We got to Stubby's hotel about 10 minutes after he did and immediately dragged him to the beach. And by dragged, I mean his mom carried him. Stubby's an older dude and has been having some back problems lately, so he doesn't exactly cruise around like a 2 year old. But he's super feisty and gets around just fine if you're not hiking half a mile to the beach.
As always, the beach was superfun. Stubby's mom threw a tennis ball for me, Dutch ate some dead fish and Stubby chillaxed in the warm sun. Yes, I said sun. After I-don't-know-how-long, it finally came out. Unless Stubby brought it with him from Illinois?
Not sure.
Our spotted friends Boka + Miley met us on the beach and we all played for awhile. The humans talked, Dutch hung out with Stubby, I chased Miley, and Boka got in trouble for peeing on some angry dude's fish. There was some yelling, so we called it quits and headed for food.
Not just any food. Stubby food.
If you don't know Stubby, he has a thing for Popeyes fried chicken. Amazingly enough, Half Moon Bay (where Stubby is staying), town of 10,000 people has a Popeyes! I was superexcited to take Stubby there. And really superexcited to eat some chicken.
When we got to Popeyes, Stubby was going to wait in the car with his mom while the other human's went inside to get food. But my human said, "No way, you are the famous Stubby. This is California. You're coming into Popeyes."
So, Stubby went into Popeyes (we got stuck in the car) and they all came out with a big bag of Nuggets. Lots and lots of Nuggets. We went to a nearby park for a Popeys Picnic and I tried my best to be a good host. I didn't attack Stubby for getting too close to the Nuggets and offered his human a Nugget-scented napkin.

It was superfun to finally meet and hang out with Stubby and his mom. I don't think Stubby's ever had to share his Popeye's with so many empty stomachs, but I think he had fun too.
We're getting together again this Saturday and want to invite everyone to come too. Nuggets will be served!
WHEN: This Saturday!
WHERE: Crissy Field (meet at East Beach parking lot, near the small building with the windsock)
TIME: 11am
RSVP for more all the details / dailypuglet-at-gmail.com
MAP (click to make big)

* * *
PS: Awesomeness happening in the Virtual Pug (and other dogs and cat) Sunday gallery. Keep it coming! See yesterday's Daily Puglet if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
I'm so jealous you finally got to meet your Stubby! You guys had all the fun. Popeye's!! My mom would never let me have that...not for all the orbing in the world. I'm glad you guys had such a good time and if my mom didn't have to work on Saturday, I'd hang out with you guys. Bummer.
Please give Stubby a big hug from me, and tell him I am glad he's getting to enjoy beach time with you and Dutch.
Ummmm is the blue eyed dalmatian Boka, because like um wow....H-O-T!!
We LOVE that picture of Stubby and his mom!! The one of Stubby and his nose guard is cute too :) Stubby is such a cool dude and so nice of him to share his Popeye's nuggets with you :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
That is a great picture of Stubby with his tongue out!
Are plain old humans invited to Stubby's World Tour? Because although Benny the Cat would LOVE to eat some nuggets, I don't think he would love to go to the park. He's more of an inside kinda guy.
Yup - anyone can come! Even if you don't like Nuggets (like my human. and stubby's mom).
this post and pictures are so completely awesome! If Gertie could see, she'd have a supersnorty crush on Stubby!
So glad to finally meet you in the virtual fur, Stubby! You are a wise and green pug indeed. It would do well for your young followers to look to you for advice. Hope you enjoyed your Popeyes! And Puglet is such a gracious host : P
Wow Puglet,
What fun!!! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful visit. Those are some beautiful pictures.I love the one of Stubby and his Mom. Mom always says she would just love to kiss his face. How polite of you to offer up a popeyes scented napkin. I wish I could check out a leg of the Stubby world tour. I don't think there are any east coast dates though.
I am so super excited I get to meet Stubby. And, I've never had Popeye's before so looking forward to that too! Your day sounds fantastic... the beach, adventures and a picnic. I hope Stubby is enjoying San Francisco and maybe he will leave the sun he brought with him when he goes back to Illinois. See you Saturday!
How fun to meet Stubby! I'm so bummed I won'tbe able to come to the Saturday gathering (mom said she has a prior appt). Maybe next time?
Super cools that you got to meet Stubby...but even super coolers that yousa all got a Popeyes picnic outside in the sunshines. Super funny about the peeing on the fish thingy...the man shouldn't be to upsettums since he's gotta clean the fishums anyways befores he eattums its.
