SO happy that today's FFFriday has been postponed (have a problem with this? Yeah. You know who to thank).
Anyway. My secret admirer turned out to be my friend Bellatrix (she's a pug). And my secret present turned out to be a part of an animal I'd never heard of from an animal I didn't even know existed.
Unlike my superboring human, Bellatrix's mom likes to shop. So she always goes to all the cool stores and gets all the cool stuff. Stuff like Himalyan Yak milk chews and... bison ankles?
There was a note from Bellatrix along with the eatables. I think it could be the sweetest, but saddest, note a pug has even written:

I only ate the one??? Doesn't that just hurt your heart? Poor Bellatrix. And she had an unset stomach from it too :(
Thanks Bella-T for the tasty bison ankles. They didn't upset my stomach (or even Dutch's) so if anyone has any unwanted buffalo parts they can't eat, send them our way :)
I feel kinda bad that FFF has been canceled two weeks in a row now. So here's a peek at what it will be when it happens. It's from a photoshoot we did yesterday because people keep telling my human she needs to put a picture of herself on the Frolic Photography website.
DO NOT tell my human I showed you this picture because she likes to be invisible or whatever. I swear she hates cameras as much as Dutch does. Maybe even more.
Thanks Bella-T for the tasty bison ankles. They didn't upset my stomach (or even Dutch's) so if anyone has any unwanted buffalo parts they can't eat, send them our way :)
I feel kinda bad that FFF has been canceled two weeks in a row now. So here's a peek at what it will be when it happens. It's from a photoshoot we did yesterday because people keep telling my human she needs to put a picture of herself on the Frolic Photography website.
DO NOT tell my human I showed you this picture because she likes to be invisible or whatever. I swear she hates cameras as much as Dutch does. Maybe even more.

Morning Puglet. I am glad you finally got your yummy package. We loves the last "family" pic the best.
Love Noodles
I'm so glad you like the treat Pug. I too thought it was so yummy, but my tummy just couldn't handle what my taste buds demanded. I'm glad you and Brother Dutch will enjoy them. Gives new meaning to recycling right? Mom and I are thinking about starting a new trend...in fact...we may do it as our blog today. Enjoy my friend, seeing you smile makes my heart do a little dance.
I swear I did not see any humans in that picture, nor did I laugh at the picture. Because laughing at an invisible human would be pretty silly, huh?
Mom is hoping to win the lottery so she can fly us all to SF to be photgrapher by Frolic.
Gen & Lefty
Congrats on your new gift from Bellatrix! Hope it turns out yummy and does not hurt your tummy.
~Baby and Lucy
Great family photo. Brother Dutch looks like such a comfy pillow!
Lafayette Lola
Puglet, did your human take the picture of herself with a self crime thingy on another camera? We be curious clandestine cats today.
Hi Puglet! I can't believe your human named her iPad Tofu! What's the deal with that? Mom hasn't named hers yet so if you have any ideas, please pass them my way.
How cool of Bellatrix to send you some treats. I've never had a bison ankle before but I'll try anything once. Save me one, okay?
Stubby xoxo
Mmmm... I don't know what a bison is, but I bet it has real tasty ankles!! LOVE the pic. It's like a candid family portrait. You're all doing what you do. You're supermodeling, your human is shooting, and Dutch is just being Dutch.
P.S. Tell your human that naming her iPad Tofu has given MY human another idea for a future pug name! Future pug?! (She must have noticed the concern on my face so she said, "Don't worry Noodle. We can barely afford you much less another pug!" WTPug?!?)
Oooh Bison yummy! Belly is so nice to send you two something special. We can't wait to see FFF next week...Tofu better behave!
We just got home from a marathon play day at the lake with Miley, Boka, Phoebe, Zoey, Buford T, Pearl Li Mae, Lacey and Bambi. Oh, and Dutch.
I swam a lot and ate soooo much, I'm about to slip into a food coma. But I've been kinda lame with the comments lately (ahem, Steve Jobs) and wanted to let everyone know that bison ankles are *insane*. I think Bellatrix should get an upset stomach more often.
Not really, but, y'know.
Anyway. I asked my human what the Tofu thing is all about and she said an iPad is "kinda like Tofu - a blank canvas that's pretty bland and useless until you add flavor. Flavor = an"app" in ipad land. No idea.
Noodle, you're so smart. Got it totally right about the family picture. The whole concept was my idea, of course. Getting Dutch to cooperate was like pulling teeth - he almost got cut from the shoot. Luckily he was able to handle being a pillow.
Clandestine Cats ~
There was another human with another camera taking the picture of us and my human. There will be pictures next week.
I think I'm going to sleep now. I think I ate too much watermelon. And crackers. And cheese.
The family picture is perfect! What a cool surprise package to receive in the mail! Bellatrix sure knows how to send great surprises.
I've never heard of ankles... are they just as scrumptious as bullie-sticks?
I don't want any bison ankles but I would like to nibble on puglet if you don't mind? :) I have 3 pugs from pug rescue and Big Dog Moe who is a lab doby mix. They all like for me to read Puglets adventures to them and Moe like to hear about your Dalmation because he feared he was the only BIG dog in the world stuck with pugs. I just adore your blog. It's on my blogroll and I just posted it on Facebook again! Keep on keeping on. Your blog is one of the delights of my life!
Blessings and puggery (And Big Boy) kisses all around!
Maitri Libellule
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