Monday, April 30, 2012


So, I've been back in San Francisco for almost a week. And I know you're totally dying to hear about Atlanta. And Miami. And all the pugs I met, fountains I swam in and bagels I ate. You've also probably been wondering what on earth I've been doing since we got back and why I haven't been here telling you all about it.

Well. It mostly has to do with you-know-who and her gimpy brain. I guess travel and long days of pug-shooting are hard on brains so after we went to Sacramento on Tuesday to get Dutch, my human ran out of brain and slept for like 3 whole days. 

I didn't mind this so much because I was supertired too. I mean, my brain is perfectly fine and everything but being a world traveler isn't easy. First you have to get to the plane without missing it (gimpy brains = missed planes). Then you have to get past the security dudes. If you're lucky, the nice airline people give you a seat. Unlucky means riding under the seat with a bunch of feet. 

If you survive the plane ride this thing called jet lag that totally messes with your sleep. The whole time zone thing is way too confusing to explain, but that's OK because we totally sucked at it anyway. And by we I mean my human. 

The gist is we'd go to bed at our normal California time except it would really be 3 hours later because we were on a different coast. It's a time zone thing. Yeah. I told you. Confusing. 

Anyway, even though we went to bed in California, we still had to wake up in Atlanta or Miami. And I don't know what time the rest of the east coast gets up, but we woke up before the sun. Y'know, so my human could spend the whole entire day giving away my food to stranger pugs. 

Most days went something like this: 

6am {3am west coast}
Wake up. Eat, pee and stuff.

Drive to pug shooting location, stop for a bagel on the way. Eat again, if lucky. Probably get lost and listen to my human curse the GPS lady at least once.

Pug shooting begins. Human abandons me. People bring me snacks, but I don't get to nap or anything. My human doesn't stop to eat or pee or anything. Sometimes she has a minute to pet me. Sometimes she does not.
I try not to let it bother me, but sometimes it is just too much and I howl. Yes, howl.

Another day of pug shooting is over. Reunite with human.

Back at hotel, cuddle with my human and eat food. In Dallas we weren't near any easy food so my human ate random things like Milk Duds for dinner. Atlanta + Miami had Whole Foods and a place called Panera near by so she got to eat her stupid vegetables. I got to eat the random piece of bread Panera sometimes throws in your bag. No idea, but it was tasty.

Enjoy a guilt-chewy and wait for my human to finish doing stuff with the camera.
Guilt her into giving me a few extra snacks and a lot more love than usual.

2am east coast {11pm west coast}

See what I mean? Kinda crazy. But also very cool. Next week we get to do it again too - this time in the 2 Ms: Minneapolis + Milwaukee. My human had it with the stupid Blogger app thing and just turned Droid into some kind of hotspot so now we'll have internet everywhere we go. That means I can write you from any place, anytime. 

As long as the thumbs are still breathing, anyway.

* * *  BACONY GOODNESS  * * *

Before I announce the Bacon giveaway winners, I have one more bit of bacony goodness to give! It came in the mail when we were gone from the supernice people at Oregon Trail Foods. They thought I might like their new Bacon Jellybeans so they sent me a big fat bag to try.

Uh... might like? Yeah. I was supposed to pose with the bag of Bacon Beans but they smelled soooooo tasty I tried to eat it instead. It's a pretty ginormous bag so my human suggested we split it up into a bunch of little ones. That way more pugs can enjoy them. Sounds good to me - as long I as I get too enjoy them too.


Dutchess the Pug said...

Puglet, no wonder you took a week off! You and your human must have been exhausted! I can't tell you how much I look forward to the book when it comes out! You are so adorable going after those jellybeans...I would have been all over them, too. You are quite the pug, your human is very lucky to have you. Any more traveling, or will you be settled for a bit? It's good to have a break from all the excitement!

Sammy and Neko said...

OMG, you re back (for now), Pug ! Can't hardly wait to meet you in Mpls. What would you want us to bring? Chicken nuggets? How about your human? Get some green stuff??


Augustus said...

