Thursday, April 24, 2014


Sorry about giving you to Ernie yesterday. But, you know... BACON. I mean, who can say no to bacon? Not me. 

Unless we're talking bacon *flavor*. Totally NOT the same. At all. But I won't get into that now. Let's just say my human has no idea what she's doing when it comes to bacon.

So. While I'm waiting for my real bacon, I need help naming our new fish. My human brought him home the same day as my new food with the nasty bits, but I was waaaay too distracted by the bits to think about fish names and you don't even want to know what my human came up with. You know how much she sucks at names.

Here is fish:

He looks a little less cool in real life because my human accidentally used one of Steve's filters or something when she took the picture. No idea what that's about, but it's why she thought 'Hipster' would make a good name for our fish. 

ME: Hipster? what kind of name is that?
HUMAN: he just looks so... cool. Like something on instagram.
ME: but he only looks that way in the picture.
HUMAN: oh. right.


I think fish should have a food name, but I don't know many tasty foods that have blue speckles on them. My friend Lulu's mom suggested Gorgonzola (Google says that's a cheese). Dutch came up with Blueberry Muffin ("Muffin" for short) and Scone


Uhm, yeah. Any ideas??


JessieJane said...

Gill Fishee

Anonymous said...

I think you should name him Caviar.

Unknown said...


Annabelle said...

How about Finnegan!

Annabelle said...

How about Finnegan!

Butch and Sundance said...

How about Bubble 07??? By the way, great pic of you look like you are really concentrating on that fish.

Annabelle said...

How about Finnegan!

Annabelle said...

How about Finnegan!

Anonymous said...

Oh my,,,, the fish got pug face !! How about Pierogi?
Nothing to do with blue stuff, but... we love pierogis!!!

Sammy and Neko

Anonymous said...

We think "Tasty" would be a good name. Daisy and Scooter Pugman

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think he looks like a Fred

Maggie and Lucy the Pugs in Dallas said...

Oh naming again...we did this before! But I am not good at it and Lucy is still too puppyfied so we'll just call Fish Bluefish till ya get a name!

Georzetta said...

How about "pop tart" as they have blue sprinkles.

Gunnie The Wonder Cat said...

I love all flavors of fish (being a cat and all)! But I suggest "Gill" - it is a manly fishie kind of name.

Hopper said...

I was going to suggest Bubble, but I like Caviar more.

Suki said...

Hi Pug!

How about Kimchi? If a fun name to say & I think it's some sort of edible condiment (what ever that is).


CarlaKH said...

Fishstick. or Bacon. Or BaconFishstick.

Pearl and Tessa said...


Our human got to go to Pt Isabel yesterday, something about work, touring the new bay bridge from the water and something about park districts. We had to stay home, she left us behind! the nerve. She is promising treats.

Anonymous said...

How bout just "Gray" cause he's so cool looking and hipster and all... Gray sounds cool

Hunterthepug said...

U should call him blue ( short for blue cheese which has blue specks).

Unknown said...

Pug, I am glad that you are asking for suggestions about this so that you can pick the best name. I remember the little fish that you had named FISH. And then you had Swedish and Meatball who got cool names because you asked for suggestions. I don't have any great ideas, but I bet someone will come up with something. Some food names:
Sushi, Filet, Fry, Cake,Chowder, Casserole, Wendy.

What happened about the bacon?

Your pal,

Southern Fried Pugs said...

Poisson Bleu! Blue fish in French. That's pretty hipster.

Bruno and Diesel's mom said...

We think you should name your new fishy 'Kevin', after Mr. Bacon =)
Love & hugs xoxox

Katie said...

I think you should name him Gill

Katie said...

I think you should name him Gill!

South shore pugs said...

How about calling the fish Bacon?

Rudy and Billie

Anonymous said...

From the way he's smiling to the camera I think Happy would be an awesome name:) He's adorable! :)

Jenny H. said...

We here vote for him to be named Fishy O'Malley.

Chang from Chicago said...

My human had a fish named Otis growing up!

Charlie the Pugster said...

How about "Blue Boy" after Gainsborough's painting! I do like "Blue Fish" too.... One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish....

Laura A said...

Puglet... I hate to tell you but our pug devoured many a fish or other creature that flipped or crawled out of our aquarium. I don't think they tasted as good as bacon, but Thor also picked through all the dirt on the kitchen floor too. He wasn't going to miss out on any dainty morsels! Whatever the fish's name is, just remember, he doesn't taste yummy. (Maybe she could name him Bacon?)

Anonymous said...

Bacon bit or sushi

maggie mae