Just kidding.
But I think we all totally need a break from the 999 pugsanity, right? And Dutch needs a tiny bit of Juju. I guess his birthday bloodwork came back and everything was OK except for something called thyroid and that was low. My human says it's kinda normal for this to happen with "older" dogs, but Google says dogs with low thyroid are slow and fat and Dutch is definitely not slow or fat.
The vet wants to run a few more tests to figure out what's going on. If we can get some juju flowing before the tests, I'm sure Dutch will be totally fine. Or at least as fine as a dog who secretly wears pug jackets on their head can be.

Oh yeah, and today is also the last day to send in your Dutch-style SYOP picture or post a pug one on facebook. I think I should get a cookie for telling you that.
* * *
I'm kinda superexcited about today's Dutch-style entry. Uh huh. Guess which Canadian beagle got to eat pie. And it wasn't even Thanksgiving in Canada. Go Ollie!
Lots of good juju for Dutch! Our lab Nicki had low thyroid - she was fine with just taking pills & watching her diet. Hopefully that's all Dutchie needs too. Either way, we're sending the good vibes...
Meredith & Scarlet
For good ol' Dutch boy!!!
ooooo, Ollie is adorable!!!! Hope the pie was super yummy!!!!
Hope you have tons of fun visiting trees!!!!!! Awesomeness.
Hi Pug! I am on Dutch juju alert! Sending prayers up for him right now. He does look kinda funny in your coat. Hehee! Can't wait to hear all about your tree adventure!
Ollie, you are cute! You almost look grey hound-ish in the 2nd photo. I got to eat pie and whippy too, but no crust. It was yummy!
Dutch we are sending lots of JUJU and kisses and hugs and you'll be fine I know it !!!!
and is it Puglet jacket?? with fur and skull and crossbones??? I love it, and love you in it, even though it's big enough to be only your hat :)
and now Ollie !!!! I've always seen Ollie on this mini-picture, so now I'm really happy because:
1. I can see whole Ollie
2. I really love what I see
3. Ollie is SUPER cute and sweet
4. Ollie is GREAT supermodel
5. On these picture Ollie looks like a royal family member !!!
6. GOOD JOB Ollie's Human ;)
hugs Puglet and kisses Dutch :)
Mega juju and my special beagle magic going out to Dutchie! He's one of a kind...who else could put that thing on his head and still look so awesomely dignified?
It's totally freaky to see myself on your blog! It took a lot of effort to sit still for more than 10 seconds while the one-eyed box stared at me. I was only willing to do it because my human stuck duck liver treats in the whipped stuff on the pie. We were both so tired from the ordeal, we had to take a nap.
Good luck leafless tree-hunting today!
Thank you Gosia for all your kind words but I still don't like the camera box!
Ok Dutch, I don’t just do this for anyone…but I will bust out with my Bangin’ Bellatrix mojo juju dance. I don’t just do this for anyone, but seeing that you’re mine and we’ve shared food (ok I took your food) you get this special dance.
First I will don a pink unitard and light blue tutu. Next I will bust out with my sparkly butterfly wings. I will run deep into the jungle of Pt Pinole and there I will dance to the music of Katy Perry. She has good juju music.
Psst…ditch the Pug Dutch and join me. I shall wait for your spotted appearance with baited breath….
Tons of JUJU for Dutch!! Sending lots of virtual licks and kisses to you!
Ollie, you look so regal in those pictures! Is that your own private sitting room?? I think I need my own private sitting room. With a butler. ;)
Bellatrix, you're hilarious! Heehee
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
Hey Puglet! Yeah, it sounds like you guys all need a break. I'm sending all my east coast good juju Dutch's way. Love that photo of him wearing your jacket as a hood.
No way am I allowing Dutch to go JuJu-less and NO WAY am I allowing him to be sick. NO WAY!
Love Noodles
NO no, not our Dutch! You know we have a major crush on him. We will be sending juju out fo sho. Sending him Southern sugars from Alabama.
