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Next time we will totally:
* follow Chef Annie's secret bacon directions
* feed me the bacon juice instead of flushing it down the toilet
* make twice the bacon in case it shrinks
That is IF I can convince my human to go near the stove again. Her brain is so gimpy these days she left the burner thingy on. For like four hours. If it wasn't for Dutch barking at the "scary" blue flame in the kitchen we could have all ended up like my bacon.
Burned and crispy.
Frank is going home tomorrow but coming back again next week. With Frank comes bacon so I think a do-over could happen. If it doesn't, I'm totally guilting my human into getting me some of that squeezable stuff. Because bacon in a tube is better than no bacon at all.
My human says there is more to life than bacon (wrong) and says I have to talk about something else tomorrow. I don't know what can beat bacon so I better start thinking now...
Pug, You look a little sad in this pic :( but you're still a super supermodel :)
Love you, Amanda......& Dutch....sometimes. I still don't see what those "J" boys have that I haven't got. I am the complete package! Oh, well...
Kisses, Kisses
There is more to life than bacon, Puglet, and its pug cuteness!!!
We're very grateful that fireman Dutch was on duty and barked at the flames. I bake Scarlet & her Daddy's bacon in the oven at 400 for about 12 - 15 mins - it shrinks up less.
Meredith & Scarlet
Puglet, Bacon is delicious but bad for you and can shorten your life. Since I want you to be here forever exhibit moderation. Your bowl is not little!
We ate bacon today at our house..just saying...
stella rose and mags
You are one lucky Pug...getting bacon. My human won't let me have pork cause the vet told her it would hurt me :( So glad Dutch saved you from being a "crispy critter too!!! Greetings, Ginger
Oooohhhhh....love me some Frank!! (Sorry Puglet).
Opal in Seattle
Okay, Puglet, one more tip about bacon and then we promise your human we won't bring it up again. (Just kidding, how could a pug EVER not talk about BACON???) They make this really wonderful stuff called "Pre-cooked Bacon." It comes in a package that looks like regular bacon, but all your human has to do is put slices in the microwave on paper towels for one minute and TA-DA! BACON, with no loud noises, burning, fire, or left-on stove!!! The only downside, if there are any downsides to bacon, is you don't end up with the leftover bacon juice. Tell Frank's dad to bring Pre-cooked Bacon this weekend!
Your friend in bacon worship,
C. Penfold McGee
Okay, Puglet, one more thing about bacon and then we promise not to mention it again. (Not really, how could a pug EVER not talk about bacon?) They make this wonderful stuff called "Pre-Cooked Bacon." It comes in a package that looks just like regular bacon BUT all your human has to do is put some slices in the microwave on a paper towel and TA-DA! BACON, with no loud noises, burning, fire, or left-on stove!!! The only down side, if there is any down side to bacon, is you don't end up with any leftover bacon juice. But you still have bacon and you, Dutch and your human don't end up burned and crispy! So tell Frank's dad to bring Pre-Cooked Bacon this weekend!
Your friend in bacon worship,
C. Penfold McGee
Puglet, we also have a suggestion for your human. A toaster oven. Ours works on a timer only. You can bake the bacon on a little pan and it turns off automatically. No gas burners to worry about. Our human once left a pot on a burner then went to school. Fortunately, we had an awesome neighbor who ran over in her nighty to turn it off when mom remembered. It could have been bad. Thank goodness Dutch was on the ball!
Oh, Frank, you are so cute : )
He should come with extra bacon next time for sure.
DP makes us happy.
Thank you all!!
More to life than BACON? Your human is really gimpy right now...she has no idea what she is saying!! Bacon is my reason for living!! Well, one of them anyway! My sister still hasn't gotten any bacon cuz she is still too new....uh, I say that is just fine by me...more bacon coming my way!
Hmmmm...bacon? I've never had the pleasure of enjoying this delicacy of which you speak and covet.
I must have a chat with my mom about this bacon you are obsessed with to see what the big deal is all about!
Never throw away the bacon juice! My human saves ours in the fridge and when the little bowl is full she makes us cookies out of it! Works for sausage juice too, and even steak juice. The only problem with the bacon juice cookies is that the human kids eat them too.
Is Frank the Bacon Fairy?!!!
Puglet, tell your mom to listen to Sue McGee; precooked bacon is the bomb! My mom doesn't even buy the regular stuff anymore. No nasty pans to wash, grease to dispose of, and best of all, no burns from the bacon fat popping! Well, I guess the best part is you can go from 'I want!' to 'I have!' in less than a minute =D
Love always, Bruno (and Diesel)♥♥♥
Oh Puglet.
