I don't think so. And neither does Suki. Because she sent me the most amazingly wrapped Christmas gift with this most adorable bit of pinkness inside. It can be worn as a scarf to keep out the chill and will make a fabulous headband in warm weather. Pug will be horrified all year long!

* * *
International juju needed!
International juju needed!
Pucia in Poland is not well. The doctors did an ultrasound and something funky showed up, a cyst-like thing near her bladder. She might need surgery and her human is very worried (and scared and sad). Poland is very far away, so please send them both an extra large dose of extra-strength juju!
Dutch! That scarf looks dashing on you. You have great coloring to pull off pink. I'm so glad you had a great Christmas too!
Sending lots of prayers for Pucia! Goshia, please keep us posted.
*sings* get physical..get physical...everyone get physicaaaaallllll...
super juju to Pucia in Poland!!!!!
Wow Dutch, I don't know. I appreciate your individualism but I probably will fall on the side of Pug when it comes to you wearing that as a headband! Whew, that's tough to handle!
All prayers straight to Pucia!!!
You're obviously a lover, not a fighter Dutch. And pink suits you just fine. We think your scarf it just lovely
♥♥♥ and LOTS of ~~~juju~~~ to Pucia!
Meredith & Scarlet
I love you so much Dutch in your new scarf and wearing as a headband was, well, was so charming! You are the best in pink and Pug just needs to suck it up!
BIG TEXAS juju going out to Pucia in Poland...don't like hearing that!
Sending mega-tons of super extra-strength juju to Pucia!!!
Dutch, that scarf looks great on you! Dont listen to Puglet and always keep on wearing your pink accessories!!
~ Frankie
Dutch, pink is the most fabulous color and looks great on you, too. Pink is MY favorite color as well.
We're sending lots of juju off to Poland for Pucia!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
First MEGA BIG JUJU to Pucia in Poland all the way from San Antonio Texas pugs.
Now for the fun part, Dutch you are the cats meow in your pink scarf/headband I happen to love pink.
From Lucy the house cat.
Puglet just needs to look the other way when you go out in your pink finery because we think you are very handsome.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
Dutch, p.s. our mom lets Eli wear yellow bright electric yellow and he loves it.
Only two words needed - looking good!!!
Dutchie, you handsome boy, polka dots are SO in fashion right now! I am sure you will be on the over of DQ very soon (BOL) Did anyone get the joke?
Ginormous JUJU sent off to Pucia in Poland!
Hugs and love,
Eddie The Pug
Sending major juju to Pucia!! No worries, Pucia, I had bladder crystals once. It's not the same as a cyst but, you will be fine! Hugs!
Dutch!! You are so sassy, dude!! LOL!!!
Mishebarach juju to Pucia in Poland.
Hi Dutch,
You look great in your dual purpose scarf/head band! I'm so glad you like it.
I'm sending positive juju to Poland to Pucia!
Lots of prayers and juju to Pucia from Chang in Chicago.
Positive thoughts and prayers for beautiful Pucia. Dutch, you look very stylish in pink!
That Suki is lucky she lives do far, trying to gift her way into my mans heart. I must say you look so adorable Dutchie. I can keep you warm, I have extra layers. That was very nice of Suki, and she seems to know your color too. Hmm...
Much juju going out to Poland. No one likes to hear of a pug needing surgery. All the juju will help you through!
Hi ! Gosia here, thank you Puglet and Dutch and your Human, and all DP friends for sending juju to Pucia. YOU ARE THE BEST FRIEND EVER AND WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I'll know more on Friday, thank you once again! Love Gosia
You look fabulous Dutch!!!
We are sending lots of good vibes to swe Pucia!!!!!
Dutch, you are adorable!
Giving the Poland pug good juju in my drugged state. Just got back from the Dr myself. Mom says I had one mass cell tumor on my leg and FOUR teeth removed! Not sure what it means except I get yummy wet food for the next few days but my leg is killing me!
Mama says so happy to see Dutch on her birthday, especially her favorite color PINK !
Pucia, hang in there, more juju on the way.
Sammy and Neko
Dutch, you look very 'vogue'. Sending juju overseas!
Dutch, you're a handsome devil and you rock the pink!
Sending big time juju to Pucia!
Big JUJU to Pucia and also to Hunter!!
Dutch you just look so cool in anything you wear!! Pink looks good on you!!
Paula from DE
Dutch.. I think we share the same admiration for pink. I have to admit, I got a think for purple too. Bol. No fear bud, we are manly enough to rock pink!
Happy Howl-idays!
Lots of licks,
Dutch you look fabulous in your scarf!
Sending a big plane load of juju to Pucia, get better soon.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Your scarf looks fabulous on you. We are glad everyone at your house had a tailor made Christmas.
We are sending extra strength juju with wings to Poland for sweet Pucia and pughugs for your human.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Oh sweet Pucia, we are sending juju straight away!
Dutch, you look simply fab in your new scarf.
Awww! The dogs are adorable! This post just made my day :)
Sending Ju-Ju from 3 pugs!! Maggie, Bella, and Sadie hope that Pucia is just fine, and we will ALL be sending extra strength ju-ju!
Dutch, you are a beautiful guy. No harm is loving pink! :)
Dutch, You look great! xxx
Sending positive thoughts to Pucia in Poland!
Luv, Meatball
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