Monday, January 13, 2014


So, I think I might know why it took an entire freaking week to tell you about falling off a cliff. I kinda really want to blame Dutch's princess bladder, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly because my human's brain is still waking up and everything she does takes longer than forever. 

Because I'm a nice pug (and am trying to negotiate more thumb time for comments) I'm going to make things easier on her this week by s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g o-u-t everything I want to say out. In big letters. Like the ones you see on signs about dangerous cliffs.

And electric fences (more on that in a minute). 

Speaking of signs, ever notice how much humans like to stick words on things? DO this. DON'T do this. Leash. Danger. Caution. Beware. Seriously? Life would be soooo much easier if they just peed on stuff like we do. I mean, with so much to read it's kinda hard to tell what is important and what is just... words. 

Am I right? 

It's superconfusing, even for me and I'm practically a genius. Imagine what it must be like for, say, Dutch?!? Now I'm no sign expert or anything, but I *think* I'm starting to understand how to tell a good sign from a bad one:

Signs that say CAUTION and ELECTRIC are bad.

Uhm, yeah. I learned this yesterday. My human thought she knew more about electric fences than the sign and I didn't know anything about fences at all.  I don't have a picture of what happened when I touched the electric fence with my face, but trust me - touching an electric fence with your face hurts more than falling off a cliff. 

How bad does it hurt? So bad you will run off into the woods, hide behind a tree and refuse to come out - even for cookies. So bad you'll make a hideous scary noise that COMPLETELY freaks out your human and all other humans within a two mile radius. 

Both of these things might get you loads of sympathy (+/- cookies) but I swear it's not be worth it. Repeat: touching electric fence bad. Especially because you won't even be able to *look* at a sympathy cookie until like two minutes later. Maybe three. 

Now we both know not to mess with signs about electric fences. Tomorrow we'll talk about peeing...


Butch and Sundance said...

Oh PUglet...How we have missed you...we love reading your blog, cause you do make us smile on some really, really bad days.

chinapug1 said...

I hope "peeing" and "electric fence" are not in the same sentence! Youngstown Bunch

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Um, yeah. Pug, electric fences are way bad. DON'T do that again. Big sign.

Meredith & Scarlet

South Shore Pugs said...

We are loving your stories Puglet. We can't imagine you hurting your handsome face. So glad you are ok.

Love, Rudy and Billie

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

I was a super mean big sister when we were little and would constantly convince my brother to touch the electric fence near our horse corral. I know, I'm mean!

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOOOO glad you guys are all back. You've been missed. A lot.

Can't wait to hear about peeing in tomorrow's post...but I think I may know what

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Puglet. 2014 is off to a rough start for you. Stay safe!

janice2pugsandaboxermix said...

Bless your heart Puglet. You are having a hard time.

Anonymous said...

OH NO...Electric fences are really bad and unpredictable. Stay clear of them. Also weewee is a good conductor of electricity so keep that at a safe distance as well.

Foodie Girl said...

I don't know seems as if 2014 isn't going that great for you so far... Well stay safe!!! And I hope you get lots and lots of cookies and bacon!


Mary Ann said...

I am so sorry about your face, Puglet!

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a song that has some line in it: "Signs signs everywhere a sign"....maybe it's a "sign" (bad pun intended) that we wrap Pug in a big ball of bubble wrap so he can't hurt himself & scare the begesus out of Amanda again!!!

Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo

Barbara said...

Oh no! I hope you didn't get burned or pee on the fence!

Robin said...

Oh, Puglet! Is your handsome face all right? Be careful little fellow!

Noodles said...

I thank you most sincerely for your warning about electric fences, Puglet. I have never encountered one having never walked anywhere but sidewalk city and Lake Tahoe. But now at least I know what to look for and what NOT to do.
Take it easy, Pug. There are just so many adventures that are good for you.
Love Noodles

Anonymous said...

Glad you are same.
The 3 E's
Ellie, Emmitt & eli

Ollie said...

First you fall off a cliff and then you get electrocuted?

You need some pug stress therapy. A return trip to the supermarket to check out the meat aisles and visit the roasted chickens seems like a good idea to get you back on your paws.

Anonymous said...


I've been there. Electric fences are the worst. It takes a very, very, very, very, very long time to forget about them. Lobby for LOTS of cookies and some BACON to make up for what happened. In fact, forget the cookies. Go for a Baconator!

Scooter Pugman

Paula from DE said...

I'm so glad you are back! I think there should be lots of bacon for getting fried by a fence.

Boppa said...

Poor Puglet. I know what that feels like as well. A mean horse pushed me into an electric fence once and thought it was funny. I had the last laugh though when he went bye bye. Be careful in the future

Barkleys mom said...

You poor Pug!! What a rough start to 2014!! I hope it gets better for you and Dutch immediately!! Love to you all!

Augustus said...

Wow Pug, that sign also says goats on it and I happen to know that goat electricity is bigger than dog electricity. A dog who used to live at my house was very naughty about the real fence so we had an electric fence inside the yard so he couldn't get to the real fence. My humans both zapped themselves on that fence and the zapee would ow ow ow while the watcher would laugh. I'm glad that dog wasn't here when I moved in because I know that sound you made and I would *still* be making it every time I went outside if I'd been zapped.


Unknown said...

I hope you are okay :( Poor pug :( about peeing I can tell you my MOM doesn't like it when we pee in the house and will do anything and spray anything to get us to stop!!!
Be well
Frank "The Pug"

Buford T. Justice said...

Dude!!!!!! Do NOT try to make up for lost time by doing ALL KINDS of dangerous stuff all in a couple of weeks.....Cliffs, Electric fences......what next? No, I don't think I want to know. Maybe we need to get together so I can TRY to keep you safe....or at least be your partner in crime.

Buford T. Justice

Unknown said...

The one good thing about an electric fence is that you can cook bacon on it. Maybe.

Robinette said...

PUGLET!! Oh man, there are no words... I'm just glad you are recovering.

There is an old ABC song from the 80's called "Tears Are Not Enough," but in this case it sounds more "Cookies Are Not Enough." YOWZA!

Stay safe my friend.

Badgerlaw said...

oh puglet you need to learn to read. BOL

Katherine said...

Electric fences and faces?? Puglet you worry me so. I hope to hear a resolution soon, because my heart flutters for you.