Ooooh, my people let me try fruity jelly beans and I work really hard to get them chewed up (you know how people want you to eat their stuff, so you just do it to the best of your ability even if it's not exactly good) but I bet I could really eat bacon jelly beans!

Glad you are back and gimpy brain has had a little rest and recovery, we've all missed you! Can't wait to try to get a date in SF to get my picture taken.

Hugo the Oregon Trail Foods Portland Pug said...

Yay! You got the beans! I'm seriously jealous, Puglet. My mom gives me one or two if I'm lucky but she doesn't let me near the bag! Hope you like them as much as I do! Make sure to share with Dutch. I usually share with my chocolate lab sister and she seems to like them also even though she's not a pug!

-Hugo the Oregon Trail Foods Pug

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back and getting rested for the next round of world travel.
I'm wonderng how Dutch is doing? He must get kinda sad when you leave him to shoot pugs. Hopefully he had some adventures of his own to tell you about.
Kris in Oklahoma

I Love Lucy said...

Oh Puglet,

So happy you're back. We missed you, and your human, terribly. We hope you're rested enough for your next big adventure. You're a superstar,world traveler, Puglet.
Those Bacon jelly beans look pretty awesome, by the way. YUM!

Love Lucy~

Pug Slope said...

Hi Puglet!
Glad you and your mom are back home and able to relax a little. Sounds like you guys are BOTH in need of some cuddling, eating, and sleeping (which we pugs happen to excel at). I can't wait to register for 1000Pugs this week! My 'rents have all kinds of calendar reminders/alarms set so they don't miss it. However, I don't trust them and I've decided to set my own internal pug alarm clock (you know, the one that tells you that it's time for breakfast at 5:38 am).


Augustus said...

Hahahahaha, my human just found this and thought of you because though it is designed to keep foxtails out of dogs' noses the FAQ's say it will help keep them from eating "trail leftovers". My advice is stay away from the poo or you may find your head in a bag!

Buford T. Justice said...

DUDE!!!!!! World travelling sounds tiring.....My sisfur, Bambi (and now my Boston Bro, Tre) travel to Agility things like EVERY FREAKIN' WEEKEND and I don't get to go.....something about staying home and keeping the man company.....My human says she understand the jet lag thing kinda since last Saturday Bambi and Tre were sooooo tired from the Agility stuff that they fell asleep at like 6pm CA time (we are in California so that makes sense) but they BOTH woke up at like 3:30-4am cause they didn't need any more sleep.....My human did so she was NOT happy with the bouncy, crazy, AWAKE Pug and Boston.....She still hasn't recovered but we hope your human has.

Glad you're back for the moment and enjoy your next travels.

We need to find some of those Bacon Beans cause I'm pretty sure we would like them.

Hang in there dude aand Bambi sends smooches.....

Buford T. Justice

Fritter from the Lo-Flo said...

I am so happy to read up on my favorite pug! Hope you are all well rested and back into your routine. If you and your human would like an intern to help you out with some of that 1000 pug work, my mom will be off of work in two weeks for the whole summer! We will work for bacon flavored beans!!!

Noodles said...

I missed you! I am glad you (1) got some rest and (2) had some fun adventures.

Love Noodles

Boo & Human said...

Oh, I spoke too soon; there you guys are! You know, Minneapolis is where my human was born?! Yeah. I hope you enjoy your trip to out there. I hear it gets humid in the summer, hopefully its not humid season when you're there. Too early for it...perhaps its still nice!

moPSY+MISIOber said...

Hi Pug !!! We missed you so! You have the best adventures ever!!! We only nap or take a walk :( these jelly beans look tasty but your new (??) collar is just beatiful, and so spring, we love it:) and we so happy you'll meet our friends Sammy and Neko soon:) lots of kisses PT

Anonymous said...

Yay! It's so good to see you back!

Happy trails, you're such a good companion to your human.

Elgor82 said...

We can't wait to meet you in Milwaukee!!! You will know us when you see us ... we're the only group of four signed up on Friday afternoon! Mama is hoping we can get our picture with you ... we never met anyone famous!!!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

Zane Hollingsworth said...

