My name is Puglet and I'm an obnoxious camera hog.
I am such an obnoxious camera hog that I will sometimes attack other dogs if they come near my cookies - uh, I mean camera. It makes my human reeeally mad but totally scares other dogs away so I ignore her madness and attack anyway. Like this:

You have no idea how mad my human got at me for doing this. Especially because I was wet and sandy and apparently cameras don't like water or sand. Yeah. We're talking reeeally suuuuper mad.
Sooooo mad that she's now making me tell the whole entire internet about my camera-hogging problem. And sooooo mad that she made me let Frank be the star of every picture for the rest of the day. Which meant he not only got to look the cutest, but also got to eat all the cookies. All of *my* cookies.
That just made my day! Thanxs
Mookie here. I got in trouble for the same thing yesterday (I wasn't wet though). I was trying to hog the camera from my new "brother". You think you got it bad with Dutch?! My humans got me a brother that's a cat!
Maybe this Frank is wearing out his welcome...house guests and fish go bad after three days.
Pearl and Tessa
I understand Puglet. I am an obnoxious people hog. We are victims of our disability.
Annie Pug
Hi Puglet,
My Mommy is laughing so hard her belly is shaking (she said not cuz of what you did, but at your punishment, just to be clear) She said misbehaving and ruining expensive items that belong to your humans is no laughing matter. I say whatever. I don't blame you one bit. You tell your Mom, if she wasn't so greedy with the treats, than maybe you wouldn't have to resort to violence. Boy,you do look pissed in that picture with Frank. He on the other hand makes quite a handsome model. None so cute as you, fear not.
Oh, but he looks so innocent as a camera hog. *Unless* he's playing it up for the camera. You look a little more than nonplussed in the background Puglet, as a certain, ahem, someone, gets the spotlight.
Ouch, Puglet. That's a pretty serious "consequence", as we call them in our house. We know you did not mean to hurt Frank or Mom's expensive flashing thing. Seriously, there is enough canera to go around - it's digital, OK?
And yes, you are much more supercute than Frank!
Gen & Lefty
OK look...this is how I see it...You don't just love the camera the camera loves YOU! It gravitates towards your awesomeness. We're not all on here to read "The Daily Frank" we're here for Puglet. So while you shouldn't hurt the camera on your mom (after all that's how we all get our daily fix of the Pug), you really didn't do anything wrong.
I love me some Frank too, but I'm obsessed with you (oh and Brother Dutch...ahhh dream boat). It's all right to share Pug, but you are the star!
Puglet, we worry about your stress levels. With your chin already going gray at the youthful age of 2, what will be next?
Even though we are a totally different species and all, we think Frank is a cutie. And he does not even need Just-For-Pugs beard coloring yet, probably because he is not so cookie-hyper as some other pug we know.
Anyhow, for dogs you two are OK and we are guessing Freeze Frame Friday might get us pictures of two Super Pugs at once. Wow.
Hey bay area followers. Any one going to the Niles Dog Show?? http://www.niles.org/dogshow.html My mom says its not a real dog show more of a fun day. We are going, and maybe we will be bring some other spotted dogs that are looking for forever homes. If you are there look for me.
Frank could totally be your stunt double, Pug! He's super cute, too... but we think he needs to know his role- and it's not cookie- stealing! I do have to say, though, he's easy on the eyes.... single?
Lafayette Lola
PUGLET - no one can hold a candle to you. Frank may have been front and center of that photo but you were/are the star!
Love you -
Ooooooh, Mookie. A Cat? Uh, do cats play?
Yeah, Frank might look all innocent - but he's the one who should be doing the confessing, not me.
Y'see, he asked me to teach him about supermodeling. Said he wanted to {quote} "surprise his humans with some new cuteness". So I showed him some moves and next thing you know, he's in front of *my* camera, working the cuteness for *my* human.
I mean, I love Frank like a brother but it was just so. not cool. I probably shouldn't have taken my frustration out on the camera but desperate times call for, uh, attacking innocent electronics?
PS: Lafayette Lola, I told Frank about you and he says he is single.
It'snot yours or Frank's fault. We pugs have an irrational albeit, rational in our pug minds to be the center of the universe. Take it from a 2 pug household; sometimes egos (sometimes really exspensive camera equipment) can get in the way of our attention & more importantly our COOKIES. Next time maybe don't take it out on the innocents.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Hi Miley! We're gonna be at the Niles Dog show; look for us in the costume contest. We hope to see you & all our friends there.
The Pug of my house, Lucy, popped her snout up in front of the camera as I was snapping a picture of my Pit and Chi cuddling to post. I tell Lucy how PERFECT she is everyday and she is constantly trying to prove me wrong!
You wouldn't have to worry about me. My human says I'm "camera shy." She complains that any time she pulls out her phone to capture me in a rare moment of "play", I automatically stop. I don't know about that, but if there are cookies around that's all I'm gonna see! Mmmm... cookies...
Everyone has a meltdown moment once in a while, Puglet. When you're a busy model/actor/blogger/animal activist/environmentalist/secret agent pug, stuff happens. Just remember, you'll always have enough cookies to share.
Hi Puglet! There is no way that Frank is cuter than you. I mean you're so extrasupercute that it hurts me to look at you. And you're the talented one. Don't ever forget that.
Frank is your guest so you have to be nice to him. Nice means sharing your cookies and camera time. Don't worry - he'll be gone soon and you'll go back to being number one again!
Stubby xoxo
Holy cowpies - I think Stubby is psychic. Sort of.
"You're so extrasupercute that it hurts me to look at you" is EXACTLY what my human said yesterday...
TO FRANK!!!!!!
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