Well, I guess Frank isn't exactly the problem. The problem is Frank just learned a brand new trick. A very cool new trick. A very cool new trick that I cannot do.
This is a problem because, until now, Frank's biggest talent has been sitting. You heard me, sitting. Frank's really good at it, but it's not exactly the kind of trick that gets you noticed. Or cookies. But this new trick of his is an attention hogging, cookie making machine.
And I am totally jealous.
It used to be that I had all the talent and Frank was just "cute". Not anymore. Check out this video of Frank + his dad showing off the new trick. With music and everything.
Yeah, see what I mean? I'd show a video of me learning to roll over, but it's just too humiliating. And not really all that different from today's picture. No matter how hard I try to roll, I always just get stuck on my back. Like a "big pugly cockroach", my human says.
But wait, it gets even worse. Turns out Frank's not the only one who can roll over. Dutch can too. Dutch! The same Dutch who took 2 entire weeks to learn how to hold a tote bag on his nose for the Green Pug video. Ugh.
Can anyone else here do the rollover thing? I'm dying to know what the secret is. Dutch won't tell me and I don't want Frank to know he can do something I can't.
This is great!!!
Pug, the rollover is pretty cool but you are still the bestest at supermodelling and eating cowpies and cuteness in general!
Well Puglet,
It's like this in my house. Sluggo doesn't roll over, I think he's too long and spiney. He doesn't even like to lay on his back. Brigitte...too stiff. It took years of trying to get her to do down. Then when Sluggo came for whatever reason she will do it. But she doesn't like to stay down. Me, I could roll over if I wanted to, but I don't want to.
Look at it like this Puglet. You still got it mugs and curly tails over that Frank. You have already proven you can do just about anything if you set youe mind to it. The way I see it is you have two choices. Learn the stupid roll over trick.Or let Frank bask in the glory of being admired for a moment, and rest on your laurels. Besides, rolling over is way too pedestrian for you. You are smarter than that.
Hi Puglet! I'm totally speechless! I can't believe that Frank learned a new trick and a cool one at that. And Dutch can roll over too? Your Dutch? WTF?
I don't think you look like a big pugly cockroach when you try to roll over. I mean, maybe that's what you're trying to look like, right? Maybe that's a trick.
Frank may know how to do something, one thing that you can't do but you're still light years ahead of him in everything else. Don't sweat it dude, it's just Frank.
Stubby xoxo
Looks to me like Frank is still getting a lot of "help" - but yeah, at least he doesn't get stuck. Maybe your mom needs to work on HER rollover teaching skills?
Hi Puglet!
Beulah can't rollover--even when the trainer tried to teach her she wouldn't even roll onto her shoulder. And she gets really mad when Barney rolls over. I used to think she just didn't like when he got the attention but there was a day when they were teaching the rollover in obedience class and she got REALLY mad and started to yell at other dogs who were rolling over! I think she thinks it is undignified!
AWWWW Puglet, I can TOTALLY relate to your dilemma. I too am having a wee bit of trouble with the roll-over trick. I get stuck, can't do it. So I solve the problem with a quick up-on-four-paws and a ta-dah!!! Gets the treat everytime. Cuz I'm cute.
Frank may know how to roll over, but can he supermodel? Now *that* takes talent, and we all know you got the modeling skills. That picture of you on your back, by the way, is hilarious. You look like one of those beetles that get stuck on their back, except you're all twisted up.
Don't worry Puglet...tricks are way beyond you, you "perform." Neither one of us can do this either, but that is probably our humans fault for not teaching us. Tessa's favorite performance is rubbing her dirty wrinkles on the white carpeting on the staircase (perfect height), Pearl just sits and looks cute!
Remember, tricks are for kids!
Pearl and Tessa
You know, rolling over is over-rated. I can do so many cool things like giving high fives and spinning in circles, but my Mom is always trying to teach me to roll over and I could really care less. It usually involves her holding a treat while she tries to push me over on my side and its all uncomfortable and weird. Treats are great I guess, but not enough compensation for getting molested. Don't give in, be strong Puglet.
Hey Puglet! Mom *tried* to teach me roll over, but instead she realized I wouldn't go all the way over. Being the Supreme Pug that I am, I taught HER to call it "Streeeeeetch!" and now, when she gives me the signal, I get on her tummy, lay down and roll over on my back and stretch my paws waaay out. Bonus: I GET BELLEH RUBS!!! ~ Your snorty friend, Ellie
Don't feel bad, we don't roll over either...at least on command. Phoebe does a 3 sometimes 4 in a row roll over. This makes our human very frustrated because we won't do it when she asks us to. Phoebe says she has to be in the mood. I say if she thinks rolling over is so great, then she should do it. Maybe you're just not in the mood. I would see if you could get Dutch or better yet, your human to roll over that would be more impressive.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Rolling over? Why? I don't think I've ever tried it. Either I'm up or I'm down. I only sit when I know there's a treat involved! I'm still impressed that you can swim, recycle, choose sustainable seafood, turn of water and lights, change lightbulbs, consult Google, etc....
You do all these special things. Let Frank "roll over." He just wants to be like you.
I learned rolling over in puppy class. Boka says that when he goes to do his therpy work that the people love it because mom says "Boka what do you do if you catch fire?", he throws himself on the ground and rolls over. Mom calls it's "Stop Drop And Roll" not sure what that means but Boka says it means lots of cookies from people. Mom says when I'm all grown up I will be a therpy dog too. Next time I see you I will teach you how to roll over it's easy. We will show Frank that he can't show you up!
HA HA HA!!!!!
Okay Okay.... Izzy Here!! I had to intervene since Josie clearly needs her glasses...
Back to yesterdays post!! Omar vizquel!!!!
Puglet Dude....
Mom has tried to teach me to roll over but she's given up and says it's against the laws of Chunky PugButt nature. I flop on my back and look like a fat wounded Thanksgiving turkey and it's NOT cool.
Good job Frank!!! You're very talented!!!
Nope, not yesterday's baseball dude isn't Omar Vizquel either. I guess I should have found out his name, huh? Had no idea so many players use the special catcher mitt.
Hmmmm, Salinger.... is "fat wounded Thanksgiving turkey" better or worse than "big pugly cockroach?
Is good to know I'm not the only one who can't defy pug gravity. Am still not happy about it, but at least I'm not alone.
Puglet is as cute as his master! :)
Puglet. My Mummy Likes Franks Human. he is cutteee and so are you and Frank.
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