Puglet, it was wonderful to meet you in Atlanta. Thanks again for being so understanding and helpful. We took a few photos of you and your human hard at work.
Our Day with 1000 Pugs & Puglet!

Anonymous said...

Puglet! I really enjoyed meeting you in Marietta, GA. You howl amazingly like a wolf. You were as great and a perfect pug as I had hoped.


Meatball and his owner, Julie

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Wow! What a day! Bacon jelly beans & the sign up for East Coast 1000 Pugs, NE style! Like Sid, we have our reminders all set :)

Glad to see you Pug!!!!

Meredith & Scarlet

Heather said...

So glad your baxk! I hope you'll be making the trip to Boston! My human will be signing me up today!


Anne said...

Busy days for your humom and you! We cannot wait to meet you in Minneapolis in 1.5 weeks! I promise the 40 minutes your mom spends with Lucey and Buddy that I will give you plenty of cuddles & extra attention! Lucey dislocated her elbow last night so we had to spend the evening at the ER vet! Poor little girl was so nice about it I think everyone in the waiting room wants to adopt a puggy because of her disposition. I hope it's healed enough so she can run around for her 15 minutes of fame :) We can't wait to meet you on the 12th!
Pug Hugs,
Buddy & Lucey

Anne said...

@Zane Hollingsworth I read your story about your day with Puglet! So sweet! I especially love the last picture with your baby asleep standing and leaning on your shoulder! soooo sweeet :) as for a second pug DO IT! I got Lucey last Decemeber for Buddy to play with and it is amazing :) Work with your local Pug Rescue and do a trial weekend with a prospective pug you won;t regret it!

Unknown said...

I thought you were crazy saying you would be in the midwest next week - the 2 Ms. Our shoot is in Minneapolis! That can't be next week! But it is!!!!!!! Can't believe it! So excited to meet Puglet and gimpy brain! Apparently my brain is a bit gimpy too.

Nugget said...

I missed you, Puglet! It's great to have you back, I love hearing about your adventures. I don't get to go on many adventures outside my backyard because I scream in the car.

Maybe someday you and your human can get to Nebraska to shoot pugs! Meeting you would definitely be worth a car ride.

Jenna said...

I've been a lurker for quite sometime Puglet and I just wanted to let you know how excited Jade is to be in your book! She said she hopes you make it all the way to Boston, but will understand if the trip is took long for you! You are too sweet to share Nikon and the thumbs with all the rest of us!

Maggie the Pug in Dallas said...

Well thanks for the update Pug...sounds like a lot going on and it is hard being a world traveler! Keep up the good work and are also getting to meet alot of good pugs and good people out there...miss you and miss Dutch!

Jaco said...

Oh, you are coming SO close to us (Milwaukee) - I sure wish we could have you in Chicago! You look awesome with your bacon beans. Glad you're back for a bit Puglet, we have been missing your posts and pictures! Much love, Jaco (and mom)

Anonymous said...

Gosh Puglet, so sorry that your mom had to settle for Milk Duds in Dallas area. We have so many Whole Foods and Panera's and other places with vegetables, it's hard to imagine you weren't close to one! Come back sometime and we'll show you some veggie places!
Lola and Ziggy in Dallas (and weird veggie parents)

Obi Wan Pugnobi said...

Need some of those. Can i get some good juju, i ate a 4in rib bone thursday and i had to have surgery! :( im not allowed to run or jump for two weeks! This sucks!

Ali Dench said...

Puglet, you are such a cutie! So nice to meet you and your human Amanda in Atlanta. Can't wait to see our pictures and the whole book. Good luck with the rest of your trips :) and enjoy any bit of rest you and your human get! Ali, Arnie and Henry xo

Amber said...

Hey Puglet, I'm glad you are exploring the world. If your human can find a few seconds, she should check out her kickstarter page. There are some comments she may want to address because some people are anxiously awaiting an update on that site. They must not be aware of your blog. Do you know when people could expect their 1,000 pugs tags, shirts, etc.? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

bacon jelly-beans for dogs? who knew!!

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

I think I need some bacon jelly beans! I also want to be in the 1000 pug book!!! please tell my Amie what to do so I can show my amazing face!!