It was not easy to pick a winner for the Dutch-SYOP. I am not a fan of the creepy camera eye and think every dog should be rewarded for having their soul stolen. Picking out a prize was not easy either. Pug said it could not be pink and since not all dogs can eat all foods, my human said the ingredients of any eatable had to be 'novel' (google says 'novel' means unusual).
So... for the prize I picked a bag of toothbrush chew-things. They contain very novel things and were made in Holland like me. For the winner I picked Sailor the poodle. Because 1) the head-in-pot picture was funny and 2) I know how it feels to have to share your food with a pushy little pug.
Congratulations Sailor!
Love + Pinkness,
* * *
OK. I'm so freaking excited to tell you about my mail, I won't say a word about Dutch's pinkness or the 'pushy little pug' thing. Because check out what was inside the box Bambi (sister of Buford T Justice) sent me:

How cool is that?? There was a cute little card inside too, but I was so excited about the gummies I couldn't focus enough to pose with it. When can I ever not pose?!? I just wanted to Jimmy on my gummy pug pillows forever. One is full of sweet pugs, and one is full of sour pugs. My human says together they make sweet and sour, like me.
I'm superexcited about my gummy gift from Bambi, even though I'm not sure my human will ever let me eat them. And get this, Bambi says you can have some too. Her brother Buford has a secret stash on his website bufordsbullies.com.
I don't think everyone gets a special love note from Bambi (or maybe they do??), but you can get your own pug gummies. Fresh from freaking Germany. But be FAST! The supply is limited and they won't be getting any more until after Christmas. I know my human just ordered some to give away as a SYOP prize.
Since Germany are like one hour from our home, we of course had these gummies. Yes we HAD but never taste it :( our mom eat all of them !!! the sweet and sour one (the best) but she didn't get the chili one, and now she said she must visit Berlin before Christmas to get some chili and visit one of Weihnachtsmarkt by the way, because she loves it :)
Congrats to Sailor !! Your prize look yummy !!!
Puglet hope you score at least one gummy pug !! hugs Fredzi+Zuzia+Pucia
Hi Puglet,
Gummies....pug gummies sign us up! Mom is going to the web site as soon as we get done here to get us some.
Dutch just wanted to say you look very handsome today...xxoo Ellie.
Broken Leg Pug Update - Roxie has found a forever home with a nice lady and two other fawn girl pugs. And the best part of all a local vet is going to fix Roxie's broken leg for FREE!
We tried to make our house 4E's but the nice lady called before us, sigh!
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli drooling for the pug gummies !!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me while I clean out my ears. . . I thought you said PUG GUMMIES! Hahahahahah. . . Oh! It's true? I am checking it out NOW!
Type, type, type. . .
Love Noodles
Hi Pug and Dutch! Oh, so many yummy things in today's post. I am feeling mighty hungry right now! Thankfully lunch should be served shortly. I wonder how Bambi and Buford scored those German pug gummies? They are so awesome to send you some! Dutch, not time you should pick out a pink prize...after all this is your contest. Congrats to Sailor!
PS. So happy to hear that the broken leg pug has a new home!!
WOW! Pug gummies...uh, can life get any better, yes, if I could eat me some pug gummies! Got to see those for myself. So glad to see Dutch today too and love how you write your post Dutch...got that pushy little pug comment in there!
Where's the winning photo of Sailor? Thought you'd put it on here.
What a great surprise for your human to get those pug gummies from such a thoughtful pug like Bambi. I say let her keep the gummies as long as you get extra SPAM for being so selfless.
Way to go Sailor! Head in a pot of food is every dog's wish come true. We have a stove and a pot but I don't think the two will ever meet. So it looks like I'll just keep on dreaming...
3E's - Excellent news about Roxie and the really nice vet!
Where can we view the other entries for Dutch's SYOP contest? Congrats Sailor!!
PUG GUMMIES!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooo glad you liked them!!!! Bambi wouldn't let our human tell anybody else until she put a box together for you!!!!!
Hope you get to try them. We did and the sour ones give us funny faces.....lol
Enjoy and our human says they are almost gone....but she will get more as soon as she can.
Buford T. Justice and the Pack O' Pugs
PS. Bambi sends kisses......
