I know we talked about getting her something edible, but I decided a toy would be better. We have so much in common, what if she made a revolution to be less hefty too? I wouldn't want to sabotage anypug's efforts to lose heft.
Not that Jenny needs to be less hefty or anything - I think she is PERFECT just the way she is. But I also think I am perfect just the way I am and the vet still said I look like a tube. So... yeah. I skipped the snacks and got her the best toy ever. There's only one problem: I have no idea how to give it to her.
Google helped me find Jenny's website, and I was hoping there'd be an email address or like a 1-800-Jenny number I could call. But there wasn't either of those things. The only clue I could find was a billboard with Jenny's picture on it that belongs to an Oregon news station. Do you think I should send my present to the news people? They must be friends with Jenny if they put her on their billboard, right?
I'm not sure if this is a good idea though. Do you think it's romantic, me tracking her down and all... or does it make me seem stalker-y??
Jenny (and friends of Jenny): if you're reading this, I promise I am NOT a stalker. I am a nice pug and just want to send my beloved Jenny a present. If you can help or have any clues, please contact me at dailypuglet(at)gmail.com.
wow! two days in a row i can post on your blog. yay!
http://www.JennyThePug.com is this the Jenny you like? I talked to her on youtube.
You can tweet her http://twitter.com/JennyThePug
That would be great if you two hooked up...you could make a video of you two pushing your carts into the sunset. :)
I ran Jenny's video on my blog last year. It made me cry the first I saw it. The music plus that darn pink umbrella got me. She is so adorable and her parents so creative.
Good luck puglet. Let me know if you want me to make her a special K9 Shirt with your picture on it. http://www.cafepress.com/mrpuggle.285324998
Puglet, I think Jenny's got her eye on you. I think you should just go on over to her website and ask where she wants her prezzie sent. That way, she can give you a way to get it to her without feeling "stalked."
Have you tried calling 867-5309 yet?
Good Luck Puglet, we thinkyou are very gallant and romantic! Everyone loves a love story...
Gen & the Foo
Puglet... that psychic thing worked before... if you concentrate (use your brain and get some exercise) she'll get your vibes and let you know how to get the new toy to her... maybe she'll come to San Francisco... her umbrella would be perfect! What kind of toy did you get her... a picture might entice her!
Gen & FOo!
Holy cowpies -- you know Jenny's number?!?
My human just explained that 867-5309 is a song about Jenny (a song she remembers from the 80s that made her leak her tea).
She says we have to make a video now (even though she sucks at them) just so we can use that song.
Jenny Jenny you're the girl for me
you don't know me, but you make me so happy...
I need to make you mine...
I forgot all about Twitter. Good idea - I'll try tweeting her.
Uhm, can I make a shirt with Jenny's picture on it for me??
Hey Spencer!
I don't want to ruin the surprise, but let's just say Jenny's new toy would be perfect for the beach.
(Remember what Dutch played with at Pug Sunday? It's one of those, only smaller)
With all this love in the air, what about Dutch? Maybe Jenny has a single friend for your brother and then you could double date.
oh Puglet you are such a romantic! I hope one day to have a pug like you treat me just as nice. You make my little heart pitter patter.
What a sweet & thoughtful pug you are! You know, Puglet you've already given Jenny a gift. It's said, that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Your picture of you pushing a cart is exactly that. You are on your way little man. I'm sure Jenny is falling for you as we speak(if not already).
We are pulling for you & love.
Good Luck,
Yoda's Family: Zoey, Phoebe & our human
P.S. Thanks for reminding us about love. It has been a little ray sunshine for us in this terrible weather & diffcult time for our family.
Puglet, how cool there's a cart just your size! Where's that? Mom took us to the pet store today also, but it was storming so bad she didn't let us out of the car.
OH OH oH! In response to your mom's Monarch Butterfly question. You won't believe this...
This morning when mom opened the front door, the wind had just blown a monarch onto our porch. It was on the ground trying to break free from all the wetness. Mom gently scooped it up and brought it in the house to let it dry it's wings. After she saw that it was okay, she put it in a big giant paper grocery bag to stay safe until the storm passes. She keeps checking on it to make sure it's okay and so far so good. We hope it makes it another day so we can let go outside.
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Ohhh - I didn't realize I was doing something Jenny-esque. Cool!
If she didn't live in Oregon, we could go to the dog store together. She could push the puglets in a stroller while I shop for food.
Oh yeah -
They have those carts at a place called PetCo. It's not our regular dog store so it was the first time I ever got to use one.
For the record: pushing a cart is kinda hard. Jenny is SOOOOO talented.
PS> we'll check in with you about the butterfiles after the rain stops. If it ever stops...
Wow, Puglet, first poetry and now a gift! How very sweet and thoughtful you are! And you look so handsome pushing a shopping cart, I like a guy who can shop on his own. I am very independent as well. I think you are special. I will tweet (DM) you tomorrow! BTW, I've told my friends about you on my website and even posted a photo of you on my friends page.
Uhm, Hi Jenny!
I think you are special too. And pretty. And extrasuper talented. I can't wait to get your tweet. I really hope you like your new toy (it kinda matches your umbrella).
All my friends know about you too. If I had a friends page, your picture would totally be on it...
Looks like your well on your way to winning her Heart.......
Buford T. Justice
(holds up his paw for a high five)
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