Since Friday's Freeze Frame was all about my ridiculously cute baby self, I thought it'd be cool to go big today. Like big big. Like, ginormous big. 185lb big.
185 lb big (and Jimmying!)
My mega-self's name is Flash and I met him at the beach yesterday before heading over to Pug Sunday. And I guess he's really a mastiff and not a 185lb pug, but he looks like a pug to me (a huge, long nosed, straight tailed pug!). Google says that's because pugs kinda come from mastiffs, however that works.
Flash was superfun to play with, but it was even more fun to watch him play with Dutch. We kinda ganged up on him. Hee hee. Dutch tried to act all cool, but you could tell he was a lit-tle freaked out by the mega-me(I'm guessing a 185lb pug is probably Dutch's worst nightmare).
My human always tells people that pugs are only little on the outside. I never really understood what that meant until I heard her tell Flash's dad that inside, I'm the same size as Flash.And I think that means HUGE.
Hi Puglet, looks like you had fun with your mega you!! I met a mastiff at a dog trial his name was Timothy and he was to die for. His head was bigger than my entire body and he was oh so sweet. I wanted to take him home but mom said he's crush our furniture. She said something else about dog slobber... whatever that is. Ellie from San Antonio
Flash was awesome. His drool was kinda crazy though. He totally slimed my human - it looked like she got attacked my a giant slug. Flash's owner was horrified, but my human was cool with it.
My mom is totally cool with the drool, but the dude in our house is more than a little hesitant. We thought about an English bulldog, too, but my snoring drives the guy crazy, and we heard that EB's are major loud snorers! My folks went to the dog show to look at mastiffs, but I didn't get to go. Quick funny story- the folks bought our 13 year old girl a new bedroom set as a surprise. When they pulled up in a U-Haul, she thought her surprise was the English Mastiff... and it was too big to fit in the car, so they had to rent a truck! A little disappointed when they opened the back and she saw a bed and stuff! Lafayette Lola
Oh, you *know* I wasn't afraid of Flash. He was a tiny bit afraid of me though. I kinda accidentally went poodle on him (if you know what I mean) and he was NOT expecting it at all.
Everyone laughed when he ran away from my little puggy self. Except for my human. She just got mad and grounded me. Again. Said she's going to get rid of Nikon if I don't start behaving.
NOOOOOOO! Puglet! Do we have to have an intervention?! You've got to contain yourself. Don't be goin' all "poodle" on every big dog you see! You're on your way to superstardom, but you're sabotaging yourself. Don't become the doggy version of Lindsey and Paris. (I've seen them in my human's magazines. Apparently, they're famous by being bad.) Don't give your human a reason to take Nikon away!! What would we do without you?!
Oh Noodle, I couldn't help it. Flash was being all, uh, Flashy! Was I just supposed to stand there in his shadow while he hogged the whole entire camera with his 185 lb head??
Don't get me wrong, Flash was a really cool guy. But everypug has his limits and I guess I reached mine. Again.
Oh yeah -- the poodle? He was at Pug Sunday! And he tried to STEAL Henrietta! Uh huh. I knew that poodle was trouble. No one ever listens to me.
The Michigan Puggie - Founding Chair Pooch of the Puglet Fan Club
Howdie from the Michigan Puggie...WOW how cool...sort of like a twin brother whose genes just sort of took off on the growing side of it and he just grew...a nice guy to be there in case ya run through a shady neigborhood at night...I don't have a twin, but I am an only dog who reapts all the awesome attention my great human wll shower on me...but it is not showers but snow to look towards and lots and lots of sweaters for me...BIG smile...the frost advisoroes are up and the trees are like getting what my human calls FLAME red..hhmm...sort of like you Puglet so HOT but soooo COOL.... BIG puggie girl smile...'aaahhh' for such a hunkie pooch!
that is a rather large head now that you mention it I think we have a new phrase here WP "went poodle" , although, of course, we hope it doesn't become a habit, for your sake, Puglet!
Hi Puglet, looks like you had fun with your mega you!! I met a mastiff at a dog trial his name was Timothy and he was to die for. His head was bigger than my entire body and he was oh so sweet. I wanted to take him home but mom said he's crush our furniture. She said something else about dog slobber... whatever that is.
Ellie from San Antonio
I like being a mini mastiff. I definitely feel like a 185 pound dog on the inside!
- Rosie the Party Pug
Great post, Puglet! I definitely see the resemblance!
Heya Puglet,
I don't think they make massive pugs in PA ... and I'm totally ok with that!
Molly in PA
Hey Moly from PA, our mom is from Wilkes-Barre. She told us it snows in PA. We don't know what snow is.
Ellie, Emmitt and Elie in Texas
THAT is SO COOL!!! You two almost look like you could have been in that TWINS movie the Govinator and Danny DeVito made years ago.
Love Noodles
I love that last pic!
And Pug, I'm pretty sure that Benny the Cat thinks he is a giant human. Obviously, he is not as smart as you - he can't even get the species right!
Mack the pug here today--I knew I was a big dog just hiding in a little body! Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
Drools and licks,
Mack and not Minnie today
Hi Pug!
Your human did a great job of capturing a fun time with the super pug. Sure looks like You and Dutch had a fantastic time.
Hahah Dutch was probably very confused!!!
Very cute pictures!
~The Monster Crew
Wow! You sure are brave & mighty one, Puglet! Flash is HUGE! My mom says that, although I am small in size, I am the biggest character inside.
We have totally been thinking about getting an English Mastiff! Flash is oh so super big... and super cute!
Lafayette Lola
Small body big personality! That's you pug. That giant dog ain't got nothin' on you. I bet you ran circles around him.
Flash was awesome. His drool was kinda crazy though. He totally slimed my human - it looked like she got attacked my a giant slug. Flash's owner was horrified, but my human was cool with it.
Lafayette Lola - you HAVE to get a Flash! And bring him to Pug Sunday!!!
OMG!!!!Love the first picture, it is showing the small Pug and how you feel on the inside. Flash is huge, and looks real cool.
Rambo and Miss Ellie
My mom is totally cool with the drool, but the dude in our house is more than a little hesitant. We thought about an English bulldog, too, but my snoring drives the guy crazy, and we heard that EB's are major loud snorers! My folks went to the dog show to look at mastiffs, but I didn't get to go.
Quick funny story- the folks bought our 13 year old girl a new bedroom set as a surprise. When they pulled up in a U-Haul, she thought her surprise was the English Mastiff... and it was too big to fit in the car, so they had to rent a truck! A little disappointed when they opened the back and she saw a bed and stuff!
Lafayette Lola
You are *note* afraid to stand under that mastiff! You are truly fierce inside Puglet! we all know it
Aw, Lola -
I'm sorry your 13 year old was disappointed by the Uhaul, but I bet you're kinda relieved, huh?
Oh, you *know* I wasn't afraid of Flash. He was a tiny bit afraid of me though. I kinda accidentally went poodle on him (if you know what I mean) and he was NOT expecting it at all.
Everyone laughed when he ran away from my little puggy self. Except for my human. She just got mad and grounded me. Again. Said she's going to get rid of Nikon if I don't start behaving.
No Nikon, no blog.
No Nikon, no cookies.
Uh oh.
I used to live with a flash, I miss him. Pearl is ok to live with, but I miss the old lug.
NOOOOOOO! Puglet! Do we have to have an intervention?! You've got to contain yourself. Don't be goin' all "poodle" on every big dog you see! You're on your way to superstardom, but you're sabotaging yourself. Don't become the doggy version of Lindsey and Paris. (I've seen them in my human's magazines. Apparently, they're famous by being bad.) Don't give your human a reason to take Nikon away!! What would we do without you?!
Tessa - I can't believe you lived with a Flash. How cool! I mean, if you can't BE a Flash, I guess living with one is the next best thing.
Oh Noodle, I couldn't help it. Flash was being all, uh, Flashy! Was I just supposed to stand there in his shadow while he hogged the whole entire camera with his 185 lb head??
Don't get me wrong, Flash was a really cool guy. But everypug has his limits and I guess I reached mine. Again.
Oh yeah -- the poodle? He was at Pug Sunday! And he tried to STEAL Henrietta! Uh huh. I knew that poodle was trouble. No one ever listens to me.
Howdie from the Michigan Puggie...WOW how cool...sort of like a twin brother whose genes just sort of took off on the growing side of it and he just grew...a nice guy to be there in case ya run through a shady neigborhood at night...I don't have a twin, but I am an only dog who reapts all the awesome attention my great human wll shower on me...but it is not showers but snow to look towards and lots and lots of sweaters for me...BIG smile...the frost advisoroes are up and the trees are like getting what my human calls FLAME red..hhmm...sort of like you Puglet so HOT but soooo COOL.... BIG puggie girl smile...'aaahhh' for such a hunkie pooch!
that is a rather large head now that you mention it I think we have a new phrase here WP "went poodle" , although, of course, we hope it doesn't become a habit, for your sake, Puglet!
PS Don't forget about the Yeti! still dying to see you do it
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