My mom is a veggie too, so I haven't seen or smelled Bacon since before she outlawed it when I was 2. I'm 9!! She talks about an icky fake bacon from time to time but who wants fake bacon? She won't even eat it!
She says her thumbs are almost off break time and need to go back to real work. Thanks for brightening my day as you always do! I will let my Bacon cravings and dreams live vicariously through you, Dutch and Frank!
Bailey the Pug and his mom's thumbs!
Seriouely bacon grease in the toilet...wait til the plumber bill arrives.
Our mom has a new hobby making us turkey jerky in a hydrator the stupid machine makes noise but what comes out of it is totally tasty.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
San Antonio Pugs
Bacon grease in the toilet seriously wait til the plumber bill arrives !!
Our mom has a new hobby making us turkey jerkey in a hydrator the machine makes noise but what comes out of it is very tasty.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli
San Antonio Pugs
Frank, you are such a handsome devil!!
Puglet, sounds like you are definitely perfecting your bacon and it sounds delicious. We'll be awaiting more adventures of the pork-kind!
Love, human of Baxter and Cole
Hi Puglet
I am not sure I agree that bacon is everything. . . but I think it comes a close second. I really loved the SMALL piece of bacon I was allowed to eat. Well, I think I loved it as I ate it so fast I don't remember tasting it. But it is food and good food and tasty food AND Food is everything. In retrospect, you are right.
Love Noodles
Bacon is everything Puglet, and don't let your human tell you otherwise! Double the bacon and save the bacon juice for cookies are key rules to happy pug life :)
Frank you are super cute too, almost as cute as Puglet
It's ok Puglet, nothing can EVER beat bacon! :D Baking your bacon is definitely better than frying in the pan too. It doesn't shrink as much as it doesn't make a big mess or splatter you. Good luck on the do-over!
Shrunk bacon is way better than bacon in a Ziplock taped to the wall for days that you have to stare at! Hope you had fun and some good romping with Frank and so glad Dutch didn't get towed away. We would really miss him and his pink and Justin's!
Puglet...I agree...bacon is the best! I am a therapy pug dog with a calling card...on the front of my card is my handsome picture and on the back of the card it tells about me...Favorite treat: Bacon! What I don't Like: When there is no bacon in the house!
I am jealous of your big pan of bacon! I only get one bite of bacon per day...unfair!
The photographs of the NY & NJ pugs are beautiful !!
Hi Puglet! I'm glad Dutch was looking out for all of you guys! I've never had real bacon but my dad has this stuff in a green box that he calls "fake bacon". I guess it looks like bacon, smells like bacon, and tastes like bacon but somehow is not bacon (I don't get it). Have you ever tried that stuff? If it's any good, I might try to beg for some next time he makes it.
Two words... BACON JELLO!!!
Puglet, you are even more famous now! You've made it onto Cute Overload! You should totally check it out. You're among elite company, my puggish friend. Molly was on there 2 years ago!
ut oh .... where's thumbs?
Puglet where did you go? Come back please! We want to hear more of your platitudes on bacon please!
where is everbody? Pug are you there? Lonely in Plantation Fl your friend Grumps
We miss you guys & hope everything is ok. Take care!
Puglet...we lack patience...just like when you're waiting for pork fat...where are you?!?!!
(And Dutchy)
Bax and Cole
Gus and I (Jazz) hope that your human is feeling OK. Did she perhaps sneak a piece of bacon and her body said "NOOOOOOO!!"? We're hoping your human can get and stay well so we can meet her (and Dutch?) soon.
Dear Puglet,
I know that bacon is like the best tasting food item ever but did you know that too much of it will make you very sick? You know a couple of pieces every once in a while won't hurt but a pan full, that could bring on a nasty condition called pancreatitis. It's a big word for life-threatening stomach ache. Have your gimpy human look it up here...http://tinyurl.com/csrtq49. Or, she can simply google search for "pancreatitis in dogs". If she reads it to you, you might just stop eating bacon on your own...yeah right...
Ditto everyone...kinda worried there has been more than a week of silence. If anyone hears anything, please post? Just so we know all is good.
Puglet we miss you!
Yes, worried also here!
Guys, don't worry. If your comments are being approved, it means Amanda is reading them and letting them go on the site. Which is a good thing imo.
Puglet, where are you?? I'm sending lots of juju to the casa in case thumbs is sick or up to her eyeballs in work. Miss you guys!!!
