The second surprise was finding a very weird thing on the way to the lake. It kinda looked like a rock, but it didn't smell like a rock. And it walked. This totally freaked me out. My human said the rock-thing was just a turtle and turtles are nothing to get freaked out about, but I mean, wouldn't a walking rock freak you out??
It would. Trust me.
Anyway. Surprise #3 was a dog named Lily and her brother Harry. I'd never met them before, but somehow our humans knew each other. Lily is a semi-puppy and was a ton of fun to play with. Her brother Harry is a lot like Dutch: black, white, older than me and not so much into playing.
Surprise #4 came at the very end of the day. Me and Lily were hanging out in the back of her car waiting for our humans to stop talking when she told me a secret. A secret so, uh, freaky that it me out even more than the turtle. And I'm not sure if I should tell you about it or not, because it might totally freak you out too.
{to be continued}
Puglet, a cliffhanger? That's not nice......
Hope the suprise is better than a walking rock.
Gen & the Foo
Hey Gen & The Foo ~
Sorry. I want to give everyone time to prepare because this secret is WAAAAAAAY scarier than a turtle.
Haven't we seen Lily before? The name sounds so familiar...
and what's with the freaky walking rock? You were super brave to walk right up to it- and look at Super Dutch! His nose is touching it!
Can't wait to hear Lily's secret- tomorrow, maybe?
Lafayette Lola
The suspense is killing us! (I still wanna know about Seattle.) As they say, "A pug never forgets." Okay, maybe it wasn't a pug, but I make it VERY clear to my humans that I never forget!
a scary secret? hmmmm...not sure if I like my friend Pug to be scared! I'll protect you and Brother Dutch from any bad things!! All these secrets though are killing me. You're among friends here Pug, feel free to share.
You both look very cautious. Seems like there's a lot of mystery in the air these days. Oh, the suspense Puglet! the suspense!
Oh jeesh Puglet,
More surprises. I don't know if my old heart can take much more.
I'll tell you what surprised me,that you were freaked out by the turtle.I didn't think anything could shake you.
Oh, you have us worried...Puglet. Everything o.k.???
Hoping its a good freaked out
Tessa and Pearl
I'm already freaked out-too much suspense! Does this have anything to do with Seattle? What is your human up to?!
puglet, what could it possibly be?! you've already had your boy parts removed, so what could be so scary? is lily maybe gonna be your new sister?
Hrm, don't confuse bravery with, uh, not-so-smartness. Dutch thought the turtle was a rock. Even though it walked.
I'll give you a hint about the secret Lily told me. It's not about me - it's about my human. And it's freakier than a turtle. And I'm kinda debating if I should even write about it for the whole internet to read because my human might kill me if I do. But I at least if you all know about it there will be plenty of witnesses if she does.
Puglet... the suspense is driving me crazy! I can't wait until you share your secret... hope it's good news!
You should totally tell us...we all love your mommy too Pug. She would love for you to share with us! We are all here to support each other, so spill the beans...ohh then eat them up. Yummy beans
Ahhhhh enough with the suprises!!!! We can't take much more of this!
Stop it!!
Like Mommy...we's can't handle cliff hangers...
we's dying here... tell us.... tell us....
when will we find out!!! At least tell us 'dat!!!
Flustered Josie :{
Need to know what the surprise is!!!!
OK, so here's the thing: I *know* what the secret is and I wish I didn't!!!
We don't know if we can handle all these secrets! We don't know if we should be scared, worried or ready for some kind of disaster. Maybe next time you know a secret decide if you're going to tell it before you tell the world you have one. We will respect the fact that you are a wise pug & know you will make the right decision. We are here for any thing you or your human might need.
Emotionally confused,
Zoey & Phoebe
We're your cyber pack. I don't think your human would mind if you told us.
Z + P,
Oh yeah. You're probably right about that. I'm already emotionally confused - didn't mean to emotionally confuse anyone else!
Ollie -
You can say that because you're far, far away in a land called Canada. But *I* live here. With the secret.
Uh oh, now we are REALLY worried...Puglet, I hope your family is going to be ok.
Pearl and Tessa
god i hate these humans and their secrets. mine pulls this crap all the time. just take me to the dog park. is it that hard to do?
*suspended in suspense*
Now I'm going to have to stay up late tonight to find out what the secret is! I hope everything is okay with you, Dutch and your human Puglet.
Hi Puglet! 4 surprises in one weekend? You should go play the lottery! I can't believe you were scared of that little old turtle. He/she may have smelled but it probably thought you smelled too. I'm just glad Dutch didn't hurt it.
I think I know what the surprise is but my lips are sealed!
Stubby xoxo
Let's hope the surprise is revealed soon enough! *fingers crossed*
Is your human going skydiving? Rockclimbing? Traveling? Does Lily have a secret from the past?
Were you guys abducted by aliens or something? Hey, just last week I saw Elvis! Jackson P. Pug
Oh nooooooo. Dutch has no idea. He's such a worrier, he'd die of an ulcer in minutes if he knew the secret.
Hi Puglet,
Have you confided in Dutch? Is he freaked out too? I'm sure he would have good brotherly advice.
It may help to talk about it, instead of keeping it bottled up inside. Please tell us...
P.S., new at blogging, deleted previous post by mistake. Sorry.
Glad you didn't tell him. When he finds out, hope he doesn't take to news to bad.
Puglet- I remember a loooong time ago when you and Bro Dutch put on your most professional looking business attire to help your human out while she looked for work- maybe she got a job in Seattle? Working for/with Lily's folks?
Sleepless in Lafayette,
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