Oh Puglet, Christmas magic is in the air as another pug-in-need finds a safe and loving forever home. Good luck Roxie. We're sending special puggle holiday juju for a speedy recovery of the broken leg.
Dutch, you look super fabulous today.
Congrats to Sailor on your prize. Enjoy!!
OK, we have to jimmy on over to that web site and grab us some gummy pug(gles) before they're all gone.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles
Heya Fredzi+Zuzia+Pucia!
Since Germany is like a million miles from our home, I doubt I'll get to eat many gummies. I can probably get at least one though. Will let you know how it tastes :)
Hi Still-3 Es~
Supergood news on Miss Brokenleg. How awesome that the vet is going to fix her like that. Go nice vet!
Payton ~
Not sure. Maybe they hired a smuggler?
You can see Sailor and the pushy little pug.. uh, I mean Emi here:
Good thinking Ollie! I think SPAM beats just about every other eatable on the planet. Except maybe Baaaaacon!
Heya Bufuord!
Thanks for the 411 on the sour gummies. I bet my human will let me try one if I promise to make funny faces for Nikon :)
PS: let me know what Bambi says about what I said in my last email. You can have some bacon popcorn too.
Hey Puglet,
Our mom must have lost her mind or maybe the Christmas spirit hit her ..*bonk* in the head.
She vanished for awhile yep left us home alone but came back with YAM TREATS..a big whompin bag of YAM TREATS !
She muttered something about Gummies under our trees she thought we didn't hear her.
The problem is, how do we sleep all night long with Gummies dancing in our heads on Christmas Eve.
Suggestions would be helpful.
3E's from San Antonio
Dude! How do you think I feel with 2 bags of gummies in our kitchen!?!
PS: I can't believe you get so excited about yams. My human tried those on us, but not having it. I love my daily carrot, but one veggie treat a day is plenty.
Hey Puglet,
Carrots get chewed then spit out but beets now thats a different story...yumm O...
Yams, green beans, pumpkin, watermelon, honey dew, and sweet pickles are to die for.
But carrots, nadda !
Bambi LOST HER MIND when she read your email!!!!!! She said she sent you one back and now she's sitting by the computer waiting for you to respond....PFFFT Girls.
The Pug Gummies are SOLD OUT!!!!! The human is ordering more today so we can get them back quickly!!!!
Your Pal,
Buford T. Justice
MUST! OBTAIN!! PUG!!! GUMMIES!!!! That is all my brain can focus on right now.
Hi EEEs,
Weird. I think green beans are nasty like you think carrots are nasty! I wonder if California carrots are better than Texas carrots, and Texas beans are better than ours?
I bet bacon is awesome everywhere.
AHhhhhhh I was actually considering sending you some! We had been living in Germany for 3 years and just moved back to Texas and received all our stuff, some of which was goodies from the German pet store that we knew we couldn't find here. Including pug gummies! Excuse me, Mopses ;) Did you get regular AND sour?
Uhm, Salty - what's that thing hanging on to your human's ear??
That's so cool to have the gummies come to you from your old life in Germany. We got the sweet AND the sour kind! My human says I'm a little of both :)
Yummy gummies! Can't wait to get some in my tummy :)
Gobbles and slurps,
Eddie the Pug
Hiya Pug!!!!! It's Emi that pushy little pug FINALLY stopping by to say HELLOOOOOO!!!! Congrats to Sailor the POODLE, MY Poodle buddy!!! Trust me I may be little but I AM pushy and darn proud of it!!!!!! Sailor will be SUPER happy I'm not there when those treats arrive.
Benny and I are having a REALLY good time together. He LOVES to face wrestle and let's me chase him around the table. We run around it like a gazillion times without stopping. It is SUPER fun!!!!! EVERYONE here LOVES me. They all say I'm super cute. They also say I'm just a peanut. My human said I was soooo good on the plane that if I stay peanut like she will consider taking me back to the West Coast next year for CCPR's parade. It sounds like it would be fun!!! It would also be nice to go back and see ALL the nice people who rescued me. Going west means I could see my buddy Sailor again too. We'll keep you posted on that one.
Sloppy Kisses,
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