I kinda like snuggling, and napping was cool for a little while. But a guy can only take so many naps, y'know? So I asked my human to turn on the FOOD channel and she said no way. I suggested Animal Planet, but she vetoed that too because I attack the TV whenever animals come on it. I Apparently TV attacking isn't exactly 'restful'.
I figured any TV is less boring than napping, so I just asked her to turn the thing on for me and Dutch. So she did, then fell back asleep. Of course we ended up having to watch the worst TV ever made. No food, no animals - just a bunch of crazy blonde ladies with big jewelry screaming at each other a lot.
Talk about boring!
If your human ever gets a bug and lets you watch TV so she can sleep in peace, just say no to some channel called Bravo. It's where the screaming ladies live. We'll be back on Monday with SYOP and some other news...
We're sending your human supersized healing juju so you can all get out and enjoy your weekend (away from those screaming tv ladies).
Take care Puglet, we'll be thinking of you.
Oh no Pug, you got stuck watching real housewives , the ones that are soooooooooo not real! So sorry!!
Lots of juju to your human!!
Paula from DE
Human anti-bug juju is being sent. Our human has been sick too since Thanksgiving her bug took her voice away and now we never get in trouble; at least she hasn't said anything about it (ha ha). We are wondering if Bellatrix has a special human juju leotard and dance. Give your human a cuddle for us. We hope se feels better soon.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Pug, take good care of your human this weekend. Lots of extra love and snuggles is a must! I will be saying a pray in hopes that she gets better really soon. And I have to say that I'm sorry she didn't let you watch the Food Network. It's awesome! Can't wait for the SYOP announcement and hope that the other news is the eatble pug tree! Yay, PUG TREE!
Our mommy puts on Matlock when she wants background noise. MATLOCK!!! Pug you got it better than us on this. We'll take screaming tv ladies over old white hair man wearing the same suit.
We're sending your human Super Size JuJu
Love 3M's
hugs and snuggles to the casa de puglet household!!
OH NO!!! So sorry to hear your human isn't feeling well. We're sending juju her way!! We hope she feels better real soon and you get to do something fun!
Snorts and grunts,
Noodle & Mochi
Oh Puglet- my mom can relate. She spent last night from 7:30 to 3:30 am puking every 30 minutes. As much as she loves to snuggle with me she made me go to work today with my other human because she felt too bad for even pug love. Can you imagine?! I hope BOTH our humans feel better soon. Not being able to eat? Horrors!
That is tooo funny-BRAVO is on non-stop 24/7 in our house, because Mommy LOVES the screaming ladies-especially the ones from atlanta!!!! Sending you lots of wishes to Feel better really soon!!! :O)
Oh, poor human! Sending lots of juju to her. As for you, Puglet, you need to find the thing called the "remote control". You may have chewed on it as a puppy. Anyway, while I don't recommend Animal Planet because of your "problem", you can probably search around until you find something other than screaming blonde ladies.
Hi Pug,
So sorry to hear your human has tummy troubles. My Mom & I are sending super good juju her way!
When My Mom has tummy troubles, she can't stand to watch the food station, something about the site of food making tummy worse. So don't feel bad, your not alone.
I'm sorry your mom is sick, but that picture makes you look like half pug/half dalmatian!! You're a mutant!
Hmmmm, sounds like he could be prego, but we should leave it at that.... hope she recovers soon, but it is kinda nice to have mini human someday, don't you think??
dang, I wanted to say she, dang keyboard....
Oh Puglet, I really hope your human fesls better soon. It's so nice and understanding of you and Dutch to snuggle with her and each other and watch stupid TV until she gets better. I live with a pug "pack" (4 of us) and when we get bored we fight and our human comes UNGLUED!!!!! Keep up the good work.
Phoebe in Oregon
Puglet, I like to watch animals on tv too! I like to pretend I am a mean german shepard and growl, bark, and sling my toys around. I sometimes get in trouble. Mom says I need anger management?? But anyway. I am sorry ur human is sick- maybe u can snuggle and make her feel better. Oh!! Since the shopping network is on u should finish up four christmas shopping!!! Don't let dutch buy anything pink!!! Winston and carley
what a wonderful picture.
We hope it feels better real soo.
Greetings from Germany
Greetings Puglet! I empathize with your human because my human is just recovering from a sever bout with the Flu. Maybe it's his age or something but this bout knocked him to his knees and took him out of service for three days. Be careful little buddy, don't let her infect you. However, by all means continue to administer lots of love and take her for walks in the fresh air even if she doesn't want to go. Remember, it's for her own good. Take care publet.
Vinny the Pug
Sending your human lots of juju..we can't think of anything worse than having to watch those blond ladies..our human tends to veg out on Food Network or Law and Order reruns. Amazing that with 100's of stations there still isn't anything on TV. Hope you get your pug tree up soon...ours is pending.
Tell your human to start taking vitamins and eat some meat for goodness sakes! Liver has iron and vitamins and things to keep her healthy so you can go on more adventures!
Ohhhh we hope your human gets well soon. PUG HUGS from your pals in Guam.........MA-kytah and Shady.
Oh Man! We miss this on Friday: belated juju to your human Pug!
And we definitely agree the housewives are the WORST. We're down with the Food Network though...YUM!
Meredith & Scarlet
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