Licks you Laters,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Awww! I wish I could come meet Stubby. Sounds like so much fun, especially the Popeye's nuggets part. Puglet, you, Dutch and your person are such great host.
Oh Stubby, there you are and you're beautiful! No wonder Puglet has had a bromance with you. So glad you had such a good time and we are so drooling over your Popeye's treats. Glad the sun came out for your SF visit. Good luck on your World Tour. Puglet and Dutch, big hugs and glad you're enjoying yourselves. Oh and humans, glad you're having fun too. Snort, snort. :-)
Phoebe, Kizzy, Olita and Dutchy in Oregon
Awesome picture of Stubby and his mom, Puglet. What a fantastic day: Stubby, beach, peeing on a fish, nuggets,....WOW!!
Is that a drool bubble hanging off the side of Boka's mouth? He may be rethinking this whole vegetarian thing.
Maybe you could post a video of Saturday's Stubby Extravaganza for those of us who wish we could be there.
yay stubby man. thanks for represtin' the illinois dawgs.
Peeing on the yelling man's fish was probably deserved, he should have thrown it back into the ocean! Glad you had a super awesome time with Sir Stubby, he suuure is handsome, I love older men :)
Molly in PA
How much fun is this! Wish we could make it Saturday. Our Popeyes closed down, probably not enough Pugs in town!
Pearl and Tessa
Thats it! We don't have a Popeyes where we live but we have Chick-Fil-A and they have chicken nuggets. Our mom better take us there or at least get us takeout. Chicken + Nuggets = Happy Pugs. PS: Stubby is awesome.
Ellie, Emmitt & Eli pugs from San Antonio
Stubby! What a handsome fella!
Wow Stubby, the beach and Popeyes...what more could you ask for. Puglet you are a lucky dog. And we luvs the Stubby picture with his tongue out...so freaking cute!
our hearts and stomachs are with you, even if we are stuck at home. we didn't think yoou could be any cuter, but that pic of your tongue has us BOL!!and momma stibby, you look beautiful!
Gen and lefty
Noodle's mom here...
OMD! Stubby, you are adorable!! I love you! I'm so glad you and your human could come out to see our Puglet! We're all big fans. Safe travels on your world tour!!
Dude! I TOTALLY want to come up and hang out with you guys and meet your man Stubby, but my human says we have to work Saturday. POO!! I probably wouldn't get to try those nuggets anyway...
Have lots of fun!! I'll be thinking of you all.
The Noodle
Hey everybody!
Isn't Stubby the coolest? I'm superexcited about Saturday. We're going to email + add some more details now.
My human just came home smelling like a freaking stranger dog (male, puppy, that's all I know). Need to interrogate ASAP. Or at least score some serious guilt cookies.
PS: Bella~T,
My human says if you can convince your collective humans to let you come as Spencer's date, she will make sure you're returned home happy, tired and in one piece. No matter how much you orb, she won't feed you any Nuggets either (sorry about that).
Stubby, you made it all the way to the Pacific ocean!!! How cool is that! And to get to hang with Puglet, the star of the Green Pug video, is just too cool! I love love the pic of you licking your chops -- we knows how very very much you love your Popeyes! I'm sure you were a gentleman and shared nicely with all the other pups. Say hi to Puglet and Dutch and their mom and have safe travels as you continue your world tour!!
Puglet, I think it was so great of you to take Stubby to the beach! What a fantastic idea! And I'm really glad the sun came out there -- I don't think Stubby brought it with from Illinois because it's still shining here in Illinois! Glad you were able to enjoy it though (and I hope you didn't get into too much trouble peeing on a guy's fish).
oh what a wonderful visit you all had!
your photos are beyond gorgeous!
i am so glad you all got to eat popeye's together.
what could be better than that?
m & e
Hi Puglet! I had the best time yesterday dude! The beach was awesome and now I know why Mom wants to live there. And the Popeyes? Forget about it! That Popeyes picnic was the bomb! I will never forget it for as long as I live.
Thanks again for such a great day. I can hardly wait until Saturday. I'm going to get some extra sleep today and tomorrow so that I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed for all the activity!
Stubby xoxo
We're so glad that you guys got to meet up! The Green Video turned out to be the best video created on Youtube. We also love the blue video!
You lucky pugs!
I love the Stubby picture. He sure looks like he loves his Popeyes!
The Popeyes that we had in Kentucky moved away :(
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