Kisses, Kisses,
Hey, Dude, my human and my sister, Lucy and I are all hoping REAL HARD that everything is okay at Casa de Puglet! Thumbs didn't try to fry bacon on the stove again, did she? Cause if you guys are burned and crispy that would be really, really bad.
C. Penfold McGee
We betcha thumbs is working on 1000 pugs project. Thumbs can't be everywhere for everyone. Thumbs has to prioritize. Hope she hasn't walked herself into a coma on that Kim-thingy. We're thinking about you and miss you thumbs and hope that you're just too busy to lend thumbs and computer to Puglet
Roxi, Riley & Lea
PUGLET.....Where are you???? We are getting extremely worried about you and hope everything is okay...please let us know how you are!
Pug, we miss you. Hope everything is okay at the Casa.
Love, Otis
Oh please, come back, post please, we miss ya, we love ya
Hey Puglet it's me Grumpy, I have a question for all the readers. My brother Chunky was diagnosed with Cups disease. Poor guy had 20 teeth removed yesterday!! OUCH!! he is much better today. Any other pugs have this? Any info? Not sure what our next step is. Margie
I thought Miley's Mom was moderating the comments? Puglet where are you?
I need help figuring out all the passwords. Help!
Missing you 3! Hope all is well & you are taking a bit of time out for yourselves. :-) Waiting (im)patiently to hear from you all again! Pug Hugs, Megan F. & Lola Pug
Dear Anonymous who needed help with the passwords,
If you use this link you won't need passwords for NY&NJ, San Fransisco or Seattle (the galleries com up automatically): http://frolicphotography.zenfolio.com/
And here's the rest:
ATLANTA is already rooting for the Braves during spring training.
BOSTON's Red Sox play in one of the oldest stadiums in the country, Fenway Park.
The DALLAS Cowboys play in the largest domed stadium in the world.
MILWAUKEE doesn't eat plain old hot dogs, they love their brats.
MINNEAPOLIS loves football and the Vikings.
PORTLAND apparently has one of the tastiest donut shops ever, it's called Voodoo.
If you're in northern California and you drive south you'll get to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (or your GPS might abbreviate it as "socal".)
Everyone in SOUTHERN FLORIDA roots for the Miami Dolphins.
If you fly to Pearson Intl Airport in Toronto, your luggage tags will say "YYZ."
Hope that helps!
C. Penfold McGee
To Grumpy, brother of Chucky: Make sure you have some strong, long-term antibiotics after having had 20 teeth pulled. Also a long-term pain regime - like rimadyl or dermaxx. Altho w/o teeth you human will have to polvarize them or have dr. order something in a liquid form. Have human ask about adding something to the drinking water bowl to like oxyfresh, which human can buy in any pet store or drug store. CUPS is chronic and if not controlled bacteria can get into the blood
stream ~ Rose
Puglet, Dutch and Amanda, Thinking of you today. Sending thoughts of strength, healing,and peace your way. Oh and a little bacon in there too.......OK, a lot of bacon. We miss you and are believing everything is OK.
Phoebe and the Pug Pack in Gladstone, Oregon
Puglet, we miss you, It's been a long time since the lady with the thumbs posted. We hope she is OK!!
Bacon OD? Mixed up in March Madness? Thumb tendonitis? We hope not!
Love, peace & BACON!
#435 & #436
Puglet, Please, just throw us a crumb. Life is awful without you.
Puglet? Just wondering how you, Amanda and Dutch are . Hope things are okay. Hang in there (and post again soon!).
Tanka, Frankie, Jen, Sam, Bisou, Madie and our guest Koby (whew!).
Maybe Pug, Dutch, and Amanda FINALLY made it to the other coast to spend some good quality time with hem mom and cousin Sophie!
Otherwise, I'm guessing total bacon coma.
Lafayette Lola
Hope you guys are on vacation and not sick of all of us! :) I think everyone here misses you and hope all is well on your end. Much love.
Hiya Puglet,
You've been quiet for so long that our imagination is running wild with all the possible reasons why. Just in case you, Dutch or your human need it we are sending LOTS of POSITIVE juju your way!!!!! Keeping our paws crossed that all is okay!!!! Hope to see you back here SOON!!!
Lots of love and sloppy kisses!!!
Benny and Emi
Missing you.....sending more superjuju and praying everything is okay at the casa.
We miss you and hope all is well. Wishing you a blessed Easter / Pesach.