BIG Texas juju for that very handsome Dutch who looks so very charming in that hat!! I must say! I hope all goes well with the tests...are you going to the new vet?
Ollie is way cute in his photo just sitting there so perfect. Can't get a better pose than that...ok, maybe you can pose better Puglet, but not by much!
Juju for the Dutch-man!!! Don't worry Dutch. A lot of good peeps have low thyroid. Looks like it isn't slowing you down a bit!!
Bellatrix, any chance we can get a video of your.. *ahem*... dance? :)
Ok, I totally just notice all of the hide-a-squirrels in the pics of Ollie! That is awesome!
Oh, and Noodle is on the money...Bella, video please!
Hey...that dance is like the Yeti...it cannot be captured on any film yet invented.
JUJU coming your way Dutch from the San Antonio gang !
And if we can join the happy dance put on the Katy Perry music and lets boogie !
Emmitt's birthday is today, he's 5. Mom said his special day gets him yam treats.. he loves yam treats.
Ellie and Eli... Emmitt would say hi too but he's outside sitting in the sun !
Hey Payton,
Puglet & Dutch sent me those squirrels :)
Happy Special Day Emmitt! I'll be eating more pie for you.
Lots of big jujus for Dutch. He is awful good about wearing stuff, isn't he? And hey Ollie, we have that squirrel too...did yours come in a tree? And speaking of trees, we don't get one this year because we got stupid cats, and mom sez they would do really bad things to the tree. So she's gonna wrap the pictures. Wish I had some pie...
hi there! sending dutch some juju but i have a juju request! mom says i have to have 2 teeth pulled tomorrow and she's super scared(pugs+anesthesia=dicey) so can you send juju to me and her? i don't like when she's scared cuz she gets super leaky and terrified i'm gonna die
Dutch & Mimi, heaps of juju, you'll both be fine. Harry the Oz Pug
Happy Birthday to Emmitt in San Antonio...hope you enjoy your yam treats and the sunshine!
Hey everyone!
Thanks for sending Dutch so much juju. He'd thank you himself, but he's super-embarrassed about the jacket-hat thing.
Everything everyone said about Ollie is so right!
HAPPY YAM DAY EMMITT. You should totally hold out for cupcakes. Or pie!
Mimi, juju is on its way. Anesthesia freaks me and my human out too :/
Major juju being sent for Dutch and I think it looks as cute as a pug in that jacket!
Juju is on the way Dutch. We have a cat friend of the senior variety with the same thyroid issues and after years of different medications that didn't help enough; he started this new food made especially for thyroid problems and is now a happy and much healthier kitty. You might want to check it out.
If our human was not so sick herself we would be in the woods looking for Bellatrix in her juju leotard, that is a sight we must see!
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Sending buckets of good JUJU to Dutch! He looks fabulous in the faux fur jacket!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Hi Puglet!!
Love that pic with your paw in your humans hand this week.
Much juju to Dutch!! Will be jujuing all night!!
Ollie is so adorable!! He looks like a king just chillaxing in his kingdom as he is served his pie!!
**note to Bellatrix , you crack me up, I am picturing your dance being something like that dance Sandra Bullock did in the forrest in that movie The Proposal.
Paula from DE
Hi Pug,
I'm concentrating really hard on positive juju for Brother Dutch. I love the skully jacket on his head. Indy, Mom's yellow lab, that she had before me, also had low thyroid & wasn't fat either. Indy lived to be 14 years old.
Hi Pug! Sending Dutch good juju, healing thoughts and power of paw! Dutch looks so fab in his coat! Poor Ollie hope you finally got to eat your pie! Love, Licks and Phugs Frank xxxxx
Sweet Dutch! Major good juju being sent your way! My lab Jake was perfect in weight and bouncing for his walks when they found low thyroid in one of his annual blood work checks. He was 12 at the time. Well he's about 14 now, still bouncing for his food and his walks and his thyroid levels are just fine. He actually did lose some weight with the thyroid medicine, but lucky for Jake, he just got more food! Win-win, huh? ;-)
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