Y'see I got this card thing in the mail the other day. It said I have a package waiting for me at the post office. It didn't say who it was from, so my human says that means I must have a secret admirer. Superexcited because I love getting mail and I really love having admirers.

A crisis so major, the geeks at our local Planet Best Buy couldn't fix it. SO big that it took not one, but TWO trips to the Apple store to only kinda sorta but not really fix it.
Of course by the time my human was finished swearing at the iPad, her gimpy brain was about to implode. And the post office was closed. So, the package is still being held hostage and my secret admirer is still a secret. When I kinda whined about it, my human snapped and said it's Steve Jobs fault, I should go whine to him.
(she was a lit-tle bit grumpy after all the iPad drama)
I don't know who this Steve Jobs guy is or why he's messing with my mail, but my human promised not to touch any new technology until *after* we go to the post office today. I'll keep you, uh, posted...
** UPDATE! **

Ooooohh... A two parter!! How exciting. The suspense is killing me!!
Go easy on Steve. Mom says he's her "hero", and changed her life (she's an Apple Freak!). I'm sure the problem was because of someone else at Apple - Steve wouldn't screw up like that.
Keep us posted on the surprise!
Arnie the Agility Pug
My human is a freak too - just not the same kind. She says apple stuff is "sexy" and awesome to look at but awful to use. Says she loses 50 IQ points anytime she turns on a Mac. Must be a gimpy brain thing.
The suspense is killing us all. Post soon! =)
Oohs...a surprisums...post as soon as you finds out okay...don't leaves us in suspense.
Licks you Laters,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Your human needs to be like my human and boycott the Monopoly that is Apple.
Waiting to see what your surprise is! Hurry back, Puglet :)
Molly in PA
Hi Puglet,
I am very excited to find out about your surprise. My Mom however is more interested in your Human's iPad. She has one too. She wants to know if when your Human helps you with your blog, does she use the iPad? Mom has not been able to post pictures or read other blogs with any kind of ease, so she still uses the laptop for posting. When your Human is able to discuss that Steve Jobs again, could you ask her?
Oooo I sure hope you get your surprise today! Dang that Steve Jobs anyway!
Puglet, we are so excited for you and for Dutch (don't forget that his name is on that chewed-up pinky thing too). Maybe you have rubber rattle snakes and rubber mountain lions to go with your rubber Henriettas.
Hey Puglet,
It's like Christmas in August except technology got in the way. I think Steve Jobs and Apple owe you some sort of tasty compensation for screwing up your day. You need to send an email to customer service.
By the way, your human is a trooper. Mine would have been a complete wacko after three trips to fix malfunctioning equipment. There would have been a full blown hissy fit involving yelling, arm flapping, walking in circles and accusing the offending component of trying to deliberately ruin her life. You're lucky yours doesn't go this nuts.
So like you to love having admirers, Puglet. That would explain the camera-hogging. You've REALLY got this supermodeling thing down: Love that portrait of you posing with the mailer in your mouth. Almost looks like you're posing for a school portrait.
Dang that Steve Jobs! Hope it's a really great surprise, for all the patience and waiting you've had to do!
Hi Puglet! First of all a question for you - your human was a lit-tle bit grumpy? Hmmm. Seems to me I overheard a conversation she had with Mom yesterday and there were lots of HBO words being said. Not that that's a problem, but all those words equal total grumpiness.
Mom hasn't played with iPad that much so maybe that's why she's not mad at Steve Jobs. She did have iPhone problems today at the store when she was trying to take a picture for Dad but hopefully she fixed the issue.
I'm super excited about your surprise package. Maybe it's tickets to somewhere exotic.
Stubby xoxo
We are so exctied to see what you got in the mail!!!!!
HBO I get it! lol
Nobody should mess with your mail, Puglet. You're a bona fide internet celebrity!
Hehe...mom loves to use HBO words. It's pretty cool because her and dad use them so much, I can too. Sorry your IPad got messed up. I got one for my dad for Father's Day and he loves it. Bummer big time for your mom.
My mummy can help you with the iPad thingy! She can't stay off it! aine
we wish we knew how to send you packages... we totally would!
<3 Mocha and Latte
Ohh my mommy was shaking her fist over AT&T today, there was a big outage in the state of Kentucky. Must have been the week for technology or whatever that is. Anyways, I'm super glad you got your treat!
Have at it Puglet! Tell that Steve Jobs who's boss! lol
Oh Bellatrix! You and your gifts from the heart. =)
The whole state of kentucky has no power? Did steve jobs have anything to do with it?
Tofu (the ipad) is a complete mystery. All my human wants to do with it is show pictures of frolic dogs and that was hard enough!
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