Miss you, Dutch and Thumbs. Hope somebody comes by now and again to check up on you guys .... maybe bring you a little bacon-bacon. Come back to us as soon as ya can. Hu-Mom keeps singing some song, "Ain't no sunshine when you're gone" No idea .... maybe it has to do with the freaky snow storm we got in NJ yesterday.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Puglet, Dutch, and Thumbs,
Are you guys ok? We're super worried about you. Our thumbs are talking about hopping on a plane to SF to come make sure that you are still functioning, and if she does that then we'll have go be boarded the whole time she's gone! You don't want that to happen to us, right? And we're dying to know if you got your presents from us!
So here's hoping that all is well at the Casa de Puglet y Dutch. Much love.
Still thinking of you and sending prayers for Miss Amanda and her canine family, Pug and Dutch. Much love.
Phoebe and the pug pack in Oregon
We are trying not to worry because we have been worried before but everything is always okay. Except when you had to go to the vet with the blockage. Oh no, now we are worried again!!!! :| we miss you! Come back!
Totally worried here... Miley's mom, please tell us they are ok.. and you guys are ok too.
We hate worrying, it makes our wrinkle winklier...
Is everyone ok??? Anyone know what's going on?? Getting worried over here :{
Happy Easter P, D & A!
Wishing you much bacon and good karma.
Praying that things are okay with Amanda,Puglet and Dutch! We miss you! No matter what...we support you.
Hey Puglet I miss you!
Hey Pug,
Worried about you guys..... I hope you get lots of those plastic Easter eggs that open up and that they are filled with Bacon Bits! Oh... and Dutch, I hope all the eggs are pink!
Pink bacon 4ever & Happy Easter and
Kisses, Kisses,
Getting worried ... hope everything is going okay and nothing serious happened.
Getting worried about you guys ... Hoping everything is okay and nothing serious happened.
Hi everyone: Cousin Sophie and Amanda's mom here on East Coast. We are worried too. Laurie drove to Amanda's to check on her. She isn't feeling okay, and is spending a lot of time sleeping. Her phone and email are turned off. I'm thinking about a plane ride, too. Hope Puglet gets back to writing so you all know all is well. Thanks to all. xxooxx
OMD!! Thanks for the 411 Sophie. We will put all puggle paws together and say prayers and send magic juju to Miss Amanda. We all hope she'll be feeling better very, very soon.
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Thank you so much for the update, Amanda's-mom! I've been worried sick about everyone at Casa de Puglet.
Sounds like Amanda's getting some much-needed rest after that year of no sleep. Hope she feels better soon!
All our love to her, Puglet & Dutch Bruno & Diesel's mom xoxox ♥♥♥
Mrs Amanda's mom, please let us know, how Amanda is doing :( we all worrie about her :( Hope she feels better now, how she has someone who can help her :(
Sending all good thoughts your way, Amanda.
Roo, Iggy, and Charlie
Thank you Mom to Amanda & Sweet Sophie for the update. We love Amanda & her fuzzy crew at Casa de Puglet. Amanda- hope you are feeling better, refreshed, healthy, loved, happy, and all those other wonderful things. We are *all* sending Juju & Love! Pug Hugs, Megan F. & Lola the Pug
Happy Easter, Amanda and Puglet and Dutch! We are all hoping you feel better soon. Many, many people care very much about all of you. A lot of good energy coming at you!!
Your Friend - Chubby T. Pug
Much love to you Amanda! Hope you are feeling better soon. Take time to recuperate and most importantly take care of yourself.
Best JuJu from Toronto.
Max and Lola send fond and anxious wishes for a speedy recovery.
Let us know how's she's doing and if we can help. We'll be praying.
Meredith & Scarlet
We are sending you lots of good thoughts & hope you are feeling better.
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
We hope you're feeling well, too. We know that you also had a rough year healthwise.
Sending healing thoughts all over the place-especially across the gray bridge today.
Lafayette Lola and Tiffany
Puglet, I am missing you madly! Tell Amanda to be good to herself and if this has anything to do with the book she needs to let it go. She is what matters. xxx
Amanda, first priority is your health! We know you'll come back to us when you're ready. You take all the time you need to get yourself feeling better. In the meantime,we are thinking of you, sending juju and keeping you in our prayers.
Amanda's Mom and cousin Sophie - thank you for the update! We all worry and care a great deal for Amanda,(and Pug & Dutch).
Laurie - as always, thank you for what you do, please know that it is appreciated so much !!
Wish you the best, Amanda. Like they said, if the stress of the 1000 pugs and those rude people is getting you down, please let it go. It was a great plan that just took way more time than what you thought. We miss you, Puglet and even Dutch. You have brought joy to my life many days these past few years that I have followed your blog. I have three pugs myself & can't imagine not having the Daily Puglet. God Bless.
