It only takes a few clicks to vote and I'll love you forever if you click. Ok, I love everyone and will still love you even if you don't click. But please click anyway. And tell your friends to click for me too!
Oh yeah - and every time you vote (even if it's not for me) Hansen's Natural Soda will donate 10 cents to the San Francisco Schools Gardening Program.
CLICK HERE to cast your vote for me.
And just between us, here's one of the pictures that didn't make it in the contest:

Great Picture! I gave you all 3 of my allotted votes for the day. I hope you win! Good Luck!
Dear Puglet, We checked out your competition. You are the cutest! 3 votes for you. Pug Hugs, Lola in Las Vegas
Hi Puglet! Love the pictures! You are very photogenic and your human takes great pictures.
I just voted for you and I will vote for you again two more times today. I love how Hansen's is donating 10 cents for every vote to school gardens. Great job!
Stubby xoxo
Pee-s: How did your human get you to pose for the pictures?
Three clicks for you!
Puggy love,
Lola in Lafayette
You got all 3 of our votes. Hope you win from the NJ Pug - Frodo!!!
OOOH! Thanks for all the votes!!!!
And thanks, Stubby, for mentioning that Hansen's (the contest/soda people) will donate money to school gardens each time you vote(my human just added that info to the orig post).
Sorry, sometimes I forget it's not ALL about me :(
How did I get Puglet to pose for the pictures?
Same way I get him to do anything; I harnessed the power of Cheerios.
I love your blog and ask my mom or dad to read it to me everyday. We voted for you, not only because you politely asked, but because yours was by far the cutest and best picture. By the way, how do I train my person to give me Cheerios?
Scamper the pug
How cute! Just don't drink too much of that soda!! Heeeeeeeeee!
My human let me vote for you three times in a row today. We both enjoy your blog. Good Luck, Puglet!
OLIVE (aka..Olivia Newton Pug)
Ooooh! Thanks for all the votes everybody!!
I promise to do a post on how to get your human to feed you Cheerios :)
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