I heard my human talking to the airport dude yesterday about ME flying on a PLANE. Top secret!!

THE PUGLET said...

Hey 3Ms,

Me. Plane. Maybe. Shhh.

THE PUGLET said...

Thanks for trying Sammy, but I guess I am kinda huge. And Emi is pretty tiny so that just makes me look even huger.

THE PUGLET said...

Hiya Peggy!

So glad you had a safe flight & Emi is being good for you. Uhm, I thought we weren't going to tell anyone about the PINK thing? Dutch likes pink, I like lions... remember???

Anyway. Big huge hugs + winks to Emi ;D

THE PUGLET said...

Hi Wilma,

Oooh, take care of those eyes - they're a pug's gift to humankind. Haa, me and Dutch like to save our malfunctions for the weekend too.

THE PUGLET said...

Hi 3Es,

Thanks for pointing out only my heart is big. Unlike *Sammy* who said my whole self is huge :/

THE PUGLET said...


You're so sweet. Don't worry, I think Tiffy is coming next month instead. All the honking will be gone by then, unless my human starts.

THE PUGLET said...

Hey JSPs,

Maybe my other middle name could be 'Magic'?

Puglet Magic Bacon?
Puglet the magic Baconator?

Noodle said...

YAY Emi!!!!

Sammy and Neko said...

Oh, Puglet... I did not mean to hurt your feelings at all. You are big boned cute pug with biggest heart as 3Es said.

Could I send you some SPAM to make you feel better??


Anonymous said...

Yeah Emi!! Congratulations, you are adorable! Welcome to NY!

Toast, Milton and Oscar
Dunkirk NY Pugs

Jes said...

I'm sooooo happy Emi found her forever home. I'm glad she met you and your human. I love happy ending Pug stories.

Elgor82 said...

That is awesome ... YAY Emi!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for Emi!!!
Did u say "we"
Paula from DE

Crabbie Chris said...

Yea, Emi!!!! You have a new home and a new start, and snow! I'm really sooper dooper happy for her!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This story made us sooo happpy
Thank you for helping bring Emi and her new mommy together.
This is a wonderful love story.

Buford T. Justice said...

SOOOOOOOOO Happy for Emi and her new family!!!!!!

That's the best story we've heard in a while.....

Thanks for letting us be a part of it through you.

Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Per-Li-Mae, Miss Lacy and Tre the Boston

Paws on the Run said...

Yay for Emi!!!!

Pugs2Luv said...

We are a little late, our human has been under the weather. We are so happy for Emi. It is nice to hear such good news amongst all the bad.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe

Minnie and Mack said...

That's the best news we've heard! We send lots of good luck to Emi and her new forever family.

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack

Robinette said...

Oh dear, I'm getting ally leaky just reading this post! What awesome news! I'm so happy for both Emi and Peggy! Thank you Puglet, for the smile and happy tears! <3

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

I just love happy endings!
Yay for all the people who helped little Emi :)

Peggy2957 said...

Hiya Puglet,

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. We are in our second day with Emi and she is GREAT!!!!! She is such a love and we are having so much fun. I'lve posted some videos on YouTube (peggy2957) and have already posted an albumn on Facebook (Peggy Goss Limmer). I'll be able to post more pictures when I get home. I have limited capabilities with the iPad.

Pug I'm three hours from both NYC and Boston. I was born on Long Island and would love a reason to go there too. I just wish Amtrak allowed dogs ob board since that is is how I get to NYC. Does anyone know if Metro North and the LIRR allow dogs on board? If so it will be easy leash to get to NYC and LI.

Pug you are right, it is Dutch who likes pink. You like LIONS and I have photos to prove it ;).


Anonymous said...

Such a happy beginning! Leaky, but good leaky!

Giant Pug said...

Oh my god, now that someone pointed out how huge Puglet looks on top of Emi, my human busted up laughing. Said something about how Puglet looked like a Giant Pug.

No offense Puglet, I think Emi must be half chihuaua! you're totally 'normal' size.

Anonymous said...

Emi is a beauty!

Jack the Pug said...

Oh Puglet! My human and myself just had a leaky moment reading about Emi's send off. I love it when the energy is so good and so big out there, that everything fits well into place. Heck yeah!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

I'm now leaky with happiness!!!!