Can we still send miss Amanda money? Surely things are not good. Please post how we can help.
Puglet, Dutch and Amanda,
You all are definitely in our prayers. I wish we were closer, so we could help; even if it's just sitting silence and being a presence or to say a prayer as we pass your house or drop off bacon with a bow on it on your doorstep. We're too far away, so we are sending lots of good thoughts and prayers instead. Do whatever you need to do to get well physically, mentally and emotionally. We love your crew.
Phoebe and the pug pack in Oregon
Amanda, Puglet and Dutch, all of you are in our thoughts, hope you can destress and take care of yourself. Only the best thoughts for you, we love you and send lots of Juju for you.
Kris, Pearl and Tessa
Hiya Puglet. It's me, Scoutie. Just doing a pug zoomie by here to drop off lots of good juju and a pug hug to your human. We love you!
xoxo, Scoutie
Love to Amanda, Pug and Dutch. Hope everything is OK....Lot's of people who care about you guys!
Sending extra super juju to the casa, Pug. We hope Miss Amanda feels better soon....we are praying and we miss you guys terribly.
Pug hugs and licks to all of you,
Otis and his person
OOPS, saw our message from earlier, want you to de-stress, not distress! Big difference!
Love you all, and sending big JuJu. If there is anything we can do for you, just give us a woof!
Hi Pug, Dutch and Miss Amanda! Hope all is well and everyone is feeling ok. All your fans and peeps (or should I say sheeps?!)miss you here on the blog. Please take the time you need to rest and de-stress from the big project you just finished and know we all support you!
Hugs from NJ. Patty
Please tell us again if there was a fund or a special web site established a few weeks back to help with expenses.
Me and the puggles have been praying and really concentrating hard to send magic JU-JU Miss Amanda's way.
Amanda's Mom and Cousin Sophie...so glad you posted about Amanda. Please let her know that there are lots of people that care about her. Sending her lots of JuJu her way. We miss her and Puglet and Dutch too. Pug hugs and snorts and licks, Butch and Sundance.
Sending BIG juju to you and yours Pug. Hope your mom feels better soon!
-Petunia's Mom
I am very sad and worried. This got way out of control and I feel so sad for Amanda...I hope her life can get back to some sort of normal. Puglet and Dutch...take good care of your human. Lots of pug luv coming from Big D!
There is such a genuine and intense concern for Amanda, and that continues to touch me from a pugmanity standpoint. I know we are all scattered about, and the possibilities of our help is contingent on needs and distance. However, if anyone has a way of letting us know what would help Amanda, (Is she suffering physical consequences? Is her financial situation dire? Is she worn to the core?)chances are quite good we could at least contribute in some way.
Laurie? Amanda's mom? There are few people in this world whom I have witnessed influence and impact people's lives so selflessly and with a genuine heart. Any guidance at this point would be great, because Puglet being MIA for 3 weeks tells us all a lot about how his mama is doing...and that isn't good.
Please give us a chance to help, if we can.
I agree please let us know what we can do! Please if there is anything at all PLEASE let us help :)
The MacKay's
Please !! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. I know you have seen the worst of people but you have also seen the best so please have faith in your Sheep and PLEASE let us help.
The MacKay's
Please let us help, I know you have seen the worst in people but also the best. Please let us help you no matter what it might be .
If anyone would like the previously shared PayPal information, please contact me at beatrixsmom@me.com. I have the email that Laurie sent me.
Amanda- we're all hoping you're well and that you'll be back soon. As for the 1000 Pugs, I think it's fair to say we would rather wait 2 years for the photos than lose someone as special as you.
Pug hugs
Beatrix & her mom
There is still a way to send donations to Amanda and if anyone would like to help you can contact me at my email. laurenn68@gmail.com
SENDING ALL THE JUJU WE HAVE AT THE PACK O' PUGS HOUSE (Throw in a BT and a Lab mix to complete the Pack)
Laurie Cowhig
Miley here. I heard my mom talking to Amanda on the phone on the way to work this morning. It was the first time in 3 weeks. Boy was I ever getting worried also. Keep sending all of the good Juju her way and we should have puglet back here soon
Your health is priority one and work in moderation when/if you can (I speak from experience).
Take the pressure off your shoulders and complete 1000 Pugs at your own pace. No one wants you to crash and burn over this.
To everyone on this site:
please donate to Amanda's Paypal account, like we, and so many others here did. Whatever amount you can contribute, would be a much needed gift right now because illness, stress and financial strain are a terrible burden for one person to carry.
Let's all join forces and get Amanda back on her feet!
Sandra & Ollie
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