So, I guess Daisy got bored taking pictures of Dutch and asked if she could shoot me instead. He hee. Another win for the fat necks! Here's some of what we did on Wednesday:
I played with bubbles.
Posed with wall art(made my tail extra curly too).
I posed my butt off all over The Mission.
Found a magic snack bucket (it's on Valencia Street & 22nd!)
And helped Daisy practice her timing by catching falling snacks.
We (meaning Daisy and my human - I don't think dogs are allowed) are doing a gallery show for SPARK (the mentoring people) next month we're going to need to pick favorites. I really like the one where I'm watching food fall from the sky.
Wesa like the 1st won with the purple shoe ties and the one that says "Valencia." Those two are two paws up. Much luvums, The Slimmer Puggums George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
I love the snack bucket one! It looks like you're actually asking for permission and I know my pugs would've never asked before helping themselves. It's their birthright and duty to heartily consume anything they may come upon.
I don't think any photo you're in could be anything but FAB, and Daisy is doing a great job. Are you sure you didn't lock Dutch in a closet somewhere so you could get Daisy's attention and camera time? Hehe. Me and mom's favorites are you with the purple-laced gym shoes - cool, and your handsome curly tail.
Puglet, you're so handsome in all of them. Great colors in Valencia and your mug is so cute in the treat bucket. I'll bet Daisy could do a much better job capturing my cuteness than my mom does. XOXO Scoutie
Hi - found your blog the other day from the "green puglet" video. Now I'm hooked! Love the great photos you take - Puglet is so photogenic! We've been teaching our pug, Sid, how to Jimmy.
I am away on vacation and miss my puggy wuggy and my mutt. I love these pics because they make me think of my four-legged furry friends at home that give unconditional love. Thank you for your blog. I look forward to every new post.
Wesa like the 1st won with the purple shoe ties and the one that says "Valencia." Those two are two paws up.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
I love the snack bucket one! It looks like you're actually asking for permission and I know my pugs would've never asked before helping themselves. It's their birthright and duty to heartily consume anything they may come upon.
Hee hee, Puggypoo. I wasn't asking permission - I was asking for help! My fat puggy neck was too short to reach the bottom of the bucket :(
the extra curly tail!
I love the food falling from the sky picture. The half grin of anticipation and sheer delight that IT IS RAINING FOODABLES!! Good job Puglet
We like the tennis ball one best. :) And the curly tail one too (but we might be biased...) :) Good job, Daisy!
Every one of them are stinking cute! We like the food falling from sky or looking for help one best though.
Pearl and Tessa
Hey Puglet,
I don't think any photo you're in could be anything but FAB, and Daisy is doing a great job. Are you sure you didn't lock Dutch in a closet somewhere so you could get Daisy's attention and camera time? Hehe.
Me and mom's favorites are you with the purple-laced gym shoes - cool, and your handsome curly tail.
Heya Puglet!
TGIF, buddy :)
My human and I both vote for the falling snacks photo because a) I like raining treats and b) my human loves your new snazzy harness.
Dutch got the boot twice this week (neck modeling & Daisy modeling):
Dutch - 0 / Pug - 2!
Enjoy your weekend ~
Molly in PA the playish look of your little ears and the wrinkles on your forehead!
Minnie and Mack
Curly tails rule!
This is so hard, Puglet! They're all great pics but if you twisted my tail and made me choose...I'm going to go with "Valencia".
Hmm...they are so good!
I likes the bubbles one the best! (and that has nothing to do with my bubble obsession or anything)
Tennis ball. Paws down.
Maybe the magic snack bucket as a close second.
I love everything about the tennis ball - your intent stare, the lovely colour of the ball, the shoes, the paint on the sidewalk.
The magic snack bucket picture really captures your gorgeous expressive face.
Food falling from the sky is good, but the curly tail!!!!! is so awesome.
Nice job in ALL of the photos Pug!
Puglet, you're so handsome in all of them. Great colors in Valencia and your mug is so cute in the treat bucket. I'll bet Daisy could do a much better job capturing my cuteness than my mom does.
LOVE the tail!!
But the treats falling from the sky photo is my favorite!
Love the curly tail! That's the best part of my puggies!
i like you staring at the bubbles, and your froggy face pic (last one). By the way, you are looking very slender in some pics!
I'm glad everyone likes my extra-curly tail! It took a lit of concentration to get it so tight. Usually it looks kinda like a cheese doodle.
Hi - found your blog the other day from the "green puglet" video. Now I'm hooked! Love the great photos you take - Puglet is so photogenic! We've been teaching our pug, Sid, how to Jimmy.
Hi Sid & Brian!
Good luck with the Jimmy'ing! We want to see a video when you get it figured out :)
The extra-curly tail got a nice touch. Somehow different
I am away on vacation and miss my puggy wuggy and my mutt. I love these pics because they make me think of my four-legged furry friends at home that give unconditional love. Thank you for your blog. I look forward to every new post.
lovely colour of the ball, the shoes, the paint on the sidewalk. I like your tail.
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