I'm going to let Dutch hog the blog today - even though he got to model for Daisy yesterday and I didn't. Totally not happy about the Daisy situation, but he still gets to hog the blog because I just found out he's a grandfather.

One of these is not like the others.
One puppy has black spots like Dutch (they call him Denver) and the other has liver spots (they call him Lil' Little because he used to be really small). They're four months old and only a little bigger than me. Both of them are supercute and still looking for a perfect home.
Oh. Almost forgot - the baby spots are part of this cool thing called the Dalmatian Heritage Project. The project makes special dalmatians who don't have something wrong with their pee that makes boy dogs get stoned or something? It's a little confusing to me, but you can read about it on their website.
Anyway. We had a whole bunch of fun with the spotted puppies. Lil Little took grandpaw Dutch for a walk around the yard and that made the humans laugh. I started a game of keep away with my new squeaky bee and the little spots chased me around trying to get it. I won most of the time.
There's going to be a bunch of more pictures on the stupid Frolic blog. I'm sure my human will make me tell you about it. Oh, and if you know any awesome humans who are looking for a spotted puppy, let me know!
Hiya Pug!
Holy dose of spotted cuteness -- TONS of congratulations to Grandpaw Dutch! Does that make you like an honorary Uncle Puglet or something?
My human can't wait to see the stupid frolic pictures!
Enjoy your day,
Molly in PA
Wow, Pug! That's a whole lotta spots! Could they possibly be any cuter? That looks like so much fun, playing with the grandpups.
So cool that Miley and Boka know all the Spots and they could arrange a family reunion.
Mu mom reads the stupid daily frolic, but not me- I'm all about the Pug. Not traitor's in this house.
Lafayette Lola
So I know that Dutch totally stole your spot with Daisy, but he's totally getting comfortable in front of her Nikon (?).
Great shot!
Dutch the stud - who knew?!
These spotted grandpups are just plain crazy cute. Hopefully they'll be adopted by humans who live close by and then there will be more family reunions.
Does Dutch keep in touch with the spotted lady he knocked-up or is that relationship totally over?
He really seems to enjoy modeling for Daisy. Cool photo!
Dutch had puppies? Who knew! Wow Puglet! I guess that makes you a great uncle! :)
Today's post really made my human laugh. First of all the picture that says, "One of these is not like the other", made her laugh right out loud. Then the comment about Dutch keeping in touch with the spotted lady he "knocked-up" made her laugh out loud again. I think this dailypuglet blog thing is really good for her. She says laughing is good medicine. Well, she got a good dose of medicine today. All those spots made me and the gang kind of dizzy, but we loved them.
Also kudos for Bouncer and positive thoughts for Lola.
Phoebe, Kizzy, Olita and Dutchy in Oregon.
Oh congratulations Dutch!!!! How exciting that you were able to meet your little grand babies!!! They are adorable!
~The Monster Crew
Talk about fall over from laughing funny!! Did you not think we would find you between all them spots?? Now really.. one is not like the other, good one Puglet. We laughed so hard we snotted!
Congrats Dutch on being a grand dad, cute kids.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
PS mom almost pee'd herself from laughing!
Wow! Dutch's grandkids are adorable, was he happy about meeting them Puglet?
Meanwhile, it looks like Daisy is doing great with her photography, nice shot she took there. I'm sorry it wasn't of you Puglet. :)
Oh congratulations to Dutch. He must be very proud. He should be, those boys are georgeous! I especially love the lil' Little. What a beautiful face. Almost makes me want another puppy around here. Woah, better get back to my senses!
Uhm, I asked Dutch about the knocking-up thing and he doesn't even remember the girl's name. He only met her once. Guess it was one of those one night stand things.
He did meet his daughter Serena once (the puppies mom). I saw a picture and she looks a lot like Dutch - it's kinda creepy.
The puppies made my human want another puppy too. I'm not sure I want a permanent puppy, but maybe we could foster one, even though I took the empty dog spot.
That picture of you amongst the dalmations is too funny! A Puglet amongst spots! Yet somehow, you all fit together... : )
I can't believe I got fired from the modeling gig with Daisy! My human said it's only because there's more of Dutch to photograph. They're doing some project called 101 ways to shoot a dog or something and I guess Dutch is better for that because he has spots? No idea.
I think Daisy is using my human's little Casio and Dutch isn't afraid of it because it doesn't have a giant black eyeball like Nikon does. He's still looking sideways in most of the pictures, and if he's not looking sideways, he's not looking happy. So silly.
Who knew Dutch could model? you seem to be influencing a lot of dogs: Frank, Dutch...
Wow! I see a theme here. First there was Frank. Now, there are Dutch's grandpuppies. Did you notice how awesome Daisy's picture of Dutch is? Reminds me of someone else's work. Yup, I think your human has her own "mini me!" BOL!!!
Yes, Noodle. I did notice how awesome Daisy's picture of DUTCH is. So far, Daisy has taken 159 pictures of him and only like 20 of me. I must fix that.
Oh, Pug, you are so funny. I was only commenting on you all having smaller versions of yourselves. Imitation is the finest form of flattery, you know! As for Daisy's picture tally of Dutch, uhm, isn't this good for Dutch since he hates being photographed? Aren't there, like, a WHOLE bunch more photos of you? I'm just saying'....
"...don't have something wrong with their pee that make boy dogs get stoned..." Hahahaha.... I just read about that Dalmation Heritage Project! Sounds pretty cool, but I think you and I should have a little talk about biology!
Well, she got a good dose of medicine today. I saw a picture and she looks a lot